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Start date: Mar 31, 2009, End date: Mar 30, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project addresses the issue of water use and environmental protection in the mountain area. In the Project, established by the Province of Sondrio and the canton of Grisons, where production units and are important habitats of high natural value, are taken into examinations of the potential problems associated with the use of hydropower and water safeguards natural aquatic environments. The project brings together local authorities, some of the main energy companies, managers of protected areas and subjects of applied research. activities where the project is possible to study in a coordinated and shared problems of the topic in question, identify possible solutions, implementing these interventions, including through innovative and experimental approaches, and finally monitor their effects. The definition of these measures will in future years, even after the end of the project, better environmental management of hydropower production in the area. / Il progetto affronta il tema dell'uso dell'acqua e della tutela ambientale in ambito montano. Nell'area di Progetto, costituita dalla Provincia di Sondrio e da parte del Cantone Grigioni, ove sono presenti importanti unita produttive e habitat di grande pregio naturale, sono prese in esami le potenziali criticita connesse con l'utilizzo idroelettrico dell'acqua e la salvaguarda degli ambienti acquatici naturali. Il progetto riunisce gli enti locali, alcune delle principali aziende energetiche, i gestori delle aree protette e soggetti delle ricerca applicata. Le attivita in cui il progetto si articola consentono di studiare in modo coordinato e condiviso le problematiche del tema in esame, individuare le possibili soluzioni, mettere in atto tali interventi, anche attraverso approcci innovativi e sperimentali, ed infine monitorarne gli effetti. La definizione di tali interventi consentira negli anni futuri, anche dopo il termine del progetto, una migliore gestione ambientale delle produzione idroelettrica nell'area. Achievements: The project, already completed, concerned 11 protected areas amid parks and SPAs (Special Protection Areas) and 4 river areas with high naturalistic value, through an intervention aimed to renew the so called "Ecological Corridors". A framework of the natural features and criticalities of the provincial water catchment has been drawn up together with a plan to improve the river habitats by the restocking of some indigenous river species. The training for supervisors has been carried out by the members of the local fishing association.
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  • 49.5%   738 998,85
  • 2007 - 2013 Italy - Switzerland (IT-CH)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

7 Partners Participants