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Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"We are Young & We Would Like to Work" project reflects our need for: • having competitive school graduates – especially within our regional job market; • enhancement of professional, language, communicative and intercultural competences of our school graduates; • increased chance for our students of being accepted by the top universities • enhancement of professional, language, communicative and intercultural competences of our teachers; • increased attractiveness of our school for young people in our region. The project consists of two activities: 1) VET learners in companies, Dublin, Ireland (2 runs: 2014 – 2015, 2015 – 2016) 2) Training/Teaching assignments abroad, Tallinn, Estonia (2014 -2015) Thirty students (15 students of IT and Business per run) will take part in VET learners in companies activity in Dublin, Ireland. They will be placed in companies in Dublin with a personal tutor, and accommodated in local families. An accompanying person from our school will provide support and supervision. The project will be carried out in cooperation with Swan Training Institute – an experienced intermediary organization. However, while the project is open to IT and Business students, students from the technical field of studies are not eligible for this training yet due to unavailability of technical training placements in Dublin. Therefore, fifteen teachers will take part in Training/Teaching assignments abroad activity at Tallinn Polytechnic School in Estonia. These teachers wish to cooperate with their Estonian colleagues (e.g. E-Twinning), share their national know-how, get to know the Estonian education system, and visit some local enterprises to find a professional training placement for the technical students. (We intend to apply for funding of this student professional training next year.) The project is run by two coordinators – Monika Kochanova (Ireland) and Marta Michalakova (Estonia). Martin Tobias, our school director, is in charge of the whole project monitoring. The project is secured by agreements with both partners. Another set of agreements needs to be prepared once the funding is obtained (i.e. agreements within the ECVET system – Memorandum of Understanding and Learning Agreement; ECVET system documentation – creation of training modules, learning results units and Students Mobility Agreement.) In order to assure a project success, students and teachers will undergo a thorough professional, language, and multicultural preparation. We endeavour to motivate our students to regional patriotism (e.g. by establishing a fictional family business) in order to increase a chance of their willingness to stay in our region and work here as qualified professionals. After finishing VET learners in companies activity in Dublin, their results will be evaluated (working diary, professional vocabulary, ideas for their fictional family business enhancement, the ECVET credits, Europass Mobiltity, Europass CV) and disseminated within our school (during class discussions), local community (during the Fictional Businesses Fair and other special occasions and events), and our region (media coverage in local newspapers and TV Polar). Upon their return from Tallinn, the involved teachers will share the newly acquired working and teaching methods with their professional department colleagues. However, the most important objective of this Training/Teaching assignments abroad activity is acquisition of new professional training placements in Tallinn businesses for our technical students so they can join the project next year. We believe our project is designed to meet and saturate our current needs, and will thus contribute towards ensuring competitive school graduates within our regional job market; enhancement of professional, language, communicative and intercultural competences of our school graduates and teachers; higher chance for students to get accepted by the first level universities; and increase attractiveness of our school for potential students and their parents.

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