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15 European Projects Found

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Industrial food production serves to satisfy basic human needs and the dairy industry accounts with 13% turnover for the total food and drink industry in Europe. The aim of the project SUSMILK is to initialise a system change within the whole process chain for market milk and milk products to minimise energy and water consumption and establish renewable energy resources. Milk processing is charact ...
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Rapid Open Innovation – speeding Time To Market (Rapid OI)

Start date: Aug 31, 2012, End date: Feb 27, 2015,

Nel rapporto Innovation Union Scoreboard 2011, l'Italia viene valutata con unaperformance complessiva sullInnovazione inferiore alla media e in particolare i punti didebolezza sono rappresentati dai livelli di imprenditorialità, dalle reti e dagliinvestimenti da parte delle aziende. LAustria, invece, ha una posizione migliore, i cuipunti di forza sono dati dai sistemi di ricerca aperta e dalla tut ...
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The project Trans2Care involves and integrates the expertise of 13 institutes of research, training, health care and technology transfer. It seeks to establish a permanent two-way flow of knowledge transfer between the partners, industrial companies and other stakeholders, aimed at establishing a system that can generate innovative products and services to public health, in particular for the prev ...
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La mobilità nella moderna società rappresenta un bisogno base e un elementoonnipresente della vita quotidiana. Una mobilità limitata non è più attrattiva per isingoli, per i paesi, per i comuni, per le città e per le regioni intere. Nel progetto »Leuchtturmprojekt e-Mobilität« sarà incoraggiata la cooperazione tra due frontiere. Alivello politico si proverà a fare crescere il più possibile l´atten ...
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Skill development organizational models, tools, and networking between the world of scientific research and local economic stakeholders in the web of cross-border regions. Expected Results: Establish an effective and sustainab ...
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Health of people, safety of workers, sport performance, new cultures and lifestyles, customised fashion products will be drivers to promote European Consumer Goods on the global market, exploiting the European historical culture and knowledge on manufacturing processes and products as well as the proactive European consumer market, always looking for new frontiers in terms of comfort, satisfaction ...
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ORGANZA - Network of Medium Sized Creative Cities (ORGANZA)

Start date: Dec 31, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2012, regions, coming from The Netherlands, United Kingdom, Belgium, Germany, Romania and Italy . To share the knowledge of these practices, interregional seminars have taken place in Nottingham (UK), Treviso (IT), Arnhem (NL) and Iais (RO) for Organza project partners and local stakeholders. The actual adaption of the selected practices within regions has already begun within pilot actions focusing ...
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Textile Excellence in EU-MED Partners (TEMP)

Start date: Dec 1, 2009, End date: Nov 30, 2012,

"The project main goal is to enhance the S&T cooperation in the Textile & Clothing field between Portugal, Italy and Tunisia by reinforcing strategic partnerships in this 3 research entities and 3 Innovation Promotion Associations. This will be achieved by combined actions and activities, such as: - Exchange and mobilization of human and material resources between partnering organizations; - Knowl ...
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IP-SMEs project proposes to boost competitiveness, innovation and technology transfer actions of SMEs in Med Area improving the actual assistance by BIOs and Institutions aiming at increasing SMEs awareness and enforcement toward IP instruments. This model, with 5 innovative services, transnational I&TT operations and related upgrade of operators, will be tested directly to local selected SMEs, c ...
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RFID from Farm to Fork (RFID-F2F)

Start date: May 1, 2010, End date: Aug 31, 2012,

The pilot aims at showcasing to SMEs in the food sector what is needed in terms of technology, business processes, skills and management for an RFID implementation delivering in-house business value and identifying which food information is required to fulfil society's, citizens and/ or organisations needs.Related to this call for pilot projects, the European Commission funds through the FP7 RTD p ...
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INformation DEvelopment (INDE)

Start date: Aug 31, 2003, End date: Jun 29, 2006,

The aim of the Information Development project (INDE) was to assist the candidate countries belonging to the CADSES area in developing instruments for transnational co-operation and in finding out solutions for the problems related to the enlargement process. Co-operation is the key factor for the development of the CADSES area and helps to balance economic and social disadvantages related to the ...
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EMUVE Project introduced us to a teaching and learning methodology which had the potential to produce educational environments that integrate both real world activities and emerging technologies: Augmented Learning.EMUVE main idea was to develop a Multi-User Virtual Environment for Entrepreneurs that want to develop entrepreneurship abilities and raise knowledge in areas such as marketing, busines ...
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... to build an actual network, by means of partners chosen among the owners of the InnoSupport guide: LiNK and Pro Kompetenz in Germany and among Countries left out from the former InnoSupprot project: Treviso Tecnologia, Tinnova in Italy, E-Learning Concepts in Austria, the University of West Bohemia in Czech Republic and Parkurbis in Portugal. Each partner has been carefully chosen according its ...
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The REBASING project intended to develop a comprehensive work program to improve the cooperation between universities, research centres and enterprises, thus empowering the capacity of companies to exploit innovation and introduce it in their working routines. The modernisation of universities’ system and the development of the relation with the productive world are the main challenges of the proj ...
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GROW International project aims the transfer of the methodology and related resources for the course "Doing Business International", developed under LdV previous project "Doing Business International for SME". the need for this project was perceived by PARKURBIS, as an incubation institution and supporter to the creation and development of new technology based firms. In order to develop services t ...
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