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S1-L09-TOSCA-Transfer of skills, knwoledge and ideas to Central Asia (KAZAKHSTAN, KYRGYZSTAN, TAJIKISTAN, UZBEKISTAN, TURKMENISTAN)
Start date: Jul 15, 2010,

TOSCA will enable and organise mobility of 100 CA nationals to EU universities. Each of the 12 CA partners universities will send to EU partners 6 mobile individuals (two undergraduate, one master, one doctoral or one post-doc students and two members of staff - one academic and one administrative) which is 72% of total number of total mobilities. However 6 people is a small number in terms of significant development of human resources at each CA HEI and only through multiplication and spreading of gained abroad benefits (knowledge, skills, experience, ideas, scientific resources etc) their mobility will have wider impact on the capacity of CA sending partners. That is why the project will focus on transfer of knowledge - CA students and staff after return will play a role of transmitters and multipliers of gained benefits. The project includes an obligatory "transfer of knowledge, skills and ideas phase" (called later "POST-MUNDUS TOK") that will be organised by returnees together with their home universities, after completion of mobility period. Our project gives special attention to staff training, both academic and administrative. Educating in Europe young, aspiring and rooted in their institutions (CA HEIs and other institutions) staff members will have substantial impact on institutional capacity building. Administrative staff from CA partner universities will be trained, at targeted intensive courses, tailored to the needs of administration of CA universities After coming back the trained administrative staff will replicate the courses they attended and will share practical solutions with their home universities' authorities and their colleagues in order to improve internal management and governance and to strengthen the capacity for international cooperation. Academic staff, PhD and postdoc level candidates will have to justify the value of the research/studies they plan to continue in the EU for the academic development and teaching of their home institutions. They will transmit gained knowledge, skills and ideas, as well as collected literature resources etc. in order to contribute actively to bringing up to date research and teaching, enhancing quality, broadening, up-dating and enriching the range and content of courses, improving curricula, bringing various innovations, modern methods and approaches to teaching-learning process, and to governance. All post-Mundus actions will be monitored, reported and its results disseminated Bachelor (BA) and Master (MA) students will benefit from the expertise of academic staff at host EU universities and from rich learning resources awaiting them there. They will become more open-minded and internationally experienced and with bigger potential to be absorbed by the labour market, especially Master students who will come back with EU Master's degrees. Beneficiaries from TG2 will contribute to development of capacity of both other CA HEIs (from outside TOSCA consortium) and other institutions that they will belong to. Beneficiaries from TG3 will be empowered themselves through their studies and life in the EU and their potential also to act for the good of their societies will be enhanced. It is important to mention here also benefits for European partners (institutional cooperation, individual scientific cooperation) and for the EU in wider context - as our project grantees will benefit educationally, linguistically and culturally from the experience of pursuing academic studies and living in EU country, what may make them "ambassadors"/ "promoters" of EU values and "bridges" for future cooperation.
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18 Partners Participants