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Soft Skills - Tools for the Future
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Escola Profissional de Rio Maior presents a project for it’s staff and young people in initial vocational training courses. We propose mobility of trainees in two different years of the course: the first year in which the main theme will be motivating for the commitment, success, attendance and dynamic and creative spirit, and last year, when we want to encourage in young people a innovative, entrepreneurial, flexible and critical spirit. The staff mobility is linked to the exchange and sharing of experiences at transnational level, with the purpose to think about the methodologies used, look for new ways of being and doing and then contribute to combating the problem of abandonment and school absenteeism and to promote of a spirit of continuous improvement. We aim to contribute to the development of skills, encourage students to foreign language skills as curriculum enrichment highway and increasing their employability, combat failure and school dropout, encourage entrepreneurship, sensitize staff and students to new and different methodologies, provide cultural enrichment and development of "soft skills", promoting a spirit "open mind" throughout the school community. This project is intended to sixty-six subjects, allocated to different groups according to the various purposes for which we propose: twenty students of the first year of the course of study directed to Malaga, including two students with Special Educational Needs and an accompanying teacher; thirty-six students from last year's course of study that will be on transnational training, particularly in Don Benito, Malaga, Tallinn and Urbino. We propose also nine staff motilities in order to increase the technical skills and professional level in a policy of continuous improvement. It is given a strong emphasis on mobility experience as a promoter of personal, social and professional development. We intend that this project will help to promote a greater sense of self-efficacy, self-esteem and security, and an enlargement of academic and professional horizons of the students and the school community and so contribute to the flexibility of the educational process and promotion of supportive EU projects policies as well as their relevance. It is expected that there is, indeed, development of soft skills, reducing the dropout rate and absenteeism and increased employability rate and it will inspire students to invest in their training short and long term.
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