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Screening to improve Health In very Preterm infantS in Europe (SHIPS)

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

Very preterm birth is a principal determinant of motor and cognitive impairment in later life. About 50 000 infants in the EU survive very preterm birth annually and are at much higher risk of cerebral palsy, visual and auditory deficits, impaired cognitive ability, psychiatric disorders and behavioural problems than infants born at term. However, the long term prognosis at initial discharge from ...
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Transitioning towards Urban Resilience and Sustainability (TURAS)

Start date: Oct 1, 2011, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

The “TURaS” project aims to bring together urban communities, researchers, local authorities and SMEs to research, develop, demonstrate and disseminate transition strategies and scenarios to enable European cities and their rural interfaces to build vitally-needed resilience in the face of significant sustainability challenges. To ensure maximum impact, the TURaS project has developed an innovati ...
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Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

BACKGROUND.Most surveys and analyses in EU are focused on innovation performance of private sector,while innovations in public sector remain largerly understudied and thus unknown.The simplest definition CCIC will use is 'public sector innovation is about new ideas that work at creating public value'.In terms of innovation,regions and municipalities have a crucial lead-role.Thus,CCIC aims to incre ...
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The EU, its Member States and EU regions have defined ambitious energy strategies, setting firm targets for an increased share of renewable energy sources, more energy efficiency and less carbon emissions in order to make Europes energy supply sustainable and future proof.An important obstacle for wide-spread introduction of renewable energy production capacity and energy efficiency measures is th ...
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CERTESS project aims at setting up a common methodological framework on how to develop, manage and enhance European Cultural Routes (ECRs), by utilising reference development and governance instruments targeted to foster sustainable cultural tourism.Most of ECRs identified to date, and regions intersected by them, lack in fact comprehensive methodologies, governance instruments, innovative ideas t ...
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InFLOWence works on the strengthening of the competitive potentials that one territory has when the FUNCTIONAL LINKS between centre and subcentres are valorised by creating the appropriate integration process.TOOLS and INSTRUMENTS of participation and CAPACITY BUILDING processes are implemented and diffused.Proj's approach is applied and validate both at institutional and economic level through ag ...
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MAritme REgions cooperation for MEDiterranea (MAREMED)

Start date: May 31, 2010, End date: May 23, 2013,

...les pour la pollution, les données et la pêche en février 2012. Les actions pilotes ont débuté. On peut citer, l'action sur la gouvernance d'Héraklion, l'action portée par la Région Ligurie sur les données à Gênes, la concertation européenne sur la pêche à Ancône. Ont été élaborés 10 rapports, site Web, articles et conférences de presse, questionnaires du diagnostic, base de données des acteurs, s ...
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CATCH_MR will explore and adapt sustainable transport solutions for metropolises and their regions.12 partners will take part in the project, representing 7 Metropolitan Regions (MRs): Oslo/Akershus (NO), Gothenburg Region (SE), Berlin-Brandenburg (GE), Vienna/Lower Austria (AU), Ljubljana Urban Region (SL), Budapest/Central Hungarian Region (H), Province of Rome/Lazio Region (I). Efficient, relia ...
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Knowledge Network Management in Technology Parks (Know-Man)

Start date: Dec 31, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2012,

Know-Man improves regional development and spatial innovation policies by exchanging and transferring regional approaches, competencies and instruments of knowledge network management (KNM) to strengthen the regions global competitiveness. To achieve this goal, the partnership uses instruments developed for intra-firm knowledge management transferring them to a regional level. In business science, ...
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Ecosystems have gradually been converted through the expansion of human activities and the introduction/invasion of new species. As a result, species and genetic diversity have declined. Regional and local authorities can organise land planning and regulate human activities in order to preserve biodiversity (natural area protection, greens corridors, conservation and valorisation of species and va ...
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Digital Ecosystems - Learning Applications Network (DE-LAN)

Start date: Dec 31, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2012,

This Project supports the INTERREG IVC Programme’s profoundly-important objective of improving the effectiveness of regional development policies for the advancement of the knowledge economy. It will result in enhanced policies for increased regional competitiveness, job creation and growth - both at project partner level and across all EU regions – via the development, deployment and exploitatio ...
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Product Main Impacts Sustainability through Eco-communication (PROMISE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Nov 30, 2012,

Background Information and communication tools are required to help ensure that society’s consumption patterns become more environmentally sustainable. Altering the behaviour patterns of the market and the general public is particularly important when it comes to raw material use, greenhouse gas emissions, waste minimisation, energy efficiency and biodi ...
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ENERSCAPES - Territory, landscape and renewable energies (enerscapes)

Start date: May 31, 2010, End date: Nov 29, 2012,

The growing use of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) is leading to a new awareness about their compatibility with landscape and heritage preservation policies. This project wants to investigate and evaluate the impacts that a non-regulated diffusion of RES could cause on Mediterranean territories and landscapes. By connecting energy and territorial planning, partners will identify suitable strategi ...
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highly scalable Deployment model" of Inclusive E-GOverm (DIEGO)

Start date: Apr 1, 2010, End date: Sep 30, 2012,

The main outcome of DIEGO, will be to offer to any European Public Authority a FULL e-accesibility front-end for e-Gov services, highly scalable and affordable:1) a new "user-centric" and accessible service provision model for speeding up Inclusive e-Government & e-Governance (Inclusive e-Gov), including trans-borders services, according to preferred ICT media available (interactive TV, smart mob ...
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The project copes with the mobility problems in areas affected by weak demand of transport, characterized by inefficient public transport systems and widespread use of private car. Aim of the project is to enhance, support, integrate local public transport making it more flexible and less expensive through: creation of networks, experimentation of light mobility, infomobility and intermodal transp ...
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Tool for the Territorial Strategy of the MED Space (OTREMED)

Start date: Aug 31, 2010, End date: Feb 27, 2012,

OTREMED begins from the need to provide public bodies with competence in spatial planning a tool to facilitate decision making for the territorial governance, consistent with the structure and the dynamics associated with uniqueness of the Mediterranean. 13 actions consistent with the sustainable and balanced development of the territory will be carried out. Its capitalization will pour into who ...
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New Regional governance of the Euromed area (Medgovernance)

Start date: May 14, 2009, End date: Nov 14, 2011,

MEDGovernance is proposed by some of the most relevant regions of the area; it is aimed to analyse, to experiment, to realise and to capitalise an appropriate model of multilevel governance useful for States and Regions to support a polycentric and sustainable development of EuroMed area. The proposal is born from a supporting action from prestigious research institutes to the involved regions, it ...
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Incubators for Cultural Enterprises (I.C.E.)

Start date: Apr 30, 2009, End date: Oct 31, 2011,

Referring to Portugal, Italy, Greece, Spain and Malta, the project focuses on SMEs involved in art-related sector and the actions will be finalized to: 1. creation and promotion of a stable network between UNESCO sites territories in the Med space and enterprises finalised to have an exchange of experiences and know-how, promotion of economic initiatives, realization of an innovative system of man ...
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PAYS.MED.URBAN understands high quality of landscape as a key factor of sustainability and competitiveness of urban areas. High quality of landscape is not only important for the identity, the ecological health and the quality of life of urban areas but also is a key factor of the attractiveness and distinctiveness of these areas. For this reason, it is an territorial capital and soft locational f ...
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Mediterranean Living Lab for Territorial Innovation (MedLab)

Start date: Mar 31, 2009, End date: Oct 30, 2011,

The Living Lab model for in situ co-design of innovative ICT services is proving increasingly successful in promoting the knowledge economy by speeding up the pace and quality of research and technology development;* yet despite its significant potential, there is to date no clear link with Mediterranean regional policies. MedLabs objective is to apply the Living Lab approach from the demand side ...
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Start date: Aug 31, 2008, End date: Sep 29, 2011,

To reduce the effects of climate change and prepare for the decline of the oil-age, European regions play a key role in promoting, developing and implementing renewable energy sources (RES) combined with energy efficiency strategies. Many EU regions are taking action in this field, defining specific objectives and action plans to improve the use of RES and energy efficiency in their area. More tha ...
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Start date: May 31, 2009, End date: Sep 29, 2011,

The aim of the project is to evaluate, define and agree upon a common development strategy for improving competitiveness of the MED maritime system, developing the connections between the main regional ports and the Trans-European Network of Transport (TEN-T); The direct target groups include ministries, regional administrations, municipal institutions, port authorities, which will cooperate in th ...
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Background Many of the Mediterranean coastal and marine habitats of the Lazio region in central Italy and of Calabria in the south are under threat directly, or indirectly, from human activities. The ancient coastal/ marine landscapes boast a “mosaic” of rare and threatened habitats listed in the EU habitats directive. The areas boast eight coastal or ...
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Start date: May 31, 2006, End date: Jun 29, 2008,

Lidée du projet se propose de déterminer et de requalifier, par la réalisation dactions pilotes sur les territoires publics régionaux, des configurations et des intégrations de systèmes infrastructurels territoriaux, en ajoutant la notion d infrastructure, pour enrichir la qualité des espaces urbains et extra urbains avec le territoire en général, et valoriser les zones constituants des systèmes u ...
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...mées dans les déclarations de Lisbonne et de Göteborg - Le SDEC en ce qui concerne les spécificités de lespace méditerranéen et les priorités quil dégage. - Les priorités nationales et régionales, dans les cinq pays, relatives à la cohésion et à la compétitivité de lespace Medocc
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Start date: May 31, 2005, End date: Oct 30, 2007,

...est un échange d’expérience des acquis en matière d’aménagement et de gestion intégrée des bassins fluviaux concernant des zones urbaines et péri-urbaines, entre l’espace MEDOCC et les régions du Maghreb, afin de développer une démarche commune sur de thématiques communes : équilibre centres urbains -périphéries, relations villes-campagne, gestion des ressources en eau, risques naturels, pollution ...
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ays.Doc : Good Practices for the Landscape (Pays.Doc)

Start date: May 31, 2005, End date: Oct 30, 2007,

...ravail de synthèse avec la création dun observatoire représentatif des processus et des tendances, basé sur une banque dimages, et ce à partir dune observation étendue dans chaque région. Il sagit de fonder une culture commune de lintervention sur lespaysages en milieu méditerranéen, permettant ainsi denrichir lesapproches et les pratiques et facilitant une plus grande qualité desinterventions. En ...
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Lobjectif est un échange dexpérience des acquis en matière daménagement et de gestion intégrée des bassins fluviaux concernant des zones urbaines et péri-urbaines, entre lespace MEDOCC et les régions du Maghreb, afin de développer une démarche commune sur de thématiques communes : équilibre centres urbains -périphéries, relations villes-campagne, gestion des ressources en eau, risques naturels, po ...
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Network for Regional SME Finance (FinNetSME)

Start date: Jun 30, 2004, End date: Jun 29, 2007,

The Network for Regional SME Finance, FinNetSME, is a network project designed to encourage an intensive exchange between regional public financiers on how to improve access to finance for Small and Medium Size Enterprises (SMEs). To this end, 20 partners from nine EU Member States will discuss current problems of SME finance, compare the situation in their respective regions and will suggest prac ...
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Coronas Metropolitanas - Coronas Metropolitanas (Coronas Metropolitanas)

Start date: Aug 31, 2003, End date: Nov 29, 2006,

One of the main aims of the project is for partners to share action-based experiences. Innovative approaches will be presented for restoring the balance between cities and internal and external areas for development. The partners will compare different solutions and adopt elements of best practice. Innovative elements will then be combined in an approach to achieve balanced development. Simple, in ...
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The operation Mo.No.Pi - Monument Nomination and Pilot Implementation as an Alternative Form of Architecture and Religion Tourism focuses on the promotion of monasteries as important sites of cultural heritage. Monasteries frequently require significant amounts of resources for restoration and maintenance but, apart from being sanctuaries for contemplation, they can act as growth poles for the dev ...
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Euromedinculture: Euromed Information Culture (Euromedinculture)

Start date: May 31, 2004, End date: Jun 29, 2006,

« Euro-Medinculture » s’intéresse à la coopération culturelle entre les régions de l’espace Medocc. Le projet a pour objectif de permettre à plusieurs régions de l’espace euro-méditerranéen de coopérer et de travailler ensemble afin de mettre en place un réseau concret de structures régionales. Il s’agit également de fluidifier la circulation d’informations sur les questions euro-méditerranéennes, ...
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« CASTRUM » s’interesse aux villes mineures de la côte occidentale de la Méditerranée, souvent caractérisées par la présence de châteaux, de donjons et de remparts. Le projet a pour objectif de valoriser ces villes en utilisant leurs bâtiments comme points d’excellence pour des activités culturelles, d’animation, et de documentation. Il s’agit d’améliorer l’action publique dans le domaine de la ge ...
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...cialistes d'Europe, du Moyen Orient et d'Afrique du Nord qui sont, ou seront, employés dans les secteurs public ou privé, dans les entreprises, institutions et organisations régionales, nationales ou internationales. Le Master a pour but de faire de ces jeunes spécialistes les vecteurs et multiplicateurs principaux de la perspective et de l'expertise euro-méditerranéenne. ...
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VREM : The Mediterranean Roman Routes (VREM)

Start date: Dec 31, 2001, End date: Oct 29, 2004,

Les voies romaines constituent un important élément du patrimoine de la Méditerranée qui présente de nombreux atouts et un grand potentiel de développement, mais qui doit en permanence faire face à de nombreuses menaces, renforcées par labsence actuelle dune approche densemble, concertée et opérationnelle dans une perspective de durabilité. Dans le but de rendre cohérente et effective à long terme ...
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« PORT NET MED PLUS » vise à mettre en place un réseau entre les régions et les ports de la Méditerranée Occidentale. Il doit conduire à la mise en place dune initiative de coopération et de coordination des ports et des régions de lespace Medocc, au renforcement de la centralisation des régions et des ports par rapport à lorganisation territoriale européenne, à la réalisation de campagnes de prom ...
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COASTGAP springs after more than 10 years of shared experiences among many Mediterranean coastal Administrations and Institutions in the field of coastal adaptation to CC effects and other natural/anthropogenic threats. In 2011 these actors established the cluster FACECOAST ( and propose COASTGAP in order to capitalize 12 Best Practices from 9 projects of the cluster (from MED and ...
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The project will be organized in 3 main phases: 1. Planning and Sharing - In this phase, partners will meet and set the cooperation model, through master plans for the other 2 phases of the project. Partners will be organized by 3 different working groups (Business Model Networking Model and Institutional and territory Links). Inside these groups, the outputs will be analyzed and updated. This wil ...
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Shapes is focused on the excellences of the Knowledge/Creative Economy in the MEDarea. In this area are concentrated in fact the most appreciated talents/brands/know-hows worldwide. The creative asset directly or indirectly produces cultural products and includes not only commercial/production/service enterprises but also artists, public and non-profit organizations. For this reason Shapes is also ...
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The main idea of the project is to improve the competitiveness of port systems in the MED area by improving accessibility through technology and procedural innovations, and guaranteeing sustainability of transport. The idea focuses on the realization of interoperable management information systems (WP5) and on the reduction of externalities (WP6). The project addresses three strategic sectors: fre ...
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