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Entrepreneur Multi-User Virtual Environment

EMUVE Project introduced us to a teaching and learning methodology which had the potential to produce educational environments that integrate both real world activities and emerging technologies: Augmented Learning.EMUVE main idea was to develop a Multi-User Virtual Environment for Entrepreneurs that want to develop entrepreneurship abilities and raise knowledge in areas such as marketing, business, finance, innovation, project management and internationalization. By doing it, this project promoted successful entrepreneurship and improved the business environment in SMEs, allowing them to realize their full potential in today's global economy.This project supported the competitiveness of Europe global economy by reinforcing entrepreneurial spirit in EU area. It’s a well-known issue that SME’s represent 99% of EU businesses, and that they are a key driver for economic growth, innovation, employment and social integration. Therefore, by tacking some of the problems that affects entrepreneurship, namely the lack of preparation and knowledge in some specific areas like management or marketing, and providing virtual networks between the target audience of this project where the entrepreneurs could exchange experiences, contacts and knowledge, learning from each other, we filled the existing gap and we contributed to the “Small Business Act” resolution launched by EU.EMUVE project was based on the innovation transfer of projects ENTER, PREMIO and SUMMIT. Furthermore this project combined those contents with an innovative web virtual science and technological park environment integrating entrepreneurship training and a mentoring model (already validated and implemented) through a virtual community of learning.
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7 Partners Participants