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Supporting the Development of Skills for SME Internationalization

GROW International project aims the transfer of the methodology and related resources for the course "Doing Business International", developed under LdV previous project "Doing Business International for SME". the need for this project was perceived by PARKURBIS, as an incubation institution and supporter to the creation and development of new technology based firms. In order to develop services that better suit the need of the supported firms, it is usual to listen entrepreneurs and managers and to question which services or activities can be available to support firms community. The need of new skills to support internationalization processes is the common need among NTBF, after the 2nd year of activity. Furthermore, the European Economy is living an economical challenge that demands the ability, of firms, to compete at European and Global level. Most of the SME don't have these skills and search for the support of those who have it. Considering the stated above, GROW International aims to provide a training course, with classroom sessions and e-learning sessions, that supports the development of new skills in innovative SME and NTBF managers, employees and unemployed people, in order to promote, launch and support internationalization processes among these firms. Based on the methodology and results previously developed by "Qualification for doing business international" project, for the Baltic Sea, the project GROW International aims to adapt the course to the South-West and Mediterranean Europe (PT, SP, IT, FR), and to the specific target group of innovative SME and NTBF. The development of an online tool for training and delivery of contents, addresses the specific needs of firms for time rational use.The partnership assembled aims to ensure important competencies and acting fields: contact with target groups and influence in the countries territory, expertise in VET system (UBI), ability to disseminate information and promote valorization and exploitation of the results (IASP), representativeness of the territory, participation of a transfer supportive partner (HP). Considering the need of the development of specific tasks such as evaluation and online platform, the difficulty of identifying suitable partners without compromising the equilibrium of the partnership and the available budget, was decided to ensure the tasks development using subcontracting. After the project, is planned the existence os a learning guide with the contents of the course "Internationalization", an online platform for training and delivery of contents, a best practices guide on the use of results, based on the experienced blended training, reports for the NA and other for monitoring purpose, the Project Quality Charter and IPR and Exploitation Agreements.With the project, partners aim the delivery of a new tool and contents to support SME to be competitive, to adjust internal skills to the needs of the firm and to support the update of skills among unemployed.

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6 Partners Participants