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Innovation flows, European network for the city economy - In.FLOW.ence (In.FLOW.ence)
Start date: May 31, 2010, End date: May 30, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

InFLOWence works on the strengthening of the competitive potentials that one territory has when the FUNCTIONAL LINKS between centre and subcentres are valorised by creating the appropriate integration process.TOOLS and INSTRUMENTS of participation and CAPACITY BUILDING processes are implemented and diffused.Proj's approach is applied and validate both at institutional and economic level through agreements and institutional plans. The approach's test takes place through the launch of 3PPs Achievements: State of the art of project implementation since the project startBeing this period the last before the end of the project, most of outputs and results have been reached. If not completed, all deliverables are sufficiently advanced and almost all are visible online on the InFLOWence website. It is forseen that the totality of the expected results will be achieved by the 31st may 2013. All the main communication tools and events have been delivered except the final conference planned in April 2013 in Rome. All capitalization seminars have taken place and only 4 forums are missing and planned to be held in May 2013. The 3 PPs have been launched and expected to be closed in time at the end of May 2013. The community has been started on the social networks. The RC will be put online when all data, coming from the mapping process, are uploaded. The model has been built and a test is in progress in Ljubljana.Latest project activities and outputsThe most intense activity during the reporting period is the finalization of the mapping for the uploading in the RC. Another activity that required a strong energy has been the organization of the International Congress on Polycentrism in Marseille in November 2012. This event has been anticipated by the launch of a call for papers for the preparation of the e-book that will be officially published by UIRS. The model for governance has required a great effort of innovation and eminent abilities of research. It is based on the concept of quality of time for improving the space planning at different scales.Next key steps for the projectAll deliverables are running to a conclusion. During the last period a final conference will take place in Rome where all results and outputs are presented. The last issues of the e-magazine will give evidence of the final results. The 3 Pilot projects will be closed and will constitute a basis for capitalization.
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  • 77%   1 483 074,05
  • 2007 - 2013 Programme MED
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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