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EVS volunteers for Gdynia 2015-2016

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: May 1, 2017,

The aim of the project is to promote active citizenship of young people, in particular, European citizenship and attitudes of tolerance, openness and deepen mutual understanding and cooperation between young people from different countries. In addition, through the participation of young Europeans in international volunteering their potential will be constructed. Young people will gain new compete ...
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Can&DO – Capability of Creativity and Culture for Change-Doing

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

CONTEXT/BACKGROUND OF THE PROJECT The ENP-East countries showed strong differences in the unemployment rate by age, which was also the case in the EU. The unemployment rate of people aged15–24 years was at least twice as high as for persons aged 25–74 years in all ENP-East countries (ENP–East countries, Youth statistics, Eurostat, 2014). In the EU-28, at 23.4 %, more than one out of every five you ...
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...ts per year, which is more than double of current figures.The project is expected to create an efficient and effective cooperation network on the basis of small tourist towns of cross-border region. Regional cross-border cooperation in the fields of tourism and culture, established within the umbrella project, has a great potential. For the first time Ukraine and Poland will agree on joint action ...
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The project in briefThe generation of organic solid waste is rising significantly everywhere in the Mediterranean region due to populations increase and development of industrial and agricultural sectors. This situation causes growing pressure on groundwater, soil and air and calls for strategies allowing for sound waste management systems.In addition to the lack in some Mediterranean countries of ...
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... Expected Results: • Enhanced regional consensus on the use of geospatial technologies by local administrations through the production of gap analysis, roadmaps and performance indicators studies • Developed common geospatial paradi ...
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The project in brief At Mediterranean level, tourism has often led many countries and regions to develop the industry in a competitive way rather than in a cooperative manner. For obvious climatic reasons but also due the role played by tour operators, Mediterranean tourism destinations have based their growth essentially on a sun and sea vision and developed strategies aimed at maximizing short t ...
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Project in brief Population growth, rapid urbanization and industrialization, the expansion of agriculture and tourism, as well as climate change are all factors which put water under increasing stress. The scarcity of this vital resource for human and social development has placed water at the top of the agenda of many Mediterranean countries. Most of the water problems are due to the mismanageme ...
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Within the framework of the project in Lubaczów commune roads leading to investment areas will be created. While in Ukraine cleaning and recultivation of lands with an area of 120 hectares is planned. At the same time works on analysis of external investors expectations and potential of the city and Lubaczów commune areas are in progress, and on the Ukrainian side works on development of strategic ...
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The project aims at increasing the level of development of local economy by using human and natural resources (land as a mean of production, renewable energy, know-how, people) in the regions of Eastern Slovakia and Zakarpatya. Objectives: Motivate local actors (entrepreneurs) to do the business in RSE area for better exploiting human and natural resources of the region by developing a pilot local ...
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To improve the economic performance of the border area through diversification and modernisation in a sustainable manner of cross-border tourism in the Lower Danube region of Ukraine, Romania and Republic of Moldova. Expected Results: ...
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Reducing and preventing the spread of dangerous infectious diseases that are transferred by stray animals and are dangerous for people and animals in the boundary areas; preventing uncontrolled breeding of domestic and homeless pets; creation of population-safe and harmless conditions; providing sanitary welfare. ...
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CRossborder INventory of Degraded Land - CRING

Start date: Dec 2, 2013, End date: Oct 1, 2015,

Creating premises for improving the environmental quality in cross-border area by making available the technical support for ecological reconstruction of degraded lands. Expected Results: A complete cross border inventory of t ...
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To increase the productivity and the competitiveness of the agricultural sector through increased contacts of partners on both sides of the border in order to improve the economic situation in the Programme area. Expected Results: ...
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Regions of Connected Knowledge (RoCK)

Start date: Jun 30, 2007, End date: Jun 29, 2015,

...ddition to the RoCK project partners. a large number of strategically important organisations is involved in the project and and has signed a lettter of support (see Annexes). This includes local and regional governments. chambers of commerce. development organisations. regional cooperatives and transport bodies / transport organisations (including DB and NS). The RoCK partners want to boost mobi ...
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The use of European experience in the fight against soil erosion

Start date: Dec 23, 2013, End date: Jun 22, 2015,

To create pre-conditions for effective soil preservation in the cross-border area of Bukovyna and Moldova. Expected Results: Experimental farm with system against soil erosion; The map with exact situation and factors regardin ...
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Start date: Jun 21, 2013, End date: Jun 20, 2015,

The aim of the project is to increase the administrative capacity of the public sector in the programme area, by promoting the concept of total quality and the implementation of modern common quality management tools (especially of the Common Assessment Framework). Achievements: ...
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To contribute the readiness to the emergency situation in the medicine sphere in the cross-border area of Bukovyna and Moldova. Expected Results: Purchased equipment for the Novoselytsya district central hospital, Zastavna dis ...
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The Barents Freeway

Start date: Sep 3, 2012, End date: May 30, 2015,

Economic and social development of local communities in the Kolarctic area through optimization of transport infrastructure development on a base of the common Barents Region Transport Strategy responding to new challenges arising in the Arctic and Northern periphery. Achievements: ...
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Collaborative platform to support research and technology transfer (NEXT)

Start date: Aug 31, 2012, End date: Apr 29, 2015,

...ners from six Countries: Italy, Croatia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro and the representatives of different interests and positions of the actors of innovation: Universities, Regional Development Agencies, Chamber of Economy and Local Authorities. The project stems from some considerations: - The borders of these Countries, known for years as places of exacerbation of nati ...
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Start date: Jan 31, 2013, End date: Apr 29, 2015,

ENTER.HUB promotes the role of railway hubs/multimodal interfaces of regional relevance in medium cities as engines for integrated urban development and economic, social and cultural regeneration. The network of local actors will redefine territorial/functional systems around these hubs, by exploiting these “agglomerates of flows” to strengthen connectivity at a local/ regional/ EU level for citie ...
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The main objective of the project is a full usage of spa, historic and tourism potential of partner places of Horyniec-Zdroj (PL) and Morshyn (UA) to increase tourist flow which in turn will lead to the creation of new jobs and income increase in the sectors of culture, tourism and indirect tourist services.One of specific goals is complex development and management of spa parks in Horyniec-Zdroj ...
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...these applications, “twinning partnerships” are developed between a European and an African partner, to maximize knowledge transfer and integration. Experiences learned will form a good basis for regional trainings to the member states of the Observatoire du Sahara et du Sahel (OSS) in Tunisia, the Regional Centre for Mapping Resources for Development (RCMRD) in Kenya and the AGRHYMET regional cen ...
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 FINISHED policy on fisheries and the marine environment.A broad range of stakeholders will participate, including actors from civil society organisations, research institutions, universities, national and regional ministries and media organisations. Their work will involve: participatory research actions that integrate the knowledge of stakeholders and scientists and render it useful for management and ...
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Adriatic Governance Operational Plan (AdriGov)

Start date: Sep 30, 2011, End date: Mar 30, 2015,

...knowledge-transfer actions to enhance information and awareness on European integration and EU accession with a view to improve the knowledge and skills of representatives of the involved local and regional authorities. Furthermore, effective training programmes will be structured to improve their EU funding management and their administrative expertise. To achieve the first objective, the above-m ...
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Zero Waste Adriatic net for events and festivals (Zero Waste)

Start date: May 31, 2012, End date: Feb 27, 2015,

Events and festivals are an important element of the tourism offering, and an opportunity to increase tourist flows and offer a variety of entertainment opportunities for local residents and tourists, even outside seasonal tourism.In the Adriatic area, there are different events that attract thousands of people and, in turn,have a positive impact on the local economy. At the same time, however, th ...
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TransAgROpolis - TransfROntier AgRObusiness Support

Start date: Feb 14, 2012, End date: Feb 14, 2015,

The project's objective is the develop the agricultural marketing infrastructure in order to improve the economis performance of the border economy in the inter-regional area. Expected Results: TransAgropolis Agro-industrial P ...
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...heir interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis."In recent years, public entities have recognised CSR’s potential as organisational innovation to improve social conditions and promote regional development and competitiveness. However, positive socio-economic impacts are limited by lack of coordination. While CSR should incorporate both social and environmental elements, public policy ...
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About 70 percent of central Europeans live in urban regions. Here, local and regional authorities are increasingly challenged by a steady growth of population and an increasing request for space for both economic activities and housing. Actions are therefore needed against urban sprawl that threatens to lead to a reduction of natural and open areas used for recreational purposes. Furthermore, the ...
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Cooperatives of Employment and Services in Rural areas (CesR)

Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

...tomers.This underexploited potential is important, as the tourist demand and the inhabitants needs could, together, reach the critical mass needed to offer secure, full-time jobs in our rural areas.Regional and local authorities have a key role to play on these issues, as some of them are direct providers of home care services, or in capacity of implementing incentive policies encouraging other pu ...
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Consortium for Assistive Solutions Adoption (CASA)

Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

...ety and self management', 'social interaction', 'chronic diseases', 'healthy lifestyle and rehabilitation ICT', 'informal care', 'telemedecine evaluation model', 'mobility and liveability/ intregated regional policy, business and knowledge development', 'user driven innovation through public/private partnership', 'large scale deployment' and also 2 Knowledge Transfer Conferences in the New Member ...
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... tourism sectors. The principal scope of the project is to convey the up-to-date climate knowledge to policy makers who may best benefit from it, that is urban planers, nature protection authorities, regional and local development agencies, territorial and public works authorities. The principal project results include six pilot studies of specific climate adaptation exercises, a data platform con ...
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Network of STRAits (NOSTRA)

Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

... study visit program was designed in order to give the delegates an insight into several important aspects of the Kvarken Region such as transport and logistics, nature, natural heritage, local and regional governance... The partners had the opportunity to learn about the functioning of the Kvarken Council, which is a cross-border governance tool launched in 1972, bringing together the communitie ...
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Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

...e environmental, social and economic perspectives) transport pattern has severely hampered every development initiative. MOVE ON GREENs overall objective is to improve the design and effectiveness of regional policies on sustainable transport in rural areas, through an exchange of experiences aimed at fostering sustainable mobility from the environmental, social and economic points of view.13 part ...
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The project general objective is the identification and implementation of best practices in terms of local and regional policies to implement and develop the Information & Communication Technologies (ICTs) in the audiovisual and media sector, taking into account the importance of such sector as a source of socio-economic development of our regions.The Information Society has drastically changed th ...
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Local food as engine for local business (LOCFOOD)

Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014, knowledge and good practices. The project will improve competitiveness and contribute to sustainability through encouraging local food production and consumption.ObjectivesLOCFOOD aims to Improve regional policies and strategies regarding the food-related SMEs in rural areas, to enhance entrepreneurship, business development, competitiveness and economic growth. To get an overview and understa ...
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Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

... achieving more equal local employment agendas.The projects global aim is to fully address the INTERREG IVC programme priority Employment, human capital and education. The project will create an INTERREGIONAL TRANSFER OF KNOWLEDGE AND PRACTICE to stimulate more inclusive and sustainable employment policies. It also enables the partners to tackle discrimination and unemployment by analysing and dis ...
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Measuring INnovation among EURopean Subregions (IN-EUR)

Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

...e need for local level strategies to ensure innovation and knowledge growth all over the EU. Based on analysis of innovation, research and technology initiatives, IN-EUR supports public actors at sub-regional level to define and orientate local policies and investments on innovation.The overall project objective is to use interregional cooperation to improve quality of innovation policy at local l ...
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...traditional markets and consumer expectations. Whilst on one hand it is needed to participate in the European and in the world market, on the other there are constraints to contribute to European and regional social-economic-territorial cohesion and also to stimulating and making European food industry itself more innovative, competitive and sustainable. When assessing these challenges, several is ...
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...any, Lithonia, Hungary, Poland and Slovenia). 9 of the Partners have a broad experience on SME support and 3 of them are learners. Moreover 6 of Experienced Partners have good practices recognized at Regional or European Level.During the preparatory phase the partners identified the most important factors which contribute to Young SMEs failure. Five were chosen as core services (Management skills, ...
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Developing Senior Tourism in Remote Regions (TOURAGE)

Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

...geing does not only bring challenges, but also offers possibilities. E.g. senior citizens have become a consumerist group of emergent business possibilities. Economically more diverse and sustainable regional economy (including tourism) requires new and innovative ways to take this growing segment into account. However, there is many innovations that are newly deployed or under construction. E.g. ...
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