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Researching Arab Mediterranean Youth: Towards a New Social Contract (SAHWA) (SAHWA)
Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Young people in the South and East Mediterranean area are enduring a multiple transitions. In addition to the political and socioeconomic transformations, there is the transition to adulthood from the famous tripartite division of the life cycle in preparation for professional life, working life and retirement. Other experiences of socio-economic transformation, as in East Europe, may give us learnt lessons to manage economic, political and social change. Today, there are no longer substantial differences separating the young people of west and east. Nevertheless, there are important differences in economic resources, education and social between two shores of the Mediterranean. In addition, the SEM young Europeans differ in cultural values and practices different from their counterparts in the north. Still, some processes linked to economic globalization and the precarious living conditions, labor and difficulties in individual empowerment, among others, suggest the emergence of a youth crime and its consolidation as a category of scientific analysis. This argument lets you put so research that supports integrating the European experiences in youth employment, political participation and gender equality, the youth situation in the context of transition and European double in similar scenarios on the south bank. To articulate such research dimensions the project will articulate the concept of triple transition, taking into account political transitions, socio-economic transitions, and “invisible” transition such as cultural trends and emotions related to youth and the insecurity about the future (“resident generation”)

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