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29 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

Project in brief Although the Mediterranean territories have any cultural and economic similarities, there is a gap in the mobility of students and professionals compared to other areas of the world with less comparable features. The gap is even wider when looking at the intensity of mobility of young people within European Union. Specific EU funded initiatives, such as ERASMUS and Leonardo da Vin ...
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GOvernance for Achieving Local Strategies for tourism (GOALS)

Start date: Dec 30, 2013, End date: Dec 29, 2015,

Project in brief According to ARLEM report on sustainable tourism*, the Mediterranean region is the world’s eading tourist destination, although there are considerable disparities within it. It receives 30% of tourist arrivals and 25% of the total income from global tourism, with 80% of the visiting tourists coming from Europe. Whilst tourism plays a key role in the region’s economic development a ...
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In the MED area, some maritime clusters remain untapped within maritime leading traditional sectors. New ones, connected with Blue Economy, have a key potential to foster economic growth. R&D is notably one of the core driving factors of maritime clusters which were not fully exploited yet. CoRINThos project tackles R&D gaps as a driving factor of maritime clusters, identifying and contextualizing ...
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Most of the Mediterranean countries suffer from water shortage due to both increasing demand and declining water quality. Rivers, lakes, groundwater resources and the sea have become more and more polluted by agrochemicals and other potentially toxic substances resulting from intense agricultural and industrial activities. Besides the necessary efforts to be undertaken to reduce water consumption, ...
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The project general objective is the identification and implementation of best practices in terms of local and regional policies to implement and develop the Information & Communication Technologies (ICTs) in the audiovisual and media sector, taking into account the importance of such sector as a source of socio-economic development of our regions.The Information Society has drastically changed th ...
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DIFASS aims to unlock potential for innovation, internationalisation and sustainable growth of SMEs in Europe by improving access to finance.Innovative SMEs are often faced with problems when obtaining loans from commercial banks and intermediaries as valuing risks in technology innovation or foreign markets is problematical and as SMEs often cannot provide sufficient collateral. Resulting from th ...
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Brownfield Policy Improvement Task Force (B-TEAM)

Start date: Dec 31, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2012,

The issue of Brownfields has become a concern in Europe’s urbanised areas as a consequence of the industrial conversion. It is previously used land that has been made available and requires reclamation to a new use.B-Team is a collaborative effort to influence existing and future policies on Brownfields through examples derived from successes and experiences of the partners. The partnership was de ...
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Entrepreneurial Inspiration for the European Union (ENSPIRE EU)

Start date: Dec 31, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2012,

Economic organisations and governments all across the EU are talking about the need to develop the EU into a strong 'entrepreneurial economy', since this is the key to Europe’s competitiveness and continues modernisation. A lot has been done on a regional, national and European level to support the development of an entrepreneurial economy. However, the 2007 Eurobarometer Entrepreneurship Survey r ...
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Connections between harbours and hinterland (SEATOLAND)

Start date: May 31, 2010, End date: Nov 29, 2012,

... Achievements: State of the art of project implementation since the project startC1 a) Website b) Tracts pour la diffusion locale. c) Séminaires locaux 1: Seville (27/9/2010) Feports (29/9/2011) AP Livourne (8/2/2011) La Spezia/AP (14/17/2012) FTZ/Birgu (22/7/2011) 2: Seville 18/4/2012) Feports(21/9/2012) AP Livourne(12/6/2012) La Spezia/AP (14/02/2013) ...
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The main objective is to support the implementation of sustainable energy policies in the construction sector in fragile coastal and rural MED areas with exceptional landscape values, exploiting eco-innovative potential, using traditional building elements combined with innovative green technologies. The transnational cooperation will develop a benchlearning model, foster sustainable construction ...
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Change metropolitan metropolises Around Time (CAT-Med)

Start date: Mar 31, 2009, End date: Nov 29, 2011,

CAT-MED aims to prevent the natural risks related to climate change, thanks to the convergence of metropolitan strategies and actions. On the one hand, it proposes to identify and quantify common objectives, via indicators. These indicators will be defined on the basis of systemic approach of sustainable development. The creation of a transnational GIS will allow to evaluate the situation of each ...
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Cultural Heritage: exploiting Opportunities for Rural Development (CHORD)

Start date: Mar 31, 2009, End date: Sep 29, 2011,

The final aim of CHORD is to develop and experiment a common strategy to implement innovative cultural services and promote initiatives that can increase the attractiveness and economic value of the cultural heritage of the MED area. Many inland Med areas have significant cultural heritage and resources that could be exploited for specific sectors of the tourism market, thereby benefiting their ec ...
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Start date: Mar 31, 2003, End date: Nov 29, 2007,

The achievement of the objectives of the European Spatial Development Perspective (ESDP), of harmonious, balanced and sustainable development, depends to a large extent on the effectiveness of metropolitan governance and spatial planning and development practice. InterMETREX offers practical benefits by enhancing the competence, capability and processes of existing metropolitan planning, and by pr ...
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UrBike - Maximiser l'intégration urbaine de la bicyclette (UrBike)

Start date: Dec 31, 2003, End date: Feb 27, 2007,

All too often, cycling as a means of urban transport is a matter of tradition rather than the result of a conscientious attempt to alleviate mobility problems. UrBike has been proposed to address the lack of interest in everyday problems faced by cyclists. The authorities run the risk of not applying the most suitable measures to solve problems and of missing out on the benefits of an important to ...
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The objective of EURBEST is to benchmark best practice in the area of business support at regional and sub-regional levels. Following on from this is the need to create tools and mechanisms that will transfer this best practice from one of the exemplar regions to another in the project. The project builds on a previous project conducted under the auspices of EURADA that involved 14 regions across ...
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RiverLinks faces the challenge of sustainable planning for metropolitan areas on rivers. Although the approach is sectoral, a large number of towns that have developed along river basins can be included, since they present identical problems. Key factors include metropolitan pressure, protection of natural river systems and security for territories and citizens. In most towns, the river/town inter ...
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Different experiences in MED projects foretell the emergence of a new economic and societal model based on cultural anchoring, open network organizations, innovation mixes (blending advanced technologies with traditional crafts), social learning, and shared values related to sustainability. CreativeMED thus capitalises the outcomes these projects, considering cultural (TEXMEDIN, SOSTENUTO, CHORD, ...
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The Citiz@Move network lead by the city of Seville wasthe result of a joining of forces of three potential leadpartners. This ’marriage’ resulted in a network with threedistinct working groups in line with the three sub themes.The first, led by the Danish city of Aarhus, studied the issuessurrounding the empowerment of ethnic minorities.The second, run by Charleroi in Belgium, concentrated onprodu ...
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The main aim of the project is to establish a transnational network in biotechnology and public health in order to pool innovative knowledge for vocational training in these sectors. To this end, a virtual training centre will be established bringing together individual experts and organisations in the target sectors. The project benefits from some of the partners' involvement in a previously-fund ...
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'DoIT' aims at the core of Tempus, the Reform of Higher Education through International University Cooperation, targeting important national priority of Turkmenistan. The Project is also timely, as explained in the background information provided of TM. The positive aspects of systemicinternationalisation of TM HEIs will be analysed, and its impact both in Teaching and Learning and also in Researc ...
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ICAEN project aims at strenghtening capacities for international cooperation in countries of the Eastern Neighbouring Area and Central Asia in order to contribute to better international networking & exploitation of institutional & national internationalization potentials in the involved regions. Specificly, the project aims at systematic analysis & benchmarking of potentials and development of n ...
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This project involves 3 European HEIs & 8 PC HEIs in the Southern Neighbouring Area (SNa), as well as student representatives (AISEC&ESTIEM), association of professionals (Forum Cadres Tanger) & the Union of Moroccian Women.The general objective of this project is to contribute to support the HEIs in the Southern Neighborhood area (SNa) in establishing a lifelong learning (LLL) policy, as a key e ...
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As one of the first thematic networks approved MEDINT hasshown the importance of local working for effectivenetworking. This network was established with the aimof having few key exchange meetings where all partnerscame together but more local forum meetings in eachpartner city bringing together all sectors to create groupswhich are sustainable after the network is complete.This structure has prov ...
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This pilot fast track network aims to develop an integratedexchange programme relating to the theme of Managingmigration and Integration at local LEvel – Cities and Regions(MILE).The proposal has two closely interrelated sub themes:Migration and Integration. In practice there will be a numberof structured and sequenced actions to address each subtheme: > Each partner (city and region equals one pa ...
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Educational reformers seem to agree on the important role of school leaders as key agents of improvement in schools and in quality schooling. Empirical research also shows clearly that school leaders play a significant role with respect to improving schools in order to support students’ learning (see for an overview of studies Huber & Muijs, 2010). Providers of continuous professional development ...
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School Safety Net

Start date: Jan 1, 2013,

BACKGROUNDEarly school leaving is a problem affecting all European countries. Despite several initiatives carried out, today still about 14% of all pupils drop out of school each year. The School Safety Net project partners have identified four main issues having a relevant impact on early school leaving: - Necessity for early identification of students at risk - Difficulties in the integration o ...
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Social mediation is emerging in European countries as a new and innovative form of social action and of local and regional development which is tailored to the new social challenges of financial insecurity and poverty, social disaffiliation, difficulties in accessing public amenities and institutions and the risk of ethnic and cultural tensions. This mediation for social inclusion manifests itself ...
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The UDIEX thematic network, with the linked qualificationsproject Action Learning Exchange Programme (ALEP),has proved to be one of the most innovative of the URBACTprojects. It was considered that there was not enoughexchange on policies addressing issues of inclusion, diversityand integration and hence the UDIEX ALEP project wascreated to change this.This method of linking the exchange elements ...
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The issue of wider participation is a broader concept which covers a range of adjustments and modifications in HEI across countries – structural, functional, organizational modifications, as well as it is clear that other aspects not depending by the university itself, contribute to increase/decrease participation (economic context, social issues, etc.). It has been noted anyway that even where fl ...
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