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Formación de alumnado realizada en la empresa: pasaje a la vida laboral
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project consitsts of a mobility program of 12 medium degree Vocational Training students of administration and finance studies and ICT studies, to carry out work placements in companies of Aveiro (Portugal) and Tallin (Estonia). This work placement This work placement is part of a Work-in-Centres Training module taken by Vocational Training students. The main objetive is to get students to apply in a real work context, all the knowledge adquired at school, as far as improving their skills and competences, so they can face with better success chances the different changes that companies are undergoing, and be able to start working both at a national and European scale. Besides increasing their training for their career, we pretend to promote on students positive attitudes towards different ways of life and cultures, as well as communication in other languages. For 9 weeks the students will carry out in the companies the training stated in the Training Programme, agreed by the company and the school, regarding the professional skills and competences the students must acquire and the job profiles of the companies.The mobilities qill be carried out with the EPA of Aveiro and the Polytechnic Institute of Tallin (with an extense experience in this kind of programmes and a wide range of companies), in the following companies: Hotel As Américas, European Centre of Information Europe Direct, administration and ICT department of the Aveiro School, Tallin European School, Polytechnic Institute and International School of Estonia in Tallin.The result for our students of this training in foreign companies is a useful work experience which means to widen their options for their future careers as well as their skills related to their training.We expect that the gathering of positive experiences may contribute to increase the amount of mobilities and its development may have a positive influence on our students who live in a small town and have few chances for work placements in local companies.The possibility of these work placements out of their territory, and then being able to import them to their local area would enrich, doubtlessly the local industrial fabric in the long term, and it would even open the possibility to our students to become entrepreneurs because of the experience gained during their mobility.
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