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32 European Projects Found

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...n of teachers and trainers in teams, it also addresses the Adult Education target by extending and developing educators' competences. The QUAL4T project app fits not only in the strategy of Landstede Group and the other partners to invest in a changing quality culture through a bottom-up approach and professionalization. It also fits the no. 1 Dutch priority drafted by the National Agency, the Min ...
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MyFuture - Improving digital skills for career guidance at school

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018,

Increasing attainment levels and reduction of early school leaving rates are key issues for Member States and for each school in all Europe.Career guidance shall play a strategic role in supporting students' choices and their professional plans. In many countries, career guidance at school is becoming crucial for preparing students to initiatives of work-based learning and for fostering students' ...
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European Knowledge Center for Mobility II

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

The European Knowledge Center for Mobility (EUKCEM) II project aims at contributing to a European Area of Skills and Competences and increased EU mobility by offering an one stop shop for important mobility processes including ECVET. The project is a follow-up of the LLP Leonardo da Vinci project EUKCEM that supported quality in mobility by structured step by step information about mobility proces ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

Seurakuntaopisto coordinates the project. Thw national partners are the Helsinki Deaconess Institute (HDO), the Finnish Institute of Cosmetology Association (SKYO) and Oulu Deaconess Institute (ODO). Seurakuntaopisto, Helsinki and Oulu have a long cooperation in national Diakonia institutes network. With SKYO Seurakuntaopisto acts as a partner in the project pedagogical development projects financ ...
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Blended Programme

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

...ty - explore possibilities of developing courses on Internationalisation - explore possibilities of offering courses for specific purposes in foreign languages Methodology to be used: Landstede is the applicant of the project. It will submit the application and sign the contract with the agency. The subsidy received will be divided equally within partners. Each international coordinator of the con ...
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Sataedu's mobilities and evaluations in Europe 2

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

The aim of the SATAMOVE_2 project is to develop the quality of the period spent abroad and the competence of the teachers and students from the perspective of European quality assurance in vocational education and training (EQAVET). The content of the project is in line with the SATAMOVE project, which commenced in 2014 and was divided into staff mobility components (16) and student mobility compo ...
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Naturi WAB - working abroad

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

Naturi-network consists of 6 vocational colleges which offers vocational education and training in natural resources and the Environment sector. This network has had effective and significant cooperation since 2005 e.g. 6 mobility projects for students and experts. Good practices and common international network are developed and disseminated in these projects. Naturi WAB –working abroad –project ...
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Let's Go Further!

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

Let´s Go Further! continues the work of Let's Go! project. On its behalf it contributes the aim of knowledge-based Europe. The core need of the project is to implement Lifelong learning and mobility within vocational education according to ET 2020. The KA1 project improves vocational skills, knowledge and competence of students and teachers of vocational education. In addition it increases Lifelo ...
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International Network of Technical Schools

Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

Analysis: The Technical sector in Europe is under pressure due to worldwide increasing competition especially the development in the Asian countries as China, Korea and India. On top of this competition, in many countries there’s a lack of good qualified young employees (now and within 6 years) on one hand and at the other hand there are countries were there's a lack of work in the Technical secto ...
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Blended Programme

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

Blended Programme is a project executed by Ireland, Finland and The Netherlands. It includes a variety of educational aspects. Blended Programme prepares the VET student for its future profession, for its position as a (young) employer within the EU and beyond, while interacting with intercultural awareness and mastering of language(s) to strengthen the position of the VETstudents. Vocational Educ ...
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Sataedu's mobilities and evaluations in Europe

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

The goal of SATAMOVE-project is the competence and qualitative development of the international exchange periods for both the teachers and students from the EQAVET viewpoint. The two-year project is divided in staff (16 each) and student mobilities (85 each). Staff mobility: SATAMOVE -project is a continuation to the Satapromo-project due to be completed in the spring of 2014, where 14 teachers d ...
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Let's Go!

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

Let´s Go! on its behalf contributes the aim of knowledge-based Europe. The core need of the project is to implement Lifelong learning and mobility within vocational education according to ET 2020. Let´s Go! improves vocational skills, knowledge and competence of students and teachers of vocational education. In addition the project increases Lifelong learning skills, mobility, employability and E ...
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Bon Voyage and Bon Appetit

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

In the project coordinated by Oulu Vocational College (OSAO) the students and experts of Food Technology, Tourism and Hotel, Restaurant and Catering from OSAO, Vocational college Lappia and Lapland Tourism college have the opportunity to familiarize with international food and travelling cultures in the form of on-the-job-learning and teacher exchange. The students will gain priceless experienc ...
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New ECVET teaching and learning culture for Europe and Lapland

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

Internationalization is an important part of strategy of vocational education and training providers of Lapland. Rovaniemi Federation of Education focus areas including the development of a truly international activities, improve the quality of international , multicultural education and the development of international networks for the Federation. The quality and attractiveness of the development ...
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Dream College - Learning Environments and Vocational Competencies

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

DREAM COLLEGE –Learning Environments and Vocational Competencies is a certified staff exchange project which was launched in 2009. The project is coordinated by Ammattiopisto Luovi (Luovi Vocational College) and the Finnish partners in the project are mainly vocational special education institutions. The partner institutions are Keskuspuisto Vocational College, FPD Järvenpää Training Centre, Kiipu ...
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Smooth Mobility 2014-2016

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

As national level partners, Oulun Diakoniaopisto and Sataetu participate in the mobility project coordinated by Seurakuntaopisto. Cooperation with Oulu dates back to Diakoniaopisto network, and with Sataetu, SO operates in the TOI project concerning practical nursing training. Together we represent all-round vocational second level education. We are sure that multi-form international cooperation ...
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Your Ticket for Europe

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

During Call 2014 (July 2014 - June 2016) the consortium has put a lot of effort into improving the organisation and to realise the goals of the project. Firstly a few comments on the organisation. In September 2015 the consortium received a ‘Charter for Mobility’. In principle this is proof that the quality of the international activities on offer is good, but the comments of the assessors were re ...
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Education without borders, step 5

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016,

The project ”Education without Borders, step 5” is an important part of SOSU C's international strategy and is a development of international experiences and projects up till now. This project consists of several networks and cooperative partners regarding international development and exchange of mobility crossing borders. SOSU C works determined and consciously with, in our strategic- developm ...
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Objectives:- develop a quality improvement culture in line with the VET-recommendations where teachers/trainers are active players;- transfer partners' proven Q culture instruments into other consortium organisations- connect management and teachers through the management brochure;- provide an approach with supporting products (instruments), that can be used by VET providers across the EU to impro ...
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The concept is to: 1) Transfer existing national knowledge about entrepreneurship training in vocational institutes in each participating country to the international level 2) Develop international educational content for entrepreneur skills for VET education and 3) Create a study module for professional training of teachers.The aim is for teachers to enhance their entrepreneurial skills and crea ...
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The project “The good school - the journey from good to excellent” represents a holistic approach to the educational challenge that is mentioned in the Lisbon strategy. It focuses on the need of an inclusive society, better organisational conditions of the training institution as well as the way teaching and learning is organised. It is the overall aim of the project to adopt a systemic perspectiv ...
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The project involves both general and special needs vocational schools in business education. The students and educators of the vocational schools and staff of the collaborating companies from the Netherlands, Turkey, Germany and Finland will cooperate through networking and meetings on the subject of developing cross-cultural Business and Business English skills. The project consists of the follo ...
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The year 2013 is approaching rapidly, and with it, the strategic EU aim for that period: 80.000 students annually are expected to gain experience in foreign countries and get involved in job mobility programmes! Statistics show that almost every country has problems with this target, although youngsters are interested in mobility programmes and have recognized the importance of going abroad to dev ...
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While whole Europe is facing serious economical crisis, entrepreneurial spirit and business awareness are needed among the VET-students. VET-teachers are key drivers to feed and encourage the spirit and guide the action of potential start-ups of their students. Personal coaching approach to guide potential entrepreneurs is fundamental. The potential of information and communications technology (IC ...
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Education has the challenge to deliver learners that are ready to compete on the global market. Europe must invest in the quality of education if it is to meet the challenges of youth unemployment. TRIGGER project aims to develop a new methodology for the teachers that will help them to teach their pupils to become active Europeans. The project is about: “Trigger teachers and learners, through inc ...
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Europe is confronted with the ageing of the people. Whether they want to live at home or decide to stay at nursing homes, they need intense (health) care. To provide more care, Europe needs more qualified care workers. By the end of 2020 Europe expects a striking lack competent care workers.Especially in Germany and Finland this need is already now very high. Bavaria has, so says the Federal Emplo ...
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...teachers acting as International Coordinators for the kind of IOA training course which offers the possibility for international interaction including knowledge and best practice exchange. Therefore, Landstede/NL has asked the two Finnish partners (a VET organization and a continuing education centre) and three new partners, respectively from Spain and Lithuania (VET organizations), to assist in a ...
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Employment opportunities for VET students and jobseekers are presently at a premium in most EU states. As competition for contracts is fierce, the student or jobseeker has to demonstrate excellence not only in their technical field but also in key interpersonal and work related skills. Given the current economic situation, VET graduates and skilled jobseekers have two positive options. They urge ...
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The project aims at identifying the intercultural competence areas of those vocational teachers who are responsible for the international activities of their respective vocational institutes; designing criteria and tools for assessing such intercultural competence; and developing/transferring it into the profile of an "International Operation Agent" by designing and piloting a relevant internet ba ...
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Students with proven entrepreneurial characteristics should be stimulated to continue after graduation. There are difficulties for this group of starters in fact: colleges take care for students and not for entrepreneurs (after graduating) and support organisations (mainly) support entrepreneurs (registered at the Chamber of Commerce) and not students. The project aims to bridge this gap in suppor ...
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Nowadays society demands people to be capable of self-directing their professional and personal lives. Everyone has to make choices, has to handle changes, has to deal with uncertainty. Most people cannot do this by nature, they have to learn it. The lifelong learning (LLL) policy of the EU is a way to stimulate and facilitate citizens to enlarge their capability of self-directing their career. T ...
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Within the Vocational Education and Training target population still too many employees are without a sufficient qualification level for a strong and mondial competitive EU labour market. For example, in NL 1 out of 5 VET-students leave training without a diploma. Europe is trying to recover from a severe crisis. Unemployment rates are high – in particular among young people. The crisis has emphas ...
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