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Treloar Trust - Learning Together

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2017,

This project has been developed on the basis of a strong existing partnership between the coordinating and receiving organisation and following on from a number of successful EVS projects involving these organisations. The project consists of an 11-month EVS activity involving six participants, which will take place at Treloar Trust, Alton, UK. The project involves sending organisations from Aust ...
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Touch EVS

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

...opportunity to run their own mini-project.As part A2, EVS in Salesian Leisure Centre Don Bosco Ostrava in the period 15.8.2016 - 31.7.2017. The main activities volunteers will be involved in, will be direct work with children and young people in the oratory - open club for children, helping workers in the program's Oratory in the streets with the target group of pre-schoolers, assistance in variou ...
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İnteraktif Pazarlama Teknikleri

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

According to a survey in 2012 done by Turkish Statistical İnstute (TSI),47.2 percent of households has Internet Access.Information technology sector is rapidly developing in recent times under theinfluence of advertising and interactive agencies have stardet to take place in the advertising indrusty.Interactive marketing,both sides communication and interaction between the customer and the brand i ...
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Sensibilisons A L'europe Sans Aprioris

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Europäisches Integrationszentrum Rostock e.V. will prepare the volunteer who will then join the team of the Europe House in Mayenne during 10 months. This association informs citizens of various ages about the European Union and its Member States. The volunteer will participate in informative actions on the European mobility programs targeting young people, educative workshops on the European Unio ...
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The vocational training at the dual vocational college (Duales Berufskolleg) incorporates a job placement of several weeks or months. The trainees in the Ortenaukreis, as well as the training companies, the zweiteSchule gemeinnützige Gesellschaft (a non-profit organization), and the Kaufmännische Schulen Lahr work closely together for the mobility project. Local companies have been sending their t ...
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Together 4 Change, 2.0

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2017,

South Baltic Four Corners is an international cooperation including Southeast Skåne in Sweden, the Polish town Swinoujscie, the Danish island Bornholm and the German island Rügen. Since 1995 Four Corners works with the aim to improve the life quality of the people in each of the Four Corners. Since the Four Corners face the same challenges, we have during a long period used each other’s experience ...
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Together 4 Change

Start date: Jan 7, 2015, End date: Jan 7, 2017,

South Baltic Four Corners is an international cooperation including Southeast Skåne in Sweden, the Polish town Swinoujscie, the Danish island Bornholm and the German island Rügen. Since 1995 this cooperation is working together with the aim to improve the life quality of the people in each of the Four Corners. Since the Four Corners face the same challenges, we have during a long period used each ...
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Théâtre volontaire

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

The Maison de l'Europe en Mayenne will prepare the volunteers who will then join during 12 months the team of Klub AMI, an NGO aiming at promoting European cultures and languages in order to fight against prejudices and stereotypes. The Club's target group is children and teenagers, in particular the ones with special needs. In this way, the main missions of the volunteer will be to promote the Fr ...
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Time to Take Action! A borderless charitable network in Europe

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

The Help Freely Foundation uses new technologies for innovative and social purposes, lending a hand to thousands of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) all over the world thanks to a multiplier effect that converts small acts into large-scale, visible results. This is made possible through the creation of various web tools that enable solidary shops to donate a percentage of their profits to the ...
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INTOFashion Platform

Start date: Mar 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

Three strategic partners – [FAD (London, UK); Asociación Cultural Roda (Bilbao, Spain); Associazione Moda e Modi (Milan, Italy)] - will collaborate to create INTOFashion, a unique ICT platform which supports European young people who are considering progression to a career in fashion and design. The web tool, incorporating social media, will be both factual and pedagogical, providing sector-sp ...
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History Tellers - Walk with real stories

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

The Maison de l'Europe en Mayenne will prepare two volunteers who will then join during 10 months the team of the Student Union of the University of Madeira (AAUMa), which is a representative organisation aiming at representing the students of the University of Madeira and defending their interests. As a very touristic place with a rich and unique culture and history, the activities proposed to th ...
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Sensibilisons les jeunes à l'Europe

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

Akzente Salzburg will prepare the volunteer who will then join the team of the Europe House in Mayenne during 10 months. This association informs citizens of various ages about the European Union and its Member States. The volunteer will participate in informative actions on the European mobility programs targeting young people, educative workshops on the European Union and the Member States' cult ...
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...s and increasing the quality of education in technical schools. Our metodology in the process of our project we give importance to task sharing and cooperation. In this direction, there is a powerful project executive team consituted of voluntery teacher. The executive team first share task and then they are going to move within a plan in all of the operations like preperation, dynamism, moni ...
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Site-specific and non-specific, the conflict between information reality and virtuality, global versus national culture, and central Europe as an equal part of the European Union - these are the themes of an international exhibition project Contain[era] that will take place in the second half of 2015 in eight European countries. Eight shipping containers will be turned into mobile galleries, each ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Feb 29, 2016,

...iaries, create similar projects, etc.). The project is not limited to the participants in the action, training significantly strengthen the potential of the parent organization of participants by the direct use of the knowledge acquired by the beneficiary for the organization and for its forwarding. Each graduate training to become a person multiplying its results. The additional impact of the pro ...
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Strat the Change

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2016,

The international training course “START THE CHANGE!” aimed at empowering and building up the competences of young people and multipliers/activists in youth work to initiate and run social initiatives and projects based on community needs. The event took place from September 20th – 28th of 2015 in Montijo, Portugal. It involved 32 youth workers and young people from Cyprus, Hungary, Italy, Poland, ...
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Enrichment of soil, spirit and community 3

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

Main themes of the project were sustainable living, building and agriculture in an eco-community. The project took place in an ecovillage combined with a biodynamic farm, which are situated in a rural area in South-Western Finland. We had six volunteers from three different countries: Hungary, Italy and France. The project lasted six months, which gave good opportunities to create a process that s ...
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...t painful issues in the society: social inequality and exclusion, homophobia, lack of tolerance and lack of adequate public information. With different volunteer tasks in each Organization volunteers directed their efforts towards united goals creating open, tolerant, and educated society. EVS in this project contributed to the development of the local community in a broader sense: receiving organ ...
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Youthfulness vol. 2

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Nov 30, 2015,

Youthfulness vol 2 is a volunteer project, directed to two people from different countries. The main themes of the EVS are European awareness and urban/rural development. The inclusion concerns social, geographical and economic difficulties. We want to realize this project because our mission is to involve young people in social life of their villages. Biggest part of our members is adolescents (h ...
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Sensibilisons les jeunes à l'Europe

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

Following the reception of a young Polish girl in EVS in 2014, the Maison de l'Europe en Mayenne wished to renew its action of awareness of European citizenship and cultures led by a young European volunteer. This action had been very positive and beneficial as well as for the young volunteer and the Maison de l'Europe, but also for the citizens from Mayenne who had the opportunity to discover Eur ...
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Giving a quality of life

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

... voluntary service. The project develop at the same time activities in three different groups , that works with social difficulties that go around them are at risk of social exclusion who are working directly for inclusion. In each of the groups cooperate and live 2 volunteers : 1. Fundación Betesda : Adults with different types of intellectual disabilities and / or physical. It's going to be host ...
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In manufacturing of industrial parts, turning is one of the most important manufacturing processes and is applied mainly by SMEs. However, until today, turning processes suffer from inflexible machine characteristics, as to mention an extreme high amount of needed tool holders and frequent tool changes caused by tool lives of > 3 minutes. In order to raise production flexibility and efficiency sig ...
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Citoyenneté et Solidarité avec UNIS CITE

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Aug 30, 2015,

The project "solidarité et Citoyenneté avec Unis Cité" is a hosting coordinating project allowing 7 young european poeple to come in our region, to build their future life, social and professionnal life, through this voluntary experience. This project coordinate 2 local activity project: 4 volunteers hosted in Saint-Etienne and 3 in Lyon. each volunteer ll be able to have a 10 months voluntary ac ...
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Kingsriver Community

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Aug 1, 2015,

Kingsriver Community provides residential and day-care (in the form of training, therapy and meaningful work). Beneficiaries are adults and young people with fewer opportunities (due to disadvantaged economical background, lack of education, disability, abuse, mental health problems, alcohol problems). The focus is on people’s abilities rather than their disabilities. The aim is that they are ena ...
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...following:- a new developed monitoring system will detect and avoid the generation of undesirable surface defects like so called white layers.- an optical measurement device will calibrate a new tool directly and measure the cutting edge geometry and wear of the tool in order to compensate form errors in conjunction with the controlling of the lathe- the system will be completed by a polishing dev ...
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With the growth of digital libraries and digital library federation (as well as partially unstructured collections of documents such as web sites), a large set of vendors is offering engines for retrieving contents and metadata via search requests by the end user (queries). In most cases these queries are just unstructured fragments of text in a specific language.The first service offered by GALA ...
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"The interstate integration of power grids provides multiple advantages concerning operation security, integration of renewable energy as well as energy trading. Due to this fact the UCTE interconnection expands continually since its establishment. Consideration is given to different scenarios of joint operation of UCTE and NORDEL with power grids on the territory of the former USSR. Due to the fa ...
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Culinary Heritage Europe (Culinary Heritage)

Start date: May 31, 2003, End date: Nov 29, 2005,

This cooperation wants to create new and improve existing strategies relating to regional development within the small-scale food sector. The partners aim to raise the level of economic activity within their regions by combining small-scale food production and culinary experiences. Culinary experiences add value to the products by focusing on cultural, historical or other interesting aspects of th ...
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The training course for public relations and image management aims at developing the quality of youth activities and capabilities of civil society organizations in the youth field for fighting poverty and social exclusion with giving opportunity to the participants for acquiring skills for further self-employment in the PR sector. This training course aims at improvement of the participant's compe ...
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A mismatch between skills demand and supply has high economic and social costs and contributes to structural unemployment. In 2009 and 2010, nearly every European country was affected by the economic crisis. Some members of the European Union faced serious risk of public finances system collapse. In such difficult circumstances, companies were drastically cutting costs. The first area for savings ...
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The target group of the ProTrain training concept are apprentices and skilled workers in companies, who want to gain the ability to understand, visualize and optimise their own workplace and task as well as the processes befor and after their work process and the process as a whole in the company.
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The project is aimed at the development of an e-learning tool for blind and visually impaired people in order to improve their skills and increase their employability, predominantly in call centres. The system will be based on three elements: an audio CD, an on line learning platform, and specifically designed and developed trainings. The proposed approach of using a blended concept to train blind ...
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The target group of the ProTrain training concept are apprentices and skilled workers in companies, who want to gain the ability to understand, visualize and optimise their own workplace and task as well as the processes befor and after their work process and the process as a whole in the company.
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Das Ziel des Projektes ist die Entwicklung eines modular aufgebauten und medial unterstützten Qualifizierungskonzeptes. Dies soll in Kombination aus 7 Qualifizierungsmodulen und einer Materialien-CD Auszubildende und Facharbeiter zur Durchführung unternehmensinterner Analysen (Prozessanalysen) hinsichtlich der Ermittlung und Umsetzung von Optimierungspotentialen befähigen. Dabei findet unter ander ...
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The project partnership aims to improve the skill levels of those working in the parenting education and support sector (in addition to parents themselves) through sharing information amongst project partners with regard to VET. Project partners will assemble, distil and build upon European expertise and innovative approaches to working with parents to thus improve the analysis and anticipation of ...
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The basis for the project is a detected need of people with intellectual disabilities for respectful life and treatment; legislation in most European countries has developed towards social inclusion and improvement of the quality of life of disabled persons. The project will develop training packages for trainers of people with intellectual disabilities, based on the values of social inclusion, em ...
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Das Ziel des Projektes ist die Entwicklung eines modular aufgebauten und medial unterstützten Qualifizierungskonzeptes. Dies soll in Kombination aus 7 Qualifizierungsmodulen und einer Materialien-CD Auszubildende und Facharbeiter zur Durchführung unternehmensinterner Analysen (Prozessanalysen) hinsichtlich der Ermittlung und Umsetzung von Optimierungspotentialen befähigen. Dabei findet unter ander ...
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All in Europe

Start date: Dec 1, 2009,

The European Union seems hardly recognizable from the tender integration project that started back in the history - the Union emerged as the only viable vehicle for organizing Europe. What have started out as a means for safeguarding peace and enabling economic recovery amongst six countries have developed in the world's graters Unions. Being a youngster from the EU means not only a European Citiz ...
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Pekarna-magdalenske mreze institution will host three EVS volunteers, two from France and one from Belgium. The project will last 9 months. The main aim of the project is to include volunteers in cultural activities of the host organization and give her/him the possibility to participate in the formation of cultural, youth, youth-information and humanitarian activities of Pekarna-magdalenske mreze ...
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Making it happen

Start date: Dec 1, 2011,

Volunteering can be described as giving your time and energy freely and by choice without concern for financial gain. It can describe hundreds of different activities that people choose to do in order to benefit or support others in the community. A volunteer therefore is a person who gives a commitment of time and energy for the benefit of the community, which is undertaken freely without financi ...
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