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Baltic Spatial development Measures for Enterprise (B-SME)
Start date: Dec 31, 2004, End date: Dec 30, 2007 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project has set itself the following overlapping goals: strengthening of competitiveness in the whole Baltic area generally as well as for SME especially strengthening of co-operation between the old and the new member countries of the European Community as well as with the neighbouring countries Russia and Belarus; promotion of economic and cultural identity, development of intellectually mental infrastructure as well as development of “we feeling” and highly regional identification; building of real and virtual networks; further development of transnational and cross-sectoral structureconception and realisation of specific promotion steps for SME in the Baltic area.In order to obtain the overlapping goals the project is subdivided into 3 work packages with the following main activities and results:Work Package I: Institution/network building – Baltic SME Community; building of head office for services, think tank and back office for promotion of SME and of virtual network; promotion of co-operation between private and public supporters of economy; studies and development of plans in 3 central political fields of the development of SME; acquisition of additional members; meetings, congresses, publications; public relations for information of SMEs as well as of a general public and Consulting for RU + BY Partners regarding development of SME-promoters.The network is working very productive its partners receive information quickly and learn from one another. Numerous bilateral partnerships and cooperation emerged. The team work involving private economy promoters, public economy promoters and universities was improved causing an intensive cooperation within the region. The elaboration of political concepts promoting the development of SMEs is finding great approval while at the same time strengthening the interest groups considerably. A durable continuation of the network programme within the Hanse-Parlament is guaranteed. Achievements: The organisation of two Hanse-conventions had a share in creating stable mutual trust, a strong sense of community and the increase of regional identity. Three Books (3000 copies each) and five brochures (available in German, English, Polish and Russian) are published.Work Package II: Vocational Education and Training – Baltic SME Education development and certification of curricula for 2 dual courses of studies in the subject “management” offering final examinations for BA in the Baltic area foundation of non-profit private limited company as an agency to put courses of studies into practice in Northern Germany test of 3 further places of study in other Baltic countries development of modules for further education in the subject “management training” Consulting and Promotion of RU + BY Partners regarding further development of vocational trainingFive different dual bachelor study courses are certificated, are currently working and accepting new students every year. Three further study places in Gdansk, Vilnius and Pori are reviewed; concrete plans for an implementation are available.8 BSR academies and universities have signed a cooperation agreement and started a cross-border cooperation.Curricula for a courses “management training” and for an other courses “business start up” are developed and tested at six different places.Thanks to the foundation of 2 new private technical colleges, the study courses will have sustainable support guaranteed. This will provide companies with future leaders who are desperately needed and, on the other hand, provide young people with a well-grounded education and, consequently, with excellent career opportunities.Work Package III: SME-Promotion – Baltic SME Developmentbuilding of register of companies with uniform standards in the Baltic areadevelopment of uniform standards of quality for SME in the Baltic areadevelopment and realization of export seminars, international co-operation exchanges and of SME-specific English language coursesdevelopment and realization of steps for common development of products and of common marketingDevelopment and implementation of seminars for founders of new businesses in RU + BYAll together 70 conferences, congresses, workshops, cooperation forums and similar meetings in all Baltic Sea nations are realised. An electronic cooperation register with integrated quality management is realised and work very well.The companies offer different supportive actions to every project-member in nearly every Baltic Sea state. The chambers and federations further reinforce the offer and thus guarantee a stable sustainability. Considering the past, SMEs now gain concrete help, particularly as far as the cross-
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  • 56.2%   1 999 500,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Baltic Sea Region
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

38 Partners Participants