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17 European Projects Found

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...mon Agricultural Policy (CAP) principles. In continuity with this aim the main objective of the project is to enhance the level of competencies and skills of the HEIs in Central Asia (Uzbek and Kazakh universities) by providing them with innovated programme curricula in the field of “Environmental protection and Land Management”. Alongside the main objective, the following partial objectives are:1 ...
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Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development

Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018,

Most agricultural rural areas in the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan are characterized by drastic changes in the agriculture and nutrition sector, due to privatization, modernization and increasing differences between large-scale agro-holdings and small holder farms. The importance of rural development and the need to develop perspectives for agricultural land use is both recognized by politics ...
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The 3-year SMHES project intends to prepare a survey of methodologies applied in the three partner countries (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan) in order to assess the level of convergence in evaluation methods and procedures even if quality accreditation and assurance still varies in many respects, as well as to create groups of experts on internal and external QA. Within the project 3 Quality A ...
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The overall goal is to sustain and maintain a sustainable network and to support the participation of Central Asia in the modernisation of higher education with curriculum development and quality assurance. Supported by a Tempus project, Canqa, particular actions and guidance in the organization of the mobility should guarantee better adaptation of curriculum to the needs of a knowledge-based soci ...
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This Action seeks to enhance human and institutional capacity in water resources management and strategies in Central Asia. Specifically, it will implement a Masters Programme in Water Resources Management and create national Resource Centres in Water Resources Management in each target country. Bringing together key universities in the region, this Action will enhance scientific cooperation in wa ...
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TOSCA will enable and organise mobility of 100 CA nationals to EU universities. Each of the 12 CA partners universities will send to EU partners 6 mobile individuals (two undergraduate, one master, one doctoral or one post-doc students and two members of staff - one academic and one administrative) which is 72% of total number of total mobilities. However 6 people is a small number in terms of ...
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The project proposal aims at professionalizing Higher Education and particularly environmental studies within three areas of specialisation through the implementation of the Bologna Process at all three levels, BA-MA and PhD. It will foster as well the cooperation between EU and Central Asia in the field of environmental studies and prepare future managers and specialists in Central Asia in order ...
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The main objective of the project is the development and implementation of a new university program in 'Geospatial Management' to be offered on the second level (Masters) at seven participating Central Asian Universities. The objective is realized based on an analysis of qualification demand and definition of prerequisites, and through an interdisciplinary curriculum joining spatial sciences with ...
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The Consortium brings a wide range of disciplines together, but focuses in specific on agriculture, life sciences, trans-boundary natural resource management and climate change. The wider objective is very relevant in the context of partner Universities modernisation and adaptation of their education capabilities towards reformed countries economy in the region. The chosen main disciplines are add ...
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The project’s wider objective is the establishment of a sustainable / operational network for academic exchange between Central Asia and European countries with a view to creating centres of excellence in CA Region. The CASIA project aims at the following specific objectives: - To enable a larger group of talented CA students to study at EU universities and benefit from already established educati ...
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... The programme objective is to promote and transfer the exchange of persons, knowledge and skills at higher education level. The eASTANA programme offer student and staff scholarships to nationals of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan or Uzbekistan. The project provides mobility scholarships for students and staff from Central Asia to European partner universities. The mobility can b ...
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The general aim of the project is to establish in KZ, KG,UZ,TJ an advanced integrated three level system BA-MA-PhD in environmental friendly agricultural technologies based on specially designed methodologies according to the best European practices.The reason of the selected topic for the proposed project lays on the CA territorial characteristics, the fast change of the society according to a ...
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The project aims to establish in target HEIs from GE/KZ/KG/AZ/IL advanced and up-dated services to students and alumni according to the best European practices, able to meet the challenges of a globalised world. This objective will be achieved by enhancing human resource capacity and infrastructure. After an analysis of the needs and constraints, 30 staff members of PC universities will travel ...
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The broad aim of TuCAHEA is to contribute to building a CA Higher Education Area, aligned with the EHEA, able to take into account and valorise the specific needs and potentials of the Region and of the partner countries, thus responding to the needs of the higher education community and society at large.The project is organised as a CA Tuning Process based on the methodology developed worldwide b ...
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SILKRoad Universities Towards EuropeII project intends to deepen the already existing cooperation among some partners of the consortium, creating a new multilateral cooperation among European and Central Asia universities, providing a window of opportunities to set up more comprehensive forms of Academic cooperation, both between EU and CA and within the CA region.The general objective of the proj ...
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...s; expand the range and availability of healthy, locally produced food products; and raise food safety standards.The specific focus on the traditional food cultures of Tuvan, Buryat, Kalmyk and Kazakh nomadic-pastoralists makes TradPro unique and innovative. The variety of livestock raised in these regions includes cattle, sheep, goats, horses, yaks, reindeer and camels, offering an unparalleled r ...
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