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Coop4Live - Training, Human Resource, European Education
Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Coop4Live project, promoted by the 'ISIS' Brignoli - Einaudi - Marconi (located in Gradisca d'Isonzo – Staranzano), involves a new net of interprovincial schools of Friuli Venezia Giulia, with a view to regular cooperation during the next seven years. The themes of the project will focus on a) learning, discussion and development of business, social, cooperative ideas, b) the Integrated Tourism Value Chain activities from different professional and attentive to sustainability, protection and enhancement of the territory, receptivity. Over against the sixth consecutive year of crisis for the national economy, a particular Region for history, geography and politics as the Friuli Venezia Giulia is wondering about the need to adopt new business models that combine economy and business ethics with a view to long-term development of the area, so to reinforce values such as cooperation, social inclusion, the virtuous use of financial resources to enhance the collective well-being. At regional political level, we have witnessed the development of the tourism sector, combining it with a new conception of the territory and its environmental protection, urban regeneration and environmental improvements looking at green-topics, energy-saving and green building. The project Coop4Live, through the experience of five weeks abroad during the summer of 2015, wants to take up the challenge to which the idea to network and create business with an ethical perspective (cooperative, social, inclusive and innovative), beyond the mere exploitation of time and resources, can be a key factor in rebuilding the local and national economy. The participants will be 110 students from 4th and 5th classes, cming from a network of inter-province (Gorizia, Pordenone, Trieste) high schools that for the first time have formed a partnership. Students come from a) Economic sectors b) Technological Sectors c) Services Sectors. Sectors and their fields of study were chosen looking at complementary needs of Integrated Value Chain and taking into account the need to explore new ethic and cooperative business models and ethics in which value team different skills and professionalism. These schools manage the School-Work Alternance: the students attend a path training that involves the integration between theoretical / practical teachings and work experiences in companies. The need is to boost employment through a new model of sustainable development, starting from the touristic declination and environment offer and protection . The selected countries are UK, Ireland, France, Spain. The cooperation takes place mostly with members of the ECVET network with solid experience of implementation of training programmes and procedures that will enable the sending institution the recognition of learning outcomes. In the validation and recognition of work experience, ECVET procedures will be applied on the basis of specific agreements with partners, so that the learning outcomes can be recognized and Europass Mobility Document and Certificate of Competence will be released to participants. The network has the support of a significant domestic partnership consisting of cooperatives, local authorities, companies and representatives of the social partners and economic bodies, evidence of interest in the topics and of the roots of the schools in the area.
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