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23 European Projects Found

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Sound it out! 2016 - European perspectives on gender equality and girls* specific youth education aims for the empowerment of young girls* and women. Therefore this project offers different activites (project management conference, multipliers seminar, youthmeeting, conference for experts and staff) to enable the participating persons and organisations to improve there organisational, methodogi ...
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The Sound of YOUrope 2016

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2017,

Young immigrated and not immigrated people from 6 countries meet in the Harz Mountains to improve their skills in human rights education, strengthen their role in society and the organisations they are coming from, to make music and discuss their own ideas and questions about migration in Europe and in the countries they live in. Based on questions the participants bring, we will build multination ...
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... Germany, Croatia and Slovenia wo will have been selected by the 4 partner organisations of this project: Roudel in France who is applying for the project, Gustav-Stresemann-Institut e.V. in Germany, Sonnenberg Hrvatska in Croatia and Zavod NEFIKS in Slovenia. Those two border couples do not have easy common histories and are facing problems again depending on people living together and currently ...
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The European Youth Weeks in Haus am Maiberg, center for civic and social edcucation in the diocese of Mainz, is an multinational youth encounter. The project offers the possibility to young europeans from eleven different european countries to experience Europe`s diversity and raise the awareness for social and political issues in order to promote european active citizenship. The aim of the projec ...
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Vivre ensemble : différences et identités

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

This project is entitled “LIVING TOGETHER: DIFFERENCES AND IDENTITIES” and takes place from 17th to 24st April 2016 in Narbonne, in France. It will gather 12 European partners of the organisation Roudel, each of them represented by an official person responsible of the organization and two young people (with young people with fewer opportunities among them since Roudel and its partners aim their a ...
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The Sound of YOUrope

Start date: Aug 3, 2015, End date: Feb 2, 2016,

40 young immigrated and not immigrated people from 5 countries meet in the Harz Mountains to make music and discuss their own ideas and questions about migration in Europe and in the countries they live in. Based on questions the participants bring, we will build multinational groups to work on different aspects of the main topic. Central question to find these aspects will be: “What would be need ...
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Sound it out! European girls* for Gender Equality

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2016,

The focus in this activity is international girls* empowerment and the question of nowadays up-to-dateness and relevance of feminism in society and educational work. The participants from Italy, Sweden, Estonia, Croatia, Turkey and Germany will get to know methods of out of school education focussed on genderrelated topics and the role of girls* and women* in Europe and the participating countries ...
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"Living together in diversity, transforming conflicts, creating an inclusive Europe" – this is the title of a 10-day train-the-trainer-seminar, to which 35 multipliers of youth work from Germany, France, Italy, Croatia, Poland, Romania, and Hungary came together at Gustav Stresemann Institute (GSI) in Bad Bevensen. The aim of the project was to interlock the learning effects of international excha ...
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The European Youth Weeks in Haus am Maiberg, center for civic and social edcucation in the diocese of Mainz, is an multinational youth encounter. The project offers the possibility to young europeans from eleven different european countries to experience Europe`s diversity and raise the awareness for social and political issues in order to promote european active citizenship. The aim of the projec ...
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Democracy and you(th)

Start date: May 4, 2015, End date: Dec 3, 2015,

This project originated during and after a network seminar in Narbonne (France) in November 2014. Some of the partners (now part of an informal network) agreed to focus on democracy and youth participation, considering such a theme extremely considerable for young people, in a general context of mistrust toward democratic processes and institutions. This project aims to make youngsters reflect and ...
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"Living together in diversity, transforming conflicts, creating an inclusive Europe" – this is the title of the 10-days train-the-trainer-seminar, to which more than 30 multipliers of youth work from Germany, France, Italy, Croatia, Poland, Romania, Czech Republic and Hungary are expected in the Gustav Stresemann Institute (GSI) in Bad Bevensen. The aim of the project is to interlock the learning ...
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The Sound of my Life

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jan 1, 2015,

“The sound of my life” invites 50 young people (16-21 years) from Cyprus, Germany and Great Britain, Tunesia, Ukraine for a creative youth meeting to the Harz mountains in Germany. Music and Sounds show us ways to talk about mobility, active citizenship and diversity. What ‘home’ is for us? What do I contribute to my community? What dreams and chances of working and living away from home – somewhe ...
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Citoyenneté européenne et participation des jeunes

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

ROUDEL is an association that works with many partner countries as an informal network whose members have been collaborating for several years. Our ambition is to enable the emergence of an intercultural Europe where young people are active citizen. This meeting aims to make a collective reflection on youth’s European citizenship, by and with young people ; and record positions, values ​​and acti ...
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The European Youth Weeks in Haus am Maiberg, center for civic and social edcucation in the diocese of Mainz, is an multinational youth encounter. The project offers the possibility to young europeans from ten different european countries to experience Europe`s diversity and raise the awareness for european active citizenship. The aim of the project which is organized by the 21st time since 1993 is ...
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Odd ones Out? - Internationale Sommerschule für Theater und Musik

Start date: Jul 20, 2014, End date: Dec 19, 2014,

During the International Summer School for Theatre and Music young people between 15 and 25 from several European countries meet to develop a performance about discrimination and exclusion. During the first part of the programme, own experiences of discrimination – as victim, by-stander or actor – are discussed. Thereby different perceptions and issues relevant in the different countries will beco ...
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Food for Thought 2014

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Dec 15, 2014,

“Food for thought” invites 50 young people from 5 different European countries for a youth meeting to the Harz Mountains in Germany. Let’s meet at Sonnenberg, show each other our home countries’ cuisines, learn about European traditions of nutrition and talk about the meaning of specific food in our lives and our societies. Let’s discuss the cultural, political, physical and ethical dimensions of ...
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Sound it out - European Youth Meeting on music and gender equality

Start date: Jul 15, 2014, End date: Dec 15, 2014,

40 girls from 5 countries (Croatia, Turkey, Poland, Sweden and Germany) meet in the Harz Mountains to talk and discuss about gender equality, female roles and chlichés in the participating countries and Europe. Starting point will be music and the examination of females in popular culture and music (as musicians, producers, promoters and subjects of lyrics..). We will try new instruments, improve ...
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Theater- und Musikworkshop zum Thema Zukunftsvisionen für demokratische Entwicklung und Beteiligung in Europa. Die Jugendlichen tauschen sich aus über Hoffnungen und Ideale aber auch Befürchtungen und Ängste, die sie über Grenzen hinweg teilen. Ihre Haltungen zu Gesellschaft und Politik wird ebenfalls Thema der Begegnung sein, z.B. die Reflexion über eigene Handlungsmöglichkeiten und aktive Mitges ...
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Training in DE mit Multiplikatoren der Jugendarbeit aus DE, HR, RO, RS, FR, HU und IT. Durch das Training soll der Zugang zu Jugendaustauschmaßnahmen für Jugendliche mit Migrationshintergrund erleichtert werden. Workshops, Planspiele, Besuche sowie eine Projektplanungsphase sind Inhalte des Trainings.
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The Seminar "Sharing & Learning & Improving: Youth peers for Human Rights Education in Action" is following the development of an 2009 started project line by our association “Mreža” which was dedicated to the promotion of peer education in different fields of youth work, especially in the field of Human Rights Education (HRE). Following this development the current project is dedicated to the dis ...
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Media influence and messages shape public opinion and thus media engagement is vital in raising awareness on benefits of volunteering. Training course "Media as Partners in Promotion of Volunteering" will provide a non-formal learning platform to 24 project managers from Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia, Romania, Bulgaria and Germany for gaining knowledge about communication tools and creating powerful ...
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Sustainable Project Management

Start date: Aug 1, 2011,

Within framework of the 6-days training course "Sustainable Project Management" Macedonian non-governmental organization ''Kvantum'' will host 33 youth project coordinators, non-formal learning facilitators and sustainable development experts from Serbia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Germany, Romania and Latvia. Learning program deals with sustainable project management - adopting organizational strategies ...
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Macedonian Express

Start date: Feb 1, 2010,

This eight days study-visit will provide a platform for starting new partnerships and developing new youth projects. It will tabe place in Macedonia and include 26 people from Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Croatia, Poland, Romania, Latvia, Estonia, Spain and Turkey. The participants, youth workers and coordinators of international exchange, will visit various Macedonian organ ...
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