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International Operation Agent II

In 2006 6 European partners started with a pilot project International Operation Agent. The most important aim of the project was to develop a training course for teachers in VET who are active in the field of internationalization. These teachers are called International Operation Agents. Based on a survey the partners developed and piloted an internet based training course, consisting of 6 modules: 1. Intercultural Competence, 2. International trends in VET, 3. Building International Networks, 4. Project Competence, 5. Coaching and guiding students, 6. Mentor skills.On the basis of the described project experience, there is a recognized need for a new project. The need focuses on designing a training course for the same end-users, but operated on a more international level. More explicitly: There is a great demand among VET teachers acting as International Coordinators for the kind of IOA training course which offers the possibility for international interaction including knowledge and best practice exchange. Therefore, Landstede/NL has asked the two Finnish partners (a VET organization and a continuing education centre) and three new partners, respectively from Spain and Lithuania (VET organizations), to assist in a new project, which will develop the existing IOA training programme and transfer it to a more international product, which can also be imported by new countries. The two Finnish partners are very experienced in intercultural competence and e-learning. Landstede looks for an important input from them, as well as from the new partners, who are very active in the field of internationalization, and to bring about an expanded geographical, cultural and professional sphere to the product.The aims of the new project are:1. To set up a new method for an international (in addition to national) training course—operated on an international level and in an international setting—with teachers of the partner countries.2. To design a new module "International Strategy of VET-organization" for this training programme.3. To design a guideline for mentors to practice IOA-mentoring.4. To further design the self-assessment tool—an instrument to identify the competences and knowledge of the trainees. The partners of the project will set up a steering board, which will be responsible for carrying out the aims of the project. Landstede, as contractor, will be chair of the steering board. Partners have common tasks (planning, piloting, and valorisation) as well as specific tasks (e-learning, mentoring, strategy => please see Work Packages. After the project partners have developed a training course, which is useful for all interested VET teachers in Europe, active in the field of internationalization, the IOA II training programme will equip the IOAs with competences to conduct the key international activities in their organization. In addition to the teachers/international coordinators, the students will also benefit from the impact of the training.

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6 Partners Participants