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Odd ones Out? - Internationale Sommerschule für Theater und Musik
Start date: Jul 20, 2014, End date: Dec 19, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

During the International Summer School for Theatre and Music young people between 15 and 25 from several European countries meet to develop a performance about discrimination and exclusion. During the first part of the programme, own experiences of discrimination – as victim, by-stander or actor – are discussed. Thereby different perceptions and issues relevant in the different countries will become visible. Together ways of intervention in situations of discrimination and exclusion are identified and trained in theater scenes. In the second part small subgroups will create scenes and songs that deal with critical questions and dilemmata in regard to the topic. These pieces will be put together to a common show, that will be performed in Berlin and Brandenburg. The youths taking part will be strengthened in their sensibility for power imbalances in their local environment. They will be also encouraged to assist weak groups without compromising their autonomy and act as multipliers for a society without discrimination and exclusion. Besides the fixed programme there’s a lot of time to exchange informally with the other participants and to enjoy joint freetime activities. Excursions twice to Berlin and once to Potsdam are included.

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