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Le Vie dei Metalli - The Iron Route (IRON ROUTE)
Start date: Dec 31, 2004, End date: Dec 30, 2007 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project aims at revaluing old mining areas of the Alpine Space in order to solve structural and management problems by valorising the resources of their cultural and environmental heritage. It will promote an efficient and environmental friendly management of the natural resources making the iron routes accessible and usable by operators, local inhabitants and tourists.Main activities: 1) studies and research on best methods and ways of implementation aimed at valorising the local mining resources through the exchange of experiences and good practices; 2) feasibility analysis of tourist-cultural itineraries connected to the mines and cultural management of the mining sites (SWOT analysis); 3) setting up new networks among institutional authorities, private actors and local bodies supporting the minig heritage; 4) creation of tourist/pedalogical itineraries of the iron routes; 5) realisation of a special multilingual Web Portal on mining sites and promotional activities and materials.

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  • 53.8%   945 120,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Alpine Space
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

8 Partners Participants