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SIMPLA - Sustainable Integrated Multi-sector PLAnning (SIMPLA)

Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2019,

SIMPLA responds to topic EE 7 ‘Enhancing the capacity of public authorities to plan and implement sustainable energy policies and measures’ and its ultimate goal is empowering public authorities to develop, implement and finance sustainable energy policies and actions by creating the conditions for a smart integration between SEAPs (Sustainable Energy Action Plans) and SUMPs (Sustainable Urban Mob ...
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Researches demonstrate that ESL is caused by a mix of individual circumstances, educational factors and socio-economic conditions. It often starts already in primary education and increases during transitions between schools or different educational levels; also mismatches between education / training curricula and labor market needs increases the risk of educational failure as pupils lack prospec ...
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School and WOrk-Related Dual learning

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Connection and transition from school/training to work constitute the main step for the insertion of young people, for improving their employability, and acquiring the skills adequate to the requests coming from the labour market. All the European countries are currently facing severe problems of skill gap for the young people just out of their training life. As far as the transition from school ...
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Background In the river Po plain, the organic carbon stock stored in soils varies from 34-60 tonnes per hectare (t/ha). The potential for further uptake if soils are managed appropriately is estimated to be at least 12.8 t/ha of CO2 equivalent. Furthermore, increasing the organic content of soil improves the physical and chemical qualities of soils, leadi ...
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Innovative PROcurement for Visual Impaired People (PRO4VIP)

Start date: Feb 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2016,

Taking into account the objectives of Vision 2020, the WHO's 2006 initiative for the elimination of avoidable blindness. When globally people with low vision are increasing as a result of the ageing of the world’s population. Where low vision not only affects the independence but has significant psychosocial and economic impact on the individual, the family and society. Major consequences of visi ...
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Coop4Live - Training, Human Resource, European Education

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

The Coop4Live project, promoted by the 'ISIS' Brignoli - Einaudi - Marconi (located in Gradisca d'Isonzo – Staranzano), involves a new net of interprovincial schools of Friuli Venezia Giulia, with a view to regular cooperation during the next seven years. The themes of the project will focus on a) learning, discussion and development of business, social, cooperative ideas, b) the Integrated Tour ...
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Public procurement represents +/-19% of the EU’s GDP. Historically a small and slower uptake of innovations has been witnessed along with the fragmentation of publ demand.. PE represents a fundamental driver of innovation and competitiveness.Urban regeneration conducted by Bilbao confirms that the development of mixed formulas publ-priv for projects of mutual interest entails higher quality, effec ...
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Background The dry grasslands, ‘magredi’, are characterised by coarse soils deposited by the pre-alpine rivers Tagliamento, Cellina and Torre. The high permeability of the subsoil creates particular conditions of dry soil that are very unusual in a rainy area such as northern Italy. The bulk of these dry grasslands have been destroyed by agricultural ...
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The project ADRIA A, funded in range of the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Italy-Slovenia 2007-2013, aims to reorganize the accessibility and the transport of the entire cross-border Italy and Slovenia area and establish an integrated metropolitan area. Achievements: ...
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The project aims to establish a uniform system across the border of the civil protection in the event of threats to drinking water sources due to technological risks and natural disasters, and thereby contribute to the development of new information and communication technologies and sustainable territorial integration and preservation of the environment. ...
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Background The beneficiary has already taken part in LIFE Nature projects aiming at protecting the population of brown bear (Ursus arctos) in Italy. These bears, which almost disappeared from the country in the last decades of the 20th Century, still appear to be under threat as a result of a lack of robust scientific knowledge, habitat degradation, and ...
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L'obiettivo generale del progetto è diffondere tra i giovani/minori dell'area transfrontaliera uno stile di vita "sano" e promuovere comportamenti che contrastino il consumo di alcol quale strumento di benessere. Gli obiettivi concreti sono:1. Sensibilizzare i giovani sul rischio correlato all'uso di alcol coinvolgendoli nell'analisisociale e comunicativa del fenomeno, promuovendone il protagonism ...
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Il progetto si colloca nel triangolo dei tre confini: Italia, Slovenia e Austria. Le regioni interessate al progetto hanno un’ottima prospettiva di crescita economica basata sulla multiculturalità e sul plurilinguismo. Nonostante esistano delle differenze tra i sistemi d'istruzione dei tre Paesi coinvolti, si manifestano aspetti comuni che tuttavia fino ad ora non sono stati sviluppati in modo da ...
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In linea con gli obiettivi e le linee di intervento strategiche del Programma, nonché del Protocollo trasporti della Convenzione delle Alpi, e della programmazione regionale di settore, le finalità generali del progetto sono il miglioramento dei collegamenti transfrontalieri, lattuazione di una collaborazione concreta tra le istituzioni e gli uffici competenti sul tema, lincremento della mobilità ...
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Obiettivo concreto del progetto è lo sviluppo dell'itinerario ciclabile transfrontaliero Salisburgo-Villacco-Aquileia/Grado, in un'ottica di miglioramento dei collegamenti transfrontalieri,di incremento della mobilità sostenibile, di sviluppo dell'area e di accrescimento dell'accessibilità tra le regioni confinanti più prossime (FVG, Carinzia, Salisburgo), oltre che di migliore interazione tra le ...
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Con laumento delle estensioni degli insediamenti e con la crescita delle attività economiche, cresce anche lesposizione in confronto a danni e la sensibilità in confronto a disturbi del sistema economia e vita nelle regioni alpine. Oltre ai pericoli naturali sono sempre presenti i rischi tecnologici e i rischi causati dallattività umana, come li troviamo lungo le assi di transito e nelle aree dens ...
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Small Project Fund Small Project Fund (SPF FVG-VEN-KAR)

Start date: Aug 31, 2009, End date: Aug 30, 2012,

Il principale obiettivo del progetto SPF è la promozione e il rafforzamento del processo di integrazione a livello regionale, in accordo con gli obiettivi definiti dai rappresentanti politici delle tre regioni Partner nel sopra citato accordo di cooperazione trilaterale. In questo modo diventa possibile sperimentare e intensificare un'attiva collaborazione transfrontaliera, così come promuovere id ...
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Background At the beginning of the 20th century, the area between the rivers Tagliamento and Isonzo was made up of 6 000 hectares of wetlands, most of which were alkaline and calcareous fens. Currently, only 200 hectares of these habitats survive and these are dispersed in small and fragmented patches, most of which are designated as Sites of Community Im ...
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Il progetto ha lo scopo di realizzare una Rete delle aree naturali dell'arco alpino orientale dove avviare azioni comuni di gestione delle risorse naturali e del territorio che coniugano lo sviluppo sociale ed economico con la tutela e la conservazione degli habitat e della biodiversità. Il progetto si articola in due macro aree: natura, per la gestione comune del territorio; fruizione, per la pro ...
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Redazione di una matrice comune per la compilazione delle carte di pericolositá in modo che le carte di pericolositá e la classificazione del pericolo siano comparabili.1.Definizione comune di standard minimi per la raccolta dei dati rilevanti inerenti le aree pericolose e rappresentazione cartografica delle frane di scivolamento e di caduta massi.2. Sviluppo in comune di standard minimi per la de ...
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Tutti i compiti di pianificazione e gestione del trasporto per la rete stradale necessitano di una base di dati aggiornata e attendibile. Al momento questi grafici stradali non possiedono le informazioni necessarie relative per esempio ai sistemi di stazionamento, allo stato infrastrutturale o ai regolamenti stradali. I dati attualmente disponibili non sono compatibili a livello transfrontaliero. ...
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Obiettivo generale del progetto è favorire l'integrazione, la valorizzazione e la diffusione delle conoscenze, dei servizi e delle pratiche locali al fine di sviluppare, in maniera congiunta, più efficaci strategie e forme di contrasto dei fenomeni di disagio giovanile legati al consumo di sostanze alcoliche. I principali risultati del progetto verranno divulgati non solo tra operatori dei sistemi ...
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Negli eventi calamitosi la cooperazione transfrontaliera deve essere supportatadall`istituzione e dall'implementazione di una nuova piattaforma di comunicazione einformazione per lo scambio tempestivo di dati e informazioni in caso di calamità. Essadovrebbe consentire un`ottimizzazione della previsione per il superamento di futurieventi calamitosi. La progettazione e realizzazione congiunta della ...
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VIADVENTURE is based on the results of the VIA ALPINA project, developed within Interreg IIIB Alpine Space from 2001 to 2004. This project has established the Via Alpina "product", a network of hiking trails throughout the Alps, complete with basic information documents, an on-line database and specific marking and information panels along the trails. Also, it produced an international Quality Gui ...
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The project will improve and integrate instruments to support the management of environmental resources in alpine areas, in particular water. This goal will be achieved by adopting innovative techniques for monitoring and reconstructing the time evolution of meteo-hydrological processes.The competence areas of the partners cover uniformly the central-eastern Alps, where the territories of various ...
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The project RegioMarket aims at developing and implementing a corporate sustainable branding and marketing strategy for the Alpine Space (AS) focussed on three core economic sectors, namely, food, services (tourism and gastronomy) and renewable energies. The strategy will consider existing experiences within AS in order to develop a best-practice approach. The latter will contribute to the promoti ...
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Le Vie dei Metalli - The Iron Route (IRON ROUTE)

Start date: Dec 31, 2004, End date: Dec 30, 2007,

The project aims at revaluing old mining areas of the Alpine Space in order to solve structural and management problems by valorising the resources of their cultural and environmental heritage. It will promote an efficient and environmental friendly management of the natural resources making the iron routes accessible and usable by operators, local inhabitants and tourists.Main activities: 1) stud ...
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The transalpine traffic accessability is essential for Europe. Catastrophes in the Alp tunnels and traffic contrasts show the European dimension of this problems. The raise of road traffic within the alpine region cause an escalation of CO2 emmissions, noise pollution and use of road infrastructure which is not designed for the actual traffic volume. The "alpine" policy of traffic has abandoned th ...
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The project aims at developing a network involving public institutions and farmers of Alpine Space at a transnational level, to enhance social and economical conditions of local populations, to preserve environment in the marginal mountain lands and to valorise Alpine cultural heritage and traditions with sustainable models. Main activities foreseen: enhancement of organic livestock production co ...
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The „Alpine Awarenes“ project partners follow a common main strategy of contributing to sustainability in transport in the Alpine Region, thus promoting a new, sustainable way of life in the Alps.Alpine Awareness deals with the provision and dissemination of information about sustainable development in the transport and mobility sector, which are important instruments for the creation resp. streng ...
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Start date: Apr 30, 2003, End date: Sep 29, 2006,

ALPS MOBILITY II focusses on transnational and transsectoral co-operation to promote sustainable development in the Alpine Region by providing a combination of transalpine measures for ecotourism and ecomobility. The project centers on an innovative ecotourism and ecomobility package called „Alpine Pearls“, by linking the protection of the ecologically sensitive Alpine Space, the creation of envi ...
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Common harmonised and broadly accessible cartography and data resources are lacking in the service sector of public administration. Such common resources shall be elaborated and implemented in the framework of ISA-Map. They represent the basis for the preparation of the cross-border planning and information instruments (e.g. traffic planning). The type of efficient and citizen-friendly access to m ...
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The progressive social and economic marginality of the mountain areas is matched with the decreasing offer of goods and services available for inhabitants (especially for the weakest categories).This causes a decrease in the quality of life and local identity: many surveys report that the progressive depopulation of mountain areas is due to the desire to look for services at an urban quality level ...
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Due to social and economic changes there has been a gradual tranformation of the arts & crafts of the Alpine area.Cultural heritage and traditional techniques are disappearing because of aboandonment of alpine territory and of little consideration new generations have for field.Project aims at bringing out arts & crafts through creation of synergies with tourism. After a careful analysis of trad ...
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Itinerari Termali (ITER)

Start date: Dec 31, 2002, End date: Jun 29, 2005,

Starting from the Ancient Greek and Roman times, these facilities tend to be built in areas where "the waters" (hot springs or thermal pools) were thought to have healing properties. Through history spa towns became extremely important both from an artistic and cultural point of view and are part of the cultural heritage. Nevertheless very few has been done to protect was can be considered one of ...
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The historical pattern and socio-economic system of towns and villages in Alpine space are important both for local culture and European identity The aims of the project are to protect and enhance that common heritage, improving the knowledge on characteristic features of historical alpine settlements and promoting integrated sustainable policies for interventions, taking into account different a ...
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...arsi reciprocamente nel processo di apprendimento linguistico. Le classi non perseguono solo linsegnamento delle lingue, ma anche la comunicazione della cultura dei Paesi della regione alpino-adriatica. Il progetto prende il nome dallalpinista e autore Julius Kugy (1858-1944), un esempio in tema di cosmopolitismo: con padre carinziano e madre slovena, Kugy visse a Trieste e pensò in tre lingue. ...
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Ziel ist die Lancierung, Stärkung und Konsolidierung der Partnerschaften zwischen Grenzgemeinden im Wege der Auseinandersetzung über Themen gemeinsamen Interesses, durch Aufnahme des Dialogs über damit zusammenhängende Probleme, im Austausch positiver Vorgehensweisen und durch gegenseitige Besuche/Informationsaufenthalte von italienischen Funktionären bei örtlichen Einrichtungen jenseits der Grenz ...
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Drei Länder – eine Bioregion. Das Projekt BIO ALPE ADRIA ist ein grenzüberschreitendes und vernetztes Entwicklungsprojekt für die Regionen Friaul-Julisch Venetien, Slowenien, Belluno, Kärnten und Steiermark. Das Potential mit etwa 6.000 Bio- betrieben (Kärnten 1.400, Slowenien 1.200, Steiermark 3.000, Friaul 300, Belluno 100) und einer Gesamtbevölkerungszahl von etwa 5 Mio. Einwohnern umfasst den ...
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Raise the number of mobility processes within the vocational training system is one of the main objectives of the European Commission and one of the priorities for the upcoming 2014-2020 programming period. It is obvious that one of the variables through which the number of vocational training mobilities can be increased will be the ATTRACTIVNESS of these work experiences abroad and therefore thei ...
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