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AYS.MED.URBAN: High quality of landscape as a key of sustainability and competitiveness of mediterranean urban areas (PAYS.MED.URBAN)
Start date: Mar 31, 2009, End date: Oct 30, 2011 PROJECT  FINISHED 

PAYS.MED.URBAN understands high quality of landscape as a key factor of sustainability and competitiveness of urban areas. High quality of landscape is not only important for the identity, the ecological health and the quality of life of urban areas but also is a key factor of the attractiveness and distinctiveness of these areas. For this reason, it is an territorial capital and soft locational factor important for attracting enterprises of the new economy sectors (knowledge industry business), qualified and creative workforce (talents) and for tourism. Therefore, PAYS.MED.URBAN links directly with general objectives for the Med programme (to make the whole Med space a territory able to match international concurrence and active intervention in a logic of sustainable development). Among priority axes the project belongs to axis 4 centred in the promotion of a polycentric development, putting the accent on the question that a polycentric spatial approach only can be sustainable when it is combined with the idea of compact city in order to prevent a dispersed polycentric settlement pattern caracterized by urban sprawl and the subsequent negative impacts or costs. The aim to create polycentric and at the same time compact urban regions needs a great attention to landscape, especially the preservation of open public spaces in the periurban areas, but also are important other landscape matters treated by PAYS.MED.URBAN. Achievements: State of the art of project implementation since the project startOur main objective is to manage the common urban Mediterranean landscape with the aim of having high quality landscapes as a distinction of attractiveness and competitiveness of our cities.Working towards this objective we have already selected and produce 308 viewpoints cards where to find examples of positive and negative landscape practices and to give management recommendations Selected 83 public and private good practices on urban landscape in all partners´ territories after a selection process to produce a catalogue Produce a guideline for urban landscape management Produce a publication of awareness raising to sensitize about high quality urban landscapes to public administration Designed and developed a pilot action in each partner´s territory to involve the public participation for the processes of decision making and management of an urban landscape Built a platform from where can offer general information about urban landscape and specific information for all the public.Latest project activities and outputsOBSERVATORY - Production of the digital application of the virtual observatory. ALL WORK LINES - Printing 4.200 volumes of the all the work lines products, 3.780 of the pilot actions - Printing 980 volumes of RURBAN landscapes - Sending the volumes of each workline to each partner (300 books) for the 14 partners of the project. - Distribution of the 300 volumes of each partner to regional and local administrators professional associations particular professionals libraries universities regional, national and international institutions related to urban landscape management. WEB SITE - Upload of all the digital files of all the final products of each workline+all the information related to the closure seminar and IIIPMP. CLOSURE SEMINAR+IIIPMP+SC In November 10th and 11th was celebrated the 4th and closing transnational seminar focused on the topic -The landscape as an active for the economic development and a element to be integrated by the emerging economyNext key steps for the projectAfter de closure of the project the maximun and widest spread and dissemination of the obtained results and conclusions will be made by each partner. At the closure SC the future collaboration of the PAYSMED net was discussed. The topics to be developed are: Education in landscape Urban areas excellence Biodiversity and landscape Landscape and rural development Climate change and new landscapes Sustainability linked to landscape Landscape and quality of life Landscape and real governance

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  • 75%   1 224 999,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Programme MED
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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14 Partners Participants