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17 European Projects Found

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TESS - Teaching in Europe for a Successful School

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

The project TESS (Training in Europe for a Successful School) has as its main aim the development of professional and personal competences/skills at a European level. It is our intention to widen the opportunities offered to our staff to develop their knowledge and competences and exchange innovative experiences with professionals from other countries. This project, as the title suggests, is the r ...
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Staff Development

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016,

Having already joined other Life Learning projects in the past we strongly believed that this experience would have enriched both pupils and staff as well as families and local institutions offering them Intercultural benefits and great potential value from training courses, the teaching assignment and the job shadowing which would have helped to give a European dimension and it has. The main ...
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Informačné technológie a počítačová grafika bez hraníc

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015,

We would like to organize this project in order to help our students to participate in a vocational training abroad that concentrates on the IT sector and on digital media. The work in firms helps our students to gain an idea about their possibilities after finishing their studies, the theoretical knowledge transforms into practical skills, and students acquire valuable experience not only in thei ...
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Start date: Feb 28, 2013, End date: May 30, 2015,

The project aims at the enhancement of SPAs located in the cross-border area, between the province of Sondrio and the Grisons canton. Although the SPA sector needs a competitive re-launch, it is still an important element for tourist attractiveness to the cross-border area. To support the SPA sector also means to help support the entire tourist industry, encouraging initiatives that will contribut ...
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Vivere le Alpi, percorsi storici (VIALPES)

Start date: Feb 29, 2012, End date: Feb 28, 2014,

The project VIALPES ("VIvere le ALpi PErcorsi Storici" italian acronym for Living the Alps historical routes) aims at the integrated development of tourist services along the Via Priula historical route. The route in question crosses Morbegno and Valchiavenna (Province of Sondrio) and the Suisse Bregaglia Regions and therefore permits to connect Morbegno with the existing routes of Spluga, Bregagl ...
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Alta Rezia Evolution Valtellina Valposchiavo Bike

Start date: Sep 30, 2010, End date: Sep 29, 2013,

The project involves the development and promotion of tourism in the territories of province of Sondrio and the Valposchiavo through the development, promotion and the integration of the offer destined to mountain bikers making the most of cycling environmental and natural features of routes (roads and walking paths mountains, dirt roads, mule trails, military roads). There will be presentati ...
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The project addresses the issue of water use and environmental protection in the mountain area. In the Project, established by the Province of Sondrio and the canton of Grisons, where production units and are important habitats of high natural value, are taken into examinations of the potential problems associated with the use of hydropower and water safeguards natural aquatic environments. Th ...
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Start date: Dec 31, 2008, End date: Dec 30, 2011,

The design of an observation tour to the High Rezia expected to create a substantially software tool support and shared between the organization and the Alta Valtellina Valposchiavo for the periodic collection and processing of data on key indicators of economic activities linked to tourism and the whole field of all'indotto surfed. The tool will be made ??available to the tourist offices of t ...
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The progressive social and economic marginality of the mountain areas is matched with the decreasing offer of goods and services available for inhabitants (especially for the weakest categories).This causes a decrease in the quality of life and local identity: many surveys report that the progressive depopulation of mountain areas is due to the desire to look for services at an urban quality level ...
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Il presente progetto intende completare questo percorso, arricchendo il “pacchetto Alta Rezia” con le attrattive rappresentate dal termalismo, dal golf e dagli sport giovanili, adatte per migliorare l’offerta complessiva in diverse direzioni. La fase preliminare di attuazione del progetto prevede l’organizzazione di un ufficio che possa costituire da riferimento per i partner e per gli operatori c ...
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Nello spirito di Alta Rezia, che vuole favorire l’integrazione tra Valtellina, Valposchiavo, Val Monastero ed Engadina, “Alta Rezia Bike” intende creare una zona transfrontaliera per il ciclismo di risonanza internazionale, sul modello dei grandi comprensori sciistici. Nello sviluppo di quest’iniziativa una particolare attenzione e rivolta all’ecocompatibilita dei pacchetti proposti (educazione al ...
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Il progetto e nato su iniziativa delle societa che gestiscono i trasporti a fune in Alta Valtellina e in Alta Engadina al fine di individuare accordi che consentano una maggiore integrazione dei due comprensori. Questa collaborazione prende avvio gia nel 1998 con il Progetto Interreg II - Alta Rezia “Valtellina, Valposchiavo, Engadina: turismo tutto l’anno” all’interno del quale sono stati concepi ...
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Il progetto si propone di potenziare e promuovere l’offerta turistica, favorire la valorizzazione di localita turistiche minori e di forme di turismo alternativo a quello tradizionalmente presente nell’area, attraverso la riscoperta e valorizzazione dei percorsi storici transfrontalieri. Nel dettaglio le azioni riguardano: •• Individuazione ed allestimento dei percorsi per permettere una loro pie ...
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Il progetto e la prosecuzione di un’iniziativa svoltasi nel precedente triennio. Il sistema turistico di Valtellina, Valposchiavo ed Engadina e caratterizzato da una forte mobilita interna da parte del turista legata sia al fascino delle localita principali (St. Moritz, Bormio, Livigno) sia alle attrattive esistenti sul territorio come il Trenino Rosso del Bernina (Ferrovia Retica), le reti di sen ...
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La Comunita Montana Valtellina di Morbegno ed il partner elvetico hanno ritenuto opportuno attivarsi al fine di creare le condizioni per unadeguata promozione delle risorse dei propri territori, in particolare per quanto riguarda la conoscenza delle caratteristiche socio-culturali, nonché le possibilita di fruizione turistica dei medesimi. In questottica, negli anni 2003, 2004 e 2005, sono state ...
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Il progetto punta a valorizzare lalpeggio quale punto dappoggio per la fruizione della montagna alpina, quale luogo dove poter sostare e ottenere utili informazioni per proseguire verso ulteriori mete, dove poter acquistare i prodotti delle casere, con possibilita di degustarli in loco. Lescursionista si rendera conto che gli alpeggi non offrono servizi standardizzati, ma che, imparando conoscere ...
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...riequilibrio della chioma e stato effettuato da ditte specializzate. Prospettive per il proseguimento del progetto a) Promozione associazione castanicoltori Comunita Montana Valtellina di Tirano b) Marchio Della Castagna Retica
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