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VPL Network - European Network for Valuation of Prior Learning

The VPL Network partners aim to establish a European network, as well as to strengthen existing national networks with regard to the Valuation of Prior Learning (VPL). The overall aim is to build bridges between formal and informal education, to influence policy and to facilitate internal, external and geographical mobility within the workforce, with special reference to women, older people and those with disabilities.Partners will organise working meetings to explore and discuss a series of issues in relation to the Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL) and will produce reports, manuals and good practice materials. Project activities will address the use of personalised portfolios, work permits, student circulation between education and training agencies; current practice in recognition of competence and experience; assessments by companies and other accredited assessors; computer-based learning opportunities; relationship between vocational training and employment; attitudes of human resources experts to APL and certificates & diplomas and their relevance to particular groups of workers.National barriers to ongoing development of APL will be explored at national level and a common European, electronic, personal portfolio is planned to be introduced supported by relevant databases of new and existing certification and qualifications. Additionally, the project will seek to encourage improved training for individual assessors.New communication channels will be created at both national and international level, to include links to a central project website. National seminars and a final project conference will broaden the debate and plan to include both policy and decision-makers in education and employment. The project will also focus upon establishing a permanent European Forum.
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