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Modernisation of Institutional Management of Internationalization in South Neighboring Countries: towards an internationalization Management Model
Start date: Dec 1, 2013,

An internationalization management model in partner institutions will be developed in order to provide appropriate knowledge and means to improve internationalization actions and activities that contribute to the sustainability of the international dimension of partner institutions in south neighboring countries. The model aims at improving the institutional management processes of internationalization through establishing governance procedures that enhance internationalization within the university hierarchy of partner institutions, building their capacity, empowering them with references and guidelines in alignment to EU practices and encouraging them to share best-practices and develop strong partnership with EU partners. The model will be based on analyses of needs and capacities in partner HEIs and the experiences and best practices from EU partner institutions. This will then lead to producing a set of principles, priorities, guidelines and procedures to support HEIs to improve management of the internationalization processes at the institutional level.The project will first road map and measure the degree of internationalization in partner universities and hence identify areas for improvement, set guidelines to establish an appropriate framework for internationalization, and to create the required infrastructure for the implementation of a clear internationalization strategy, including virtual tools, build the capacity of partner universities on internationalization procedures, and disseminate good practices and share practical experience in benchmarking analysis applied to university international relations.
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