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Towards a Central Asian Higher Education Area: Tuning Structures and Building Quality Culture
Start date: Oct 15, 2012,

The broad aim of TuCAHEA is to contribute to building a CA Higher Education Area, aligned with the EHEA, able to take into account and valorise the specific needs and potentials of the Region and of the partner countries, thus responding to the needs of the higher education community and society at large.The project is organised as a CA Tuning Process based on the methodology developed worldwide by academics in collaboration with students, graduates, administrators, employers and ministries. TuCAHEA aims to extend the use of competence-based quality tools for planning and delivery of HE programmes, enhance regional HE systems, create a platform for sharing knowledge and elaborating quality tools across the region and in each country. It encourages legislation to create regional cohesion in alignment with the EHEA, it establishes pilot Tuning Subject Area Groups able to formulate Guidelines and Reference Points for key sectors, it trains ministerial, academic and independent experts in the use of competence-based tools, it fosters student mobility within and outside the region and tests and perfects the quality and recognition tools necessary for mobility; it establishes information/dissemination centres in both capitals and other areas of the partner countries.The principal outcomes will be to extend knowledge of the worldwide Tuning process, involving the CA Area directly in its broad international context; to enhance knowledge of existing quality and recognition tools as a basis for further elaboration; to carry out broad consultations on both generic and subject specific competences, to produce a number of Tuning Subject Area reports; to produce competence- learning out-comes based descriptions of degree programmes using the Degree Profile template developed by Tuning and the ENIC-NARIC Network, and more generally to creating a basis for a Central Asian Higher Education Area, developing premises for a CA Qualifications Framework and Credit System.

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  • Education and training\External Programmes and Policies\TEMPUS\Tempus Structural Measure - Higher Education and Society
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform

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