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18 European Projects Found

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Description (EN): The AlpGovs’ main objective is to support effective and efficient EUSALP implementation in a systematic transnational approach through designing and testing appropriate governance structures and mechanisms mainly on the level of Action Groups (AGs), at the same time to create synergies with the other EUSALP implementing bodies General Assembly and Executive Board a ...
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The SEE region faces a complex, nationally and regionally diverse set of demographic, migratory and labour market challenges (low or declining fertility, large scale out-migration, brain and care drain, ageing, low labour force participation rate). Together with further aspects like gender, age and the given territorial heterogeneity of the programme area, they are creating a complex challenge to ...
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The focus of the project is to enhance policy-making, reinforcing the capacity of public administrations to understand, anticipate and strategically manage the implications of demographic change for the growth and cohesion of European regions and cities, and for the overall integration of the SEE area. Local and regional authorities are at the forefront in facing the effects of current demographic ...
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Fall of the working age population in Europe is becoming more apparent year by year with young people being slowly but surely outnumbered by people over 60. This obviously poses a number of challenges for the society.It is therefore important to adequately respond to "ageing challenges" using the potentials of older workers and capitalizing on the needs of an ageing society The Central European (C ...
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South East Transport Axis (SETA)

Start date: Dec 31, 2010, End date: Dec 30, 2013,

Together with the projects SoNorA, BATCo, SCANDRIA North and SEETAC (Central Europe, Baltic Sea, SEE Programme), SETA is aiming on the analysis and development of the transport corridors from Scandinavia to South-East Europe. Competitive Accessibility of regions is one of the most important preconditions for their economic growth and development (as the project SIC! has shown). Fluent transport of ...
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Improving quality of life in small towns (QUALIST)

Start date: Jun 30, 2010, End date: Jun 29, 2013,

Whilst metropolitan areas are growing or at least having a stable number of inhabitants middle and smaller towns are shrinking, sometimes with serious rate. Along with this, these towns have obsolescence and workforce problem, because of the migration regards especially young and well educated people. The reasons for this are the absence of jobs, poor quality of infrastructure and connectivity to ...
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Motorways of the Seas Strategic Demonstration Project (StratMos)

Start date: Mar 31, 2008, End date: Mar 30, 2011,

The application is for an extension of the project with the inclusion of a further two partners, who have been involved in the Stratmos project from the start but were not able to submit their letters of intent in time for the submission of the project in the first call. The potential partners were involved with the Stratmos predecessor project Northern Maritime Corridor. The Stratmos project aim ...
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The Pan-European Corridor III, the axis connecting Eastern and Western Europe, plays a crucial role in the successful realisation of the single European market and a future-oriented positioning of European regions in the global economy. Actors along the corridor have learnt that development of the transport infrastructure system is not only a cost factor, but those resources should be used effecti ...
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Baltic Energy Efficiency Network for the Building Stock (BEEN)

Start date: Jun 20, 2005, End date: Dec 30, 2007,

Buildings account for more than 40% of the overall energy consumption in the EU, of which two-thirds are consumed in residential buildings. Thereby, the standard of the buildings varies greatly and low thermal quality primarily occurs in the prefabricated multi-storey housing stock in the Central and Eastern European member states. This fact also implies huge potentials for energy savings and the ...
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Baltic Spatial development Measures for Enterprise (B-SME)

Start date: Dec 31, 2004, End date: Dec 30, 2007,

This project has set itself the following overlapping goals: strengthening of competitiveness in the whole Baltic area generally as well as for SME especially strengthening of co-operation between the old and the new member countries of the European Community as well as with the neighbouring countries Russia and Belarus; promotion of economic and cultural identity, development of intellectually me ...
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Next Business Generation (NBG)

Start date: Dec 31, 2004, End date: Dec 30, 2007,

The NBG partners aim to collectively develop solutions to safeguard business successions. This is achieved through the exchange of information and sharing of experience gathered on the promotion of business successions, identifying good practice examples, developing appropriate support and setting up an effective network to disseminate this information. ...
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European Chemical Regions Network (ECRN)

Start date: Dec 31, 2003, End date: Nov 29, 2007,

The operation “European Chemical Regions Network” (ECRN) is centered around concerted actions for European regions with dominant chemical industries. In Europe, the chemical industry (especially the petrochemical industry) is clustered in just a few regions. In these regions, the chemical sector often represents the major economic force exhibiting strong impacts on most other economic sectors. Due ...
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The project “e-Health for Regions“ aimed to create modern health care systems by building up modern structures and implementing e-Health solutions to make ‘health for all’ possible. Thereby the project partners contributed to optimise the cross-border medical care and to improve the quality of medical care.The European healthcare systems have to deal with the rising demand for services in addition ...
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The REVITAMIN project, the revitalisation of mining regions, is aimed at upgrading and developing landscapes after mining activities have ceased. The first priority of the project is transnational co-operation and extensive knowledge and experience transfer as the structural and landscape changes provide many challenges, particularly for mining regions. Regardless of individual issues concerning m ...
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Transportation of passengers and goods increases dramatically in the South Baltic Sea area. However, existing infrastructure and transport solutions are not enough equipped to manage the growth in an efficient and sustainable way. The challenging development called upon joint actions among organisations in several countries and on various levels. In the Baltic Gateway project, regional and local a ...
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The need for knowledge exchange in all relevant areasof urban policy has been identified for quite some timeby Member States, European municipalities and theEuropean Commission.The EUKN is to realize a sustainable and effective knowledgenetwork between European cities, urban researchers andknowledge institutes in order to support policy-makers indeveloping an effective urban policy.The objective o ...
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In Europe, developments in Environmental Technology (ET) are dominated by Germany. This project sets out to equip environmental protection officers, as its primary target group, with German language training at intermediate and advanced levels in the field of ET. A multimedia training package will be developed for online (internet) and offline (CD-Rom) use. Twelve modules will be developed coverin ...
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The VPL Network partners aim to establish a European network, as well as to strengthen existing national networks with regard to the Valuation of Prior Learning (VPL). The overall aim is to build bridges between formal and informal education, to influence policy and to facilitate internal, external and geographical mobility within the workforce, with special reference to women, older people and th ...
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