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ENERSCAPES - Territory, landscape and renewable energies (enerscapes)
Start date: May 31, 2010, End date: Nov 29, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The growing use of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) is leading to a new awareness about their compatibility with landscape and heritage preservation policies. This project wants to investigate and evaluate the impacts that a non-regulated diffusion of RES could cause on Mediterranean territories and landscapes. By connecting energy and territorial planning, partners will identify suitable strategies for considering ecological, landscape and heritage aspects while setting up RES promotion policies. Achievements: State of the art of project implementation since the project startThe project started in July 2010 by detailing the working plan. The regulatory framework, pilot project areas and RES potential/landscape impact assessment method were discussed in October 2010. A context analysis workshop followed in March 2011, where the report on the RES policy framework and all partners' case studies were presented. A June 2011 meeting focused on the comparative analysis and synthesis and assessment method definition. A November 2011 workshop then guided the partners in their SWOT analysis and implementation of a GIS in each region. By March 2012 the partners defined the scenarios for RES exploitation in their pilot areas. A public participative process then followed to assess the most sustainable scenario and guide the preparation of local action plans. Its implementation and outcomes were then discussed by the partners at a June 2012 meeting. Enerscapes was actively promoted through a dedicated website, leaflets, public meetings and press releases.Latest project activities and outputsThe work focused on the participative assessment of the considered scenarios for each pilot. This started with a discussion between the partners in March 2012 of the selected scenarios and public involvement methodologies. Implemented participative process activities varied among partners, both due to different pilot areas size and in reflection of different partner communication and governance strategies. For example, RAEE has been strongly involved in a small-scale participative process, organising numerous meetings with citizens. Other partners chose to involve citizens mainly at the informative level, cooperating much closer with local authorities. Overall, the participative processes undertaken generated such interest with the different national authorities as well as the general public, that required more time than initially envisaged to allow for a proper exploitation of this interest and its translation into a most suitable scenario and input into local action plans.Next key steps for the project-comparative evaluation of pilot experiences, starting at the next project meeting in Rome in November 2012. The output of this, guidelines for the impact assessment of RES systems on the landscape, are the ultimate result of all the participatory assessm

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  • 79.2%   1 393 625,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Programme MED
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

7 Partners Participants