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ECVETi koostöös rakendamine - arendades tehnikahariduse tulevikku
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Into that project Tallinn Polytechnic School involves two target groups: students (30 days practical training or 12 days of practical training in VET school) and teachers and school staff members (7 days job shadowing or 7 days teaching). The aim of the project for the first target group is to arrange for the students the possibility to do a real work abroad. Taking account different age and professional division, we plan to send during 2 years period students’ mobility (30 days and 12 days) students, where we give them the possibility to work in foreign language working environment. Although we have here in many different areas very good technological environment and modern equipment, we have quite narrow specialization. The reason might be expensive technology, software, equipment. And that does not allow our students to do real working operations in a real working environment, although at school they have done these for example on simulators. Techers´ mobility is necessary, because Tallinn Polytechnic School is on quite many fields the only school in Estonia, so it is very important to compare teaching/learning systems and techniques, curricula and technical equipment with same field European schools. Also we have taken account Life Long Learning strategy aims and principles until 2020, approved by Estonian Government. With this project we would like to motivate our staff and also bring up their competences and also support their efforts to enhance their innovation and creativity in their everyday work. Through these mobilities to partner schools teachers knowledge broaden about the curricula and methodology, used in partner schools; technical equipment. The participants get better feeling of internationalization. We apply finances for 12 teachers and school staff mobilities. Project is managed by a project team: project managers, finance manager, head of educational department. Project manager coordinate communication between receiving partner and companies: arrange cultural-language preparation activities; make a travel plan and find (with the receiving partner) accommodation. During the mobility period we use the common monitoring system which is based on blogging, Facebook group. Later these possibilities help a lot, when the participants make the report. Everyday monitoring the project managers do by e-mail, phoning, skype, if needed speciality teachers will be attracted. Analogue system we have effectively used in previous mobility projects too. After the mobility we assume that students’ motivation to continue successfully their studies has improved, they are venturous and they have entrepreneurship ideas. These young people are on quite a high position in our labour market, socially more mature and their sense of responsibility has risen. Quite often young people who have been on a mobility abroad have taken into use new technologies which are not used in Estonia yet, but they are very useful in a near future. Teachers and staff who have participated in mobilities are more motivated and their competences are higher and it is much easier to attract to innovations. Through mobilities to partner schools the teachers get to know about the curricula, teaching system, methodology and technical environment in there. For the whole country we see that qualified and with international working experience young people are quite a valuable workers on our labour market. They value modern technology, new techniques and internationalization. Teachers who have worked abroad, they bring new ideas to develop curricula, applied teaching plans. As quite many of our teachers and department managers have been top specialists of their field, also work in different working groups making/renewing professional standards and their knowledge is useful not only for our school, but also for other vocational schools in Estonia.

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