Let's Go Further!
Start date: Jun 1, 2015,
End date: May 31, 2017
Let´s Go Further! continues the work of Let's Go! project. On its behalf it contributes the aim of knowledge-based Europe. The core need of the project is to implement Lifelong learning and mobility within vocational education according to ET 2020. The KA1 project improves vocational skills, knowledge and competence of students and teachers of vocational education. In addition it increases Lifelong learning skills, mobility, employability and European cooperation. Let's Go Further! supports and promotes the strategies of OSAO and Osekk.
One of the objectives is to disseminate and increase awarness and visibility of OSAO's international work and Erasmus+ programme.
The project promotes strongly internationalisation of OSAO, language learning and knowledge of European cultures supporting. Thus Let's Go Further! supports the aims and strategies of Erasmus+, OSAO, Osekk and the Council of Oulu region. It contributes the realisation of individual flexible study paths by offering chances to deliver part of the studies abroad.
The objectives of the project are to increase the amount of vocational education student and teacher mobility periods, to increase personal vocational and Lifelong learning skills of participants, to improve the quality of OSAO's international work and to further strengthen the international network of OSAO.
The target groups of the project are the students and staff of OSAO and Osekk. There are 105 IVT mobility periods to be delivered in the project. Periods are On-the-job Learning or study periods in companies or in receiving partner colleges. The duration of IVT mobilities varies from two to eight weeks, longer periods are also possible. OSAO offers its students a chance to deliver studies from "the tray of international studies". The parts of study units are that sort of studies that they can be recognised by in- and non-formal learning.
There are 40 VETPRO mobilities in the project, three of them being allocated to representatives of world of work. Based on previous VETPRO projects it is known that one part of the professionals considers the periods in the companies as the most fruitful part of the mobility periods. The other part prefers Job shadowing and studying the partner college's methods and ways to work. Let´s Go Further! enables participating professionals do either or or both of these activities.
The project increases the knowledgeof teachers regarding the tools of Copenhagen process. All VETPRO participants attend the orientation session which includes ECVET info part before their mobility period. By getting to know EQF, EQAVET and EQARF professionals familiarize themselves with the European level quality criteria of vocational education.
OSAO emphasises home internalisation within its organisation. The motivation and willingness of teachers to receive foreign students and staff is essential for home internalisation. International mobility periods offered for the staff is one way to increase teachers' commitment and motivation for home internalisation. The results of mobility periods, improved language skills and encouragement for using the language, support teachers to include internationalisation into their daily work. Let´s Go Further! is based on reciprocity, so the project increases the amount of foreign students and staff received by OSAO.
Social media and effective dissemination are key elements in Let´s Go Further!. The Instagram, Twitter and Facebook will be utilised for monitoring the mobilities, for dissemination and for marketing material.
This project contributes the objectives of EU strategies at grass-roots level. Project's mobility periods support achievement of ET 2020 reference values. By promoting mobility and personal international experiences of students and teachers the project increases the acceptance of cultural diversity thus contributing the realisation of European values.
Mobility periods and increased European collaboration improve vocational and Lifelong learning skills of participants, which have positive impact on employability and social inclusion.