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24 European Projects Found

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Otimização da Mobilidade Transnacional VET em Rede III

Start date: Sep 15, 2016, End date: Sep 14, 2018,

This project is aimed at students from VET paths attending their senior year and focus mainly on students at risk of social exclusion, namely those facing difficult family and socioeconomic hardships, who are demotivated and, consequently, at risk of dropping out of school. In fact, these students who sometimes may pass unnoticed are youths with fewer opportunities and must be given all our care a ...
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Engineer for the Future

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

The partnership of this project, composed of 10 partners, from 6 different countries, is a well balanced and strong one, as it involves schools, vet schools, universities, SMEs and Order/association of Engineers. All partners are well aware of the respective responsibility in accepting working together in this project and knows what their role is, during the 3 years of project development. The pre ...
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The project consitsts of a mobility program of 12 medium degree Vocational Training students of administration and finance studies and ICT studies, to carry out work placements in companies of Aveiro (Portugal) and Tallin (Estonia). This work placement This work placement is part of a Work-in-Centres Training module taken by Vocational Training students. The main objetive is to get students to app ...
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ECVETi koostöös rakendamine - arendades tehnikahariduse tulevikku

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

Into that project Tallinn Polytechnic School involves two target groups: students (30 days practical training or 12 days of practical training in VET school) and teachers and school staff members (7 days job shadowing or 7 days teaching). The aim of the project for the first target group is to arrange for the students the possibility to do a real work abroad. Taking account different age and profe ...
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Nemzetközi gyakorlatok és tapasztalatok a szakképzésben

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

Background:Trefort Ágoston Vocational School and Student Dormitory of Békéscsaba Center of Vocational Training has been involved in international projects since 2003. First only one or two teachers acted as coordinators, but over the years more and more of their colleagues joined them in the execution of the projects. As the member school of Békéscsaba Center of Vocational Training we would like t ...
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Reaching out for Europe

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

ROC A12 applies for the Erasmus+ project 'Reaching out for Europe' in the framework of the ambitions laid down in its internationalisation policy. During their time at ROC A12, students are offered the possibility to gain relevant international experience, by means of an internship abroad and/or an international study trip or exchange programme. ROC A12 has ample experience with international proj ...
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Who?Doing Together –Erasmus+ -KA1 -project is aimed at Turku Vocational Institute’s 18–25 year-old students of various fields. The students are mainly third year students. Turku goes Europe–Erasmus+ -KA1 -project is aimed also at apprenices of various fileds. Also staff members are projects target group: expecially the project is indirectly aimed also at teachers who instruct and support students ...
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Let's unify IT!

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The need to have unified IT programme for Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Spain and Portugal was noticed when partners of the project started to organize common international contests for IT students. Then turned out, that despite the fact, that vocational training institutions have the same called IT programme, curricula of that programme, teaching resources, subjects, number of hours are dif ...
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Movilidad gráfica y multimedia

Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2017,

The Graphic and Multimida Mobilities for VET students project, MGM aims to develop internships for students of intermediate level of professional training cycles of Graphic Arts branch, through two partner schools , located in Estonia and Finland with which we have previously developed other projects of European cooperation.Students will take this mobility project to complete his training , takin ...
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Piirideta ECVET - kujundades oskusi

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

Into that project Tallinn Polytechnic School involves two target groups: students (30 days practical training) and teachers and school staff members (7 days job shadowing or 14 days teaching). The aim of the project for the first target group is to arrange for the students the possibility to do a real work abroad. Taking account different age and professional division, we plan to send during 2 ye ...
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This project follows the quality and lifelong improvement policy of the organisation (acknowledged in 2010 and 2012 with the Leonardo Da Vinci Mobility Certificate) and it is also framed in the European Development Plan of AEVA-EPA. The application for this project is being made for two years and aims, on the one hand, to provide an answer to the training and qualification needs of students, teach ...
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Otimização da Mobilidade Transnacional VET em Rede II

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

The consortium has already selected five students with special educational needs (for Finland and Spain) as the opportunity to participate in a project of this nature will help us in the preparation of a Transition Individual Plan properly adjusted to their needs. Since they will participate in this project for only a 2-week period, it is expected that 2 teachers can accompany them throughout this ...
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Soft Skills - Tools for the Future

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

Escola Profissional de Rio Maior presents a project for it’s staff and young people in initial vocational training courses. We propose mobility of trainees in two different years of the course: the first year in which the main theme will be motivating for the commitment, success, attendance and dynamic and creative spirit, and last year, when we want to encourage in young people a innovative, entr ...
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Gaining your Goals Abroad

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

ROC A12 applies for the Erasmus+ project 'Gaining your Goals Abroad' in the framework of the ambitions laid down in its internationalisation policy. During their time at ROC A12, students are offered the possibility to gain relevant international experience, by means of an internship abroad and/or an international study trip or exchange programme. ROC A12 has ample experience with international pr ...
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Na zkušenou do světa!

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

...n local families. An accompanying person from our school will provide support and supervision. The project will be carried out in cooperation with Swan Training Institute (1st partner), Tallinna Polütehnikum (2nd partner), and Berufliche Schule Gelhausen (3rd partner.). 8 teachers will take part in Staff training abroad activity at Tallinn Polytechnic School in Estonia. These teachers will cooper ...
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Jsme mladí a chceme pracovat

Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2016,

"We are Young & We Would Like to Work" project reflects our need for: • having competitive school graduates – especially within our regional job market; • enhancement of professional, language, communicative and intercultural competences of our school graduates; • increased chance for our students of being accepted by the top universities • enhancement of professional, language, communicative ...
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Successful Social Entrepreneurs and Active Citizens

Start date: Sep 14, 2014, End date: Sep 13, 2016,

The aim of our project is the development of both an innovative webpage with CMS (Content Management System) and the development of Social entrepreneurship projects in a Portuguese and in an Estonian Schools, as a key element of the respective vet courses of education, namely Organization of Events and Marketing and Public Relations, in Portugal, and Multimedia, photography and ICT, in Estonia. In ...
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Avardades piire - ECVET rakendamine õpirändes

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

Tallinn Polytechnic School (TPT) is a vocational education institution established in Tallinn in 1915. During past years we have considerably increased our international activities and received grants both for Leonardo da Vinci Lifelong Learning VETPRO and IVT projects. In this Erasmus+ 2014-2016 KA1 mobility project TPT will engage two target groups: vocational education students for 4 weeks appr ...
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Promo Eucinmove (Promo 5)

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

Promo Eucinmove (Promo 5) is the fifth consecutive mobility project under the mobility certification awarded to Jyväskylä Educational Consortium in 2009. According to Silta 2016+ (Bridge 2016+), the strategy of Jyväskylä Educational Consortium, internationalisation continues to be a focal point in development along with e.g. equity, quality and entrepreneurship. Promo 5 project continues to have a ...
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The Project consists on a stay training in companies of Aveiro (Portugal) and Tallin (Estonia) by 12 students of our intermediate Professional Training Professional of Management and Computers Studies. This practice is part of the FCT modules (Training in the workplace) for Vocational. This training in foreign businesses the students will have an excellent opportunity ir order to adquire a val ...
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Euroopa parimad praktikad ECVETi rakendamisel

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Jun 1, 2016,

...the Estonian Qualifications Authority and Tallinn University. The steering group of RPL VET institutions network includes the study directors of the six largest Estonian VET institutions (Tartu KHK, Tallinna THK, TPT, Haapsalu KHK, Tallinna Teeninduskool, Järvamaa KHK), and a student counsellor from TUT. There is also a list of recommendations to EHIS for gathering RPL-related statistics. Two stu ...
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Jauna pieredze četru specialitāšu skolotājiem un audzēkņiem

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016,

During the Project there were organized 20 VET learners in companies training activities and Job shadowing/observation programs for 2 teachers in the collaboration with the partners in Estonia, Germany, Spain, Italy, Malta and Portugal. The OBJECTIVES of the project : To assist students to acquire skills, abilities and competencies that will enhance their personal growth, employment and possib ...
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Within LENTEC, both guidelines and curriculum models will be developed to better prepare individual students in being able to cope with the reality of working within an international work force.Building upon a previously-funded Leonardo da Vinci project (TENTEC), which focussed upon the development of innovative teaching methods in teaching English for technical purposes, LENTEC is to promote Engl ...
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In the survey of the LLP Transversal project DBTech EXT on database education in a sample of VET institutions was found that some essential database topics that are very critical and important to the quality and competitiveness of European ICT industry are hardly covered. Lack of understanding the techniques of SQL transactions and concurrency can lead to poor performance in database environment a ...
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