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Informačné technológie a počítačová grafika bez hraníc
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

We would like to organize this project in order to help our students to participate in a vocational training abroad that concentrates on the IT sector and on digital media. The work in firms helps our students to gain an idea about their possibilities after finishing their studies, the theoretical knowledge transforms into practical skills, and students acquire valuable experience not only in their study field, but in life abroad as well. The work and life abroad serves for the students as a certain impulse to carry on their work towards a lifelong learning process. a/ The project will concentrate on the improvement of competence in the vocational subjects such as graphic design of digital media, which is an important part of the vocational education, and also an essential element of the school-leaving examination in the field of graphic of digital media. We expect from the project: -to develop and to improve practical skills of the students in the application of vector and bitmap editing in the creation of 2D graphics, mainly in the creation of advertisements -to learn new skills in prepress, press and postpress -to learn about the work of international organizations, about the process of creation, about the phases of creating advertisements and advertising graphics -apart from vocational skills, we would like to see an improvement in the language skills as well -to learn about the culture and life of Italy, which belongs to the most developed countries from the perspective of graphics and advertising industry, which enables our students a lot of possibilities in their professional development b/ The study programme Information and network technologies prepare students in the fields of software applications, network technologies, programming, PC architecture, operating systems, server technologies and database applications. From the first year, we emphasise the importance of self-study by reading professional texts in English language. We expect from the vocational training abroad the following: -to improve the language skills in the professional terminology of IT in English -students are during their studies part of the international network academy Cisco Networking Academy. We would welcome an exchange of experience in education within this academy. -we would like our students to attend laboratory practices within IT -fourth-year students work on a so called end-term projects. We would welcome projects concentrating on this vocational training project as their topic in the IT field. Problems and needs: -students need to try vocational training abroad, in order to gain a certain idea about their possibilities after finishing their studies -our school is not always able to ensure the latest and most modern equipment for our students -students can practice their skills form the field of network technology and digital media only partially during the school's practical trainings, in case of this project students will be able to work with the technologies individually, for a longer time and more in a more intense way -students do not have the chance to communicate in English every day, to work on their professional vocabulary -the teachers of the vocational subjects are not always able to present for the students the latest methods and techniques in their fields for various reasons (financial, availability of programmes, the number of teaching hours, etc.). We would like to carry out our project in Italy, Milan. The fields of studies of our students are: -Information and network technology: 15 fourth-year students -Graphic of digital media: 15 fourth-year students. The vocational training should take place at the end of October and in the beginning of November 2014. Our target country is Italy, more precisely Milan, which is well-known as the centre of Italian economy with a developed industrial sector and with a lot of successful firms. The IT sector of this city is also strong and the organizations of this city use only the latest technologies. Since the IT technology and digital media represent the bases of a successful trade, we think that this city will be ideal for our students. One of our institutional aims is to improve the mobility of students and their participation in short-term vocational trainings, and this city serves this aim sufficiently. Students will be motivated for self-development and, of course, our school also becomes visible and popular among the future candidates.
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