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TESS - Teaching in Europe for a Successful School
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project TESS (Training in Europe for a Successful School) has as its main aim the development of professional and personal competences/skills at a European level. It is our intention to widen the opportunities offered to our staff to develop their knowledge and competences and exchange innovative experiences with professionals from other countries. This project, as the title suggests, is the result of the self-evaluation process implemented in our institution and the recognition of the need to continuously improve the teaching practice, the motivation of our school community and the development of the European Dimension linked to the pursuit of the quality "service" we want to offer, mainly to our students. The values of tolerance and respect for others and for other cultures are essential if we want to create a European quality for the generations who are going to be educated in our schools. Given the current globalization, in which the future means relationships and integration in European countries, the search for training and for the knowledge of what is done in other countries with similar or completely different realities are a necessary and extremely important source for the personal and professional experience of our institution staff. We are educating generations of Europeans, with a geographically expanded world of work, who need all the tools we can provide them. Considering the needs of the institution, we defined three main areas of action: first, and through structured courses, we intend to provide our staff the opportunity to develop the competences in Languages and Methodologies, thus to improve communication skills in a real context so that we can enlarge the number of professionals able to share knowledge and experiences and communicate effectively in foreign languages. By enlarging these competences, we may provide our school community with new methods consistent with a Modernized and Updated School. We also strongly believe that acquiring new competences is not a finished process when higher education ends, it is continuous, lifelong learning, allowing personal and therefore the institutional growth. Training the staff, we train the institution and the students, now and in the future. Second, the Job-Shadowing will lead us to know what is done in other European countries related School Organisation and Management, having as expectations innovation, improvement in this area in our institution, exchange of experiences and share of knowledge and good practice. The knowledge of other practices can develop the Management know-how as well as introduce innovative methods that will bring benefit to the whole school community and especially to the personal and academic success of our students. Finally, we intend to provide the opportunity of experiencing different educational systems through teaching in foreign classes while also giving our students the opportunity of contacting with teachers from other countries, who can teach through new methodologies and strategies. These new experiences will innovate the educational practice, create greater motivation in our staff and, consequently, in our students who will be able to take advantage of the new knowledge acquired and share it with the rest of the school community, always bearing in mind the improvement of the teaching – learning process, a better integration and the greater success of our students. The participants are teachers and management staff that are devided in several groups according to the mobility activity: foreign language communication skills, attending structured courses, doing job shadowing andparticipating in teaching assignments so that they can integrate or propose projects we intend to develop within our internationalization programme. The expected outcomes are: improve the educational practice with different tools and methods; the improvement of students results in the school and national examinations; increase satisfaction and motivation in students; build on a European culture that includes offering foreign languages since early primary education, share and learn about different systems of school organization that can bring an alternative view to our institution, withening the partner schools network of our institution so that we can become a more and more European institution. This project has as its main objective the overall improvement of the teaching and learning process and the increasing quality in the organization / management that we intend to have in our institution, thus providing it with a local distinctive reference and long term recognition nationally and internationally.

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