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IP Awareness and Enforcement: innovative services for Mediterranean SMEs (IP-SMEs)
Start date: May 31, 2010, End date: Nov 29, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

IP-SMEs project proposes to boost competitiveness, innovation and technology transfer actions of SMEs in Med Area improving the actual assistance by BIOs and Institutions aiming at increasing SMEs awareness and enforcement toward IP instruments. This model, with 5 innovative services, transnational I&TT operations and related upgrade of operators, will be tested directly to local selected SMEs, capitalised into guidelines and roadmap for a law proposal and linked to National and EU networks. Achievements: State of the art of project implementation since the project startIP-SMEs supports Business Intermediaries Operators in the technology transfer from Research Institutes to SMEs to strengthen the competitiveness on the market, by raising awareness and competences of SMEs in the use of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). Starting from an analysis of the state of the art (needs and offer) of IPR services in each country, the partners identified 5 innovative services to be implemented in the local SMEs. For their development, operators from the partners are being trained through an e-learning platform complete with 6 different on line training modules. The Methodology for the implementation of the pilot actions and all the tools to be distributed to SMEs have been presented and approved by the whole partnership and Associate and starting from September 2012 local SMEs have been involved in the provision of the services, participating to workshop and 1:1 meeting with expertsLatest project activities and outputsMain results reached during the implementation period: COMP 1: Update of website, and of contents according to JTS indications, distribution of first newsletter.Dissemination Workshops in Thessaloniki and Alicante COMP 2: Successful organization of the Steering Committee meeting in Thessaloniki (December 2012) and of the Extraordinary meeting in Barcelona (February 2013).Involvement of the new partner KIM, replacing the Chamber of Alicante COMP 4:Operators trained through the on line training modules. Presentation of the Mid Term Report on Online assistance. Decision to open the modules also to external users under condition. COMP 5:Approval of Pilot action methodology and implementation of Pilot Action step 1 and 2 in all countries. Drafting of the Mid Term Report and presentation during the SC meeting in Thessaloniki Organization of the 2nd Evaluation Committee in Barcelona. First drafts of the Regional Coordination Guideline and of the Plan for the Capitalization of ResultsNext key steps for the projectPartners will organize National and regional workshops to promote project results, according to the Application Form. In the last months of the project, partners will finalize Pilot Actions in each country, which will bring to the selection of some cases of excellence to be presented during the Final Event, where results of the project will be promoted and disseminated. Drafting of the Final Report on Pilot Action, Plan for the Capitalization of Results and Guideline to improve SMEs assistance
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  • 75%   820 275,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Programme MED
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

6 Partners Participants