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European Consumer Goods Research Initiative - Networking European Technology Platforms addressing Design-based Consumer Goods Industries and Related Research and Technology Fields (PROsumer.NET)
Start date: Jun 1, 2011, End date: May 31, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Health of people, safety of workers, sport performance, new cultures and lifestyles, customised fashion products will be drivers to promote European Consumer Goods on the global market, exploiting the European historical culture and knowledge on manufacturing processes and products as well as the proactive European consumer market, always looking for new frontiers in terms of comfort, satisfaction, well being and leisure of consumers.The above mentioned major target applications are strongly related with major ongoing societal trends such as ageing, mobility & activity, globalisation, sustainability, etc.Thus, there is today a unique opportunity for the future of the European consumer goods industry: the creation of a new generation of healthy, safe, fashion and lifestyle products, and related services, full of new functionalities which offer a concrete response to needs and desires of consumers of all ages, interests and walks of life in Europe and worldwide.Within such a perspective, present proposal addresses the creation of synergies, the identification of common elements, and the development of a programme of commonly-defined activities in terms of socio-economic foresight, research & technology roadmapping & strategy development between the European Technology Platform for the Future of Textiles and Clothing, the European Footwear Products & Processes Technology Platform, the European Platform for Sport & Innovation, the European Forestry-based Technology Platform, and the ManuFuture Technology Platform.
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