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Environment protection through development and application of sustainable Agriculture Technologies
Start date: Oct 15, 2011,

The general aim of the project is to establish in KZ, KG,UZ,TJ an advanced integrated three level system BA-MA-PhD in environmental friendly agricultural technologies based on specially designed methodologies according to the best European practices.The reason of the selected topic for the proposed project lays on the CA territorial characteristics, the fast change of the society according to a wide democratization of institutions, the lack of entrepreneurial farmers’ skills, the need to look at a globalised market, improve the quality of life of rural villages and at the same time preserve the soil, the traditional cultivations and the local identies.In order to meet the specified constraints and needs, through several connected actions aiming to affect knowledge, behaviour and mentality of teachers, students and staff as well as rules and laws related to HE organisation, the project will implement the Bologna process in the selected area of study by reforming curricula in 3 areas of specialization at BA level (Agro-ecology, Agricultural Technology and Engineering) and creating a MA curriculum in Agro-ecology, through:1. Existing curricula analysis and reform in accordance with ECTS 2. Elaboration of 5 new courses and updating of 5 courses 3. Preparation of teaching materials in english/russian (also for LD)4. Improvement of 60 teachers' skills by means training at EU universities partner5. Improvement of language skills of 120 teachers 6. Language training for 500 students and short mobility of 40 students to EU7. Enrollment of 400 BA students and 100 MA students in the new courses in the second project year8. Creation of 4 doctoral schools in the selected areas9. Development of measures for the validation of a joint MA and PhD degrees between EU and CA 10. Development of appropriate quality assurance policies and procedures according to EQS11. Well targeted dissemination activities in order to involve decision-makers and societal actors
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