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36 European Projects Found

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Refugees Education Support in mena CoUntriEs

Start date: Oct 15, 2016, End date: Oct 14, 2019,

...mplemented in each one of them. Hence each EU university with an experience in dealing with this issue will cooperate with the Universities of one specific MENA Country: TU Berlin will support the Lebanese Universities, Aydin University will support the Iraqi Universities whereas Barcelona University will support the Jordan Universities.Once the R-SOS units will be operational, the services they w ...
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E-TALEB is a structural project aiming at developing Lebanese Professional Standards in Teaching and Learning and cooperating for innovation and exchange of good practices and experiences relevant to similar frameworks established in Europe.The main objective of this project is to support the initial and continuing professional development of staff engaged in teaching and foster dynamic approaches ...
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RESeaU Méditerranéen pour l’Employabilité

Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018,

This project aims at enhancing and reinforcing the role and potential of HEIs in the development of employability in the Mediterranean countries by adopting a transversal entrepreneurial mind-set at the HEIs and by opening and structuring the dialogue between the universities, the enterprises and the policy makers, addressing in this way the four priority actions established by the EC, OECD and ET ...
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Gas and Oil Processing, a European Lebanese Cooperation

Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018,

... usually accompanied with the challenging trade off of energy production and environmental sustainability. Recently, an offshore reserve of Oil and Gas was localized in the Mediterranean Sea near the Lebanese coast. The Lebanese Government set up a new “Gas and Oil Committee” belonging to the Water and Energy Ministry. The goal of this Committee is to publish tenders for Gas and Oil Offshore inspe ...
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The ENEPLAN project was conceived to address the lack of interdisciplinary approaches in higher education on energy planning and RES development in Mediterranean areas, by increasing the capacities of future professionals through innovative ICT-based educational approaches, able to integrate different disciplines (spatial planning, environment, engineering, landscape) and foster collaboration with ...
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Europe, que vadis?

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

To initiate the project entitled “Europe, quo vadis?”, within the last months partnerships have been developed and strengthened again between the German Society Open Door International e.V. (ODI), University Yerevan (Armenia), BalkanKids (Bulgaria), Orfeas (Greece), Hayya Bina (Lebanon) and Pro Atlântico/Louzanimales (Portugal). Delighted by the idea to discover and get to know Europe and its ne ...
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Young people in the South and East Mediterranean area are enduring a multiple transitions. In addition to the political and socioeconomic transformations, there is the transition to adulthood from the famous tripartite division of the life cycle in preparation for professional life, working life and retirement. Other experiences of socio-economic transformation, as in East Europe, may give us lear ...
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Project in brief The large young population entering the job market in the Mediterranean area will represent a major challenge in the upcoming years. Qualified young people who should enhance the competitiveness of the Mediterranean area need to overcome numerous barriers while seeking career and employment opportunities. Building professional profiles, finding opportunities, matching successfully ...
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The Mediterranean region is currently being affected by increasing environmental and cultural deterioration. Although it is still one of the foremost tourist areas in the world, the Mediterranean is progressively losing attractiveness. In order to regain competitiveness, Mediterranean countries need to modernise the management of touristic assets, investing in new technologies and innovative polic ...
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The project in brief At Mediterranean level, tourism has often led many countries and regions to develop the industry in a competitive way rather than in a cooperative manner. For obvious climatic reasons but also due the role played by tour operators, Mediterranean tourism destinations have based their growth essentially on a sun and sea vision and developed strategies aimed at maximizing short t ...
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The project in briefMost of the countries bordering the Mediterranean Basin are in a state of physical water scarcity, in particular in the Southern and Eastern shore. This situation is getting alarming since water demand is growing rapidly due to intensified agriculture, industrial development, population growth and climatic change. In Jordan, Tunisia and Lebanon, water use efficiency and the use ...
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Future of Our Past (F.O.P)

Start date: Dec 16, 2013, End date: Dec 15, 2015,

Project in briefThe extraordinary cultural heritage in the Mediterranean Basin with its fascinating cities rich in history, art, culture and traditions, offers an interesting background for the growth of tourism. Despite the leading role played by this sector, the model of governance developed in the area to date has mostly been focused on coastal resources while important historical centres situa ...
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The potential of producing bio-fuel from microalgae has been recognized as an alternative to fossil fuels, especially under the form of liquid fuel (diesel, ethanol), which can be used in the transport sector. The use of microalgae as a biomass resource for production of biodiesel has drawn a lot of attention from researchers, governments and the private sector. To foster the development of microa ...
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... • Institutional capacities reinforced with regard to the use of an integrated approach in irrigated agriculture (water, fertilization, pest management) and an approach utilizing RES within the Lebanese and Jordanian partner institutions • Improved technical know-how of farmers with regard to integrated agricultural resources management and production methods including the use of renewable energie ...
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The intensification of trade in the Mediterranean area has been identified as a top priority under the European Neighbourhood Policy. In particular, the Action Plans for Lebanon and Jordan stress on the importance of improving the export potential of both countries by further liberalising trade in goods and simplifying customs legislation and procedures. Taking into account these objectives, CUSTO ...
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... the Middle East.5. A framework for the flow of aeronautical information, technology and expertise established between Europe and the region.6. Solid, proactive & sustainable partnership between Euro-Lebanese academia and enterprise established to support needs of the regional aero-industry & advance subject in the region (interpartner R&D & MSc/PhD programmes).MAIN FEATURES:SF-HEAT will lead to t ...
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An internationalization management model in partner institutions will be developed in order to provide appropriate knowledge and means to improve internationalization actions and activities that contribute to the sustainability of the international dimension of partner institutions in south neighboring countries. The model aims at improving the institutional management processes of internationaliz ...
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Higher Education plays a critical role in making a healthy, just, climate-neutral and sustainable society. It prepares most of the professionals who develop, lead, manage, teach, work in, and influence society’s institutions. HEIs in Middle East, while recognising that their region’s contribution to the damage of the global climate is less when compared to developed regions, they do recognise the ...
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Our main objective is to improve the postgraduate training of healthcare professionals in organ donation and transplantation in Morocco, Egypt and Lebanon, setting the base for a Euro-Mediterranean Training Model of Specialists in Organ Donation and Transplantation. The EMPODaT is conceived as a blended training program, in accordance with the European Space for Higher Education guidelines. It wil ...
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The project aims to create a common platform about surgeon activities between Pc members (DZ, EG, LB, TN), to increase the exchange of informations and common knowledge between surgeon department of different universities and to upgrade education of surgeon to micro- medical and endoscopics technics to face & noze surgery. The specific objectives are: "1 - Créer un réseau transméditerranéen de pla ...
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This project aims to strengthen the institutional capacity of 10 Arab universities in five partner countries, through the development and embedding of a culture for quality assurance. Related activities include a series of pilot quality assurance assessments of chosen university services, the development of a long-term strategic plan for the development of quality assurance and the publication of ...
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L04 - Lebanon, Syria, Jordan

Start date: Jul 15, 2009,

The project idea (to organise and carry out institution-based mobility within a large consortium to achieve the short and long-term objectives) was generated by two main factors: the coordinator’s long-term cooperation with the European universities and the cooperation with several universities in Lot 3. The European partners want to establish mobility with the region and feel the same necessity a ...
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Two main factors that gave the original thrust to the project were 1) the dedication of Lund University (LU) to developing the cooperation with Middle Eastern universities as laid down in LU's strategic plan, and 2) previous fruitful experiences of long-term cooperation with the European universities and with several universities in the targeted countries. Both European and lot country partners em ...
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The project objective is to design, develop and implement a new curriculum programme in Highway and Traffic Engineering in a joint effort between EU and Mediterranean Universities in line with Bologna requirements. The former will transfer EU best practices, experiences and methodologies according to the Bologna process to support the development and diffusion of an innovative experience in techni ...
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MEDASTAR is a project committed to bring opportunities to students from both public and private universities of Egypt and Lebanon, paying attention to develop the capacity of public administrators in Lebanon and unemployed graduate population in Egypt. Gender balance and equal opportunities is enhanced in the project. The particular goal is to promote Science and Technology initiatives in these tw ...
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The WELCOME project aims at strengthening the relations between European, Egyptian and Lebanese HEIs, promoting the achievement of academic excellence; furthermore, one of its related goal is the alignment of third country Higher Education Systems to the European system, giving a boost to the Egyptian and Lebanese education reforms in a framework always respectful of the cultural specificities. Th ...
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... “Egypt-Lebanon-EU Mobility Exchange NeTwork” The consortium consists of ten EU universities spread over eight countries and a good mixture (public/private, large/small) of five Egyptian and five Lebanese universities geographically covering the two countries. The consortium is thus able to offer a wide variety of thematic areas which match the national needs identified by a needs analysis (includ ...
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Quality assurance (QA) is a major component in the Lebanese modernization agenda. With an important increase in volume and diversity, the Lebanese higher education (HE) faces several challenges making a clear QA system necessary. In this context, numerous Lebanese higher education institutions (HEIs) have already gone through a complete QA process with foreign QA agencies. Lately, a draft law for ...
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According OCED FORUM 2009, the Green technology job sector is expecting to see substantial increases in employment in the upcoming years and will also begin to see significant changes in the composition of its workforce. Some of the key indications of a growing and changing workforce include:• Three out of every four clean technology employers will increase their number of permanent employees and ...
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This project involves 3 European HEIs & 8 PC HEIs in the Southern Neighbouring Area (SNa), as well as student representatives (AISEC&ESTIEM), association of professionals (Forum Cadres Tanger) & the Union of Moroccian Women.The general objective of this project is to contribute to support the HEIs in the Southern Neighborhood area (SNa) in establishing a lifelong learning (LLL) policy, as a key e ...
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MEDAWEL provides HEIs in SNA with a holistic approach to student services (SS) for increased student wellbeing and applicable service offers via targeted planning and development on institutional, national and regional levels, in line with national goals and regional Tempus priorities. Specifically:- sustainably strengthen capacities in 8 SNA HEIs for SS implementation and development via training ...
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This is a regional JEP in Governance Reform involving ten universities in Libya, Morocco, Egypt and Lebanon satisfying the regional priority ‘ University Management and Student Services’ . The wider objective of the project is to demonstrate that good management practices can build sustainable HE cooperation between nations. The project does this by addressing the challenges facing the management ...
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...strength and global competitiveness. The inputs of concern to the project are summarized in the following objectives: 1) Develop systems capable of supporting and promoting relevant research at Lebanese HEIs 2) Create networks to transfer innovation from academia to industry 3) Establish professional structures between government, academia and industry for the long-term management of RD&I ou ...
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PHOENIX intends to develop a structured mobility based cooperation between 8lot2 HEIs and 9 EU HEIs . This cooperation network aims at supporting students from all levels (under-, Master and PhD), Potdoc and senior administrative staff to gain experiences, expertise and skills through interaction in an international environment. project activities:1-organizing of consortium first meetings "kick o ...
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