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Blended Programme
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Internationalisation is structurally present within the three vocational colleges, united as Consortium Noord Nederland. Every year a number of teachers undertake study visits abroad and many students do their internship in foreign countries. The consortium recognizes and supports the added value of internationalization. Teachers learn more about education in general in other countries but they also experience more In their field(s) of profession. This results in more enthusiasm and support of internationalization by these professionals which leads to more promotion of international activities among students and colleagues. Students, when abroad for weeks or months, learn about their future profession in a completely new environment. They also experience personal development together with skills for life. This project focuses on expansion of learning in an international surrounding, adapting and adopting new skills and culture awareness which are aids for orienting on the future labour market. We call this concept “Blended Programme”. The main elements of this programme are: a vocational module including exam, language lessons and assessment of current education in homecountry. The aims for the students are: - stimulate the professional skills in an international context - enlarge employability - develop personal, social and multicultural skills - integrate the personal, social and multicultural skills in “Career and Citizenship” - improve foreign language skills The aims for the teachers are: - upgrade the professional skills - promote the cooperation with foreign schools to set up the concept of “Blended Programme” - share good practices and experiences - organise job-shadowing - promote international mobility among field professionals Number of students and their profile: The consortium expects to offer to approximately 400 students an international experience. These are students from different sectors. Students of the departments of Technique, Health and Social Care, ICT, Retail and Whole Sale, Marketing, Sports, Tourism and Horeca regularly go abroad. Most of them are full time students of level 4. To a specific number of courses, e.g. Tourism and Export Assistant, international internships are common parts of the curriculum. Number of teachers and their profile: The consortium expects that approximately 200 teachers go abroad for a study visit. These visits have the aims of upgrading of ones professionalism, to offer training courses or to visit schools and companies to gain more knowledge about innovative developments within their field(s) of profession. Sometimes teachers go abroad to assess students. During Call 2015 the following activities will take place: - promote cooperation with foreign schools by visiting each other -share good practices and experiences - explore the possibilities of job-shadowing and later organize those - develop vocational module - implement ECVET and EQF - organize a seminar for teachers of the consortium - improve connection between internationalization and “Career and Citizenship” - adjust the procedures of mobility - explore possibilities of developing courses on Internationalisation - explore possibilities of offering courses for specific purposes in foreign languages Methodology to be used: Landstede is the applicant of the project. It will submit the application and sign the contract with the agency. The subsidy received will be divided equally within partners. Each international coordinator of the consortium takes care that the subsidy will be paid to participants going abroad. To this end each school takes care of its own administration. Next to this each school enrolls their participants into the Mobility Tool. During each meeting of the steering committee, which consists of the international coordinators of the consortium, the division of the subsidy will be evaluated and checked whether this should be done in a different way. The international coordinators write the interim and the final report together. Results and Impact: - personal development - improvement of language skills - more knowledge and/or expertise on (a) certain area(s) - more opportunities onto the labour market - expansion of ones’ network - growth of activities in the field of internationalization - enlargement of attractiveness of the organization - more positive inspired teachers Potential longer term benefits: More and more internationalization will be integrated into the regular activities and curricula of the consortium. Internationalisation will be acknowledged as a tool to help develop teachers and students professionally as well as personally.
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15 Partners Participants