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L02- Egypt

Start date: Jul 15, 2009,

The FFEEBB project has a long term socio-economical dimension: besides ensuring equal opportunity to all the candidates (gender issue, students from vulnerable groups) it will assist Egyptian Universities to create course on entrepreneurship, to create professionalized curricula and to develop work placements. One of the projects objective's is to develop the Egyptian students employability in the ...
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It is well documented that a proportion of children learning to read experiences persistent difficulties in the acquisition of automatic (fast and effortless) recognition of printed words, which in turn compromises their reading comprehension and makes reading unattractive. There is a scarcity of appropriate remediation methods; those that have been shown to work (e.g. repeated rereading of the sa ...
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QualiRom - QUALITY EDUCATION IN ROMANI FOR EUROPE aims for piloting the Curriculum Framework for Romani (CFR) and the corresponding European Language Portfolio Models (ELPs) which - based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages - were developed by the Council of Europe.The socio-cultural situation of Roma differs both between and within single regions. Consequently, the schooli ...
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The proposal concentrates on achieving the goals and objectives of the program. By offering mobility opportunities to Israeli HE students and staff we will help them in gaining expertise in a specific field of their interest responding to their needs at home, strengthening their employability, involving them in an inter-cultural environment providing new expertise and skills in different Ievels an ...
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The overall aim of this proposal is to contribute to the sustainable development of Egypt in the field of Higher Education by using mobility flows to improve the career prospects of students and promoting intercultural understanding through institutional cooperation. The development of teaching and learning will occur through the student mobilities. The great variety of thematic fields offered by ...
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The project "INTERFACE" will contribute to ensure that the targeted Universities (PCU) are able to facilitate the graduates' entrance into the labour market through enhanced partnerships with enterprises, to set up - based on these partnerships - an institutionalised life long learning (LLL) system, and to establish a quality improvement system through coordinated contact with alumni.More specific ...
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The overall broader objective of the project is to ensure that Serbia is in a position to have formally educated and highly skilled linguistic mediators and professionals necessary for the integration of Serbia in Europe and for its regional and internal development. Specific Project Objectives are:1. To significantly improve, harmonize the current Bologna-tailored modern language study programs i ...
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TRANS-DOC Project SummaryTRANS-DOC stands for the TRANS-Atlantic aspect of the project as well as the TRANSferability aspects of DOCtoral training. The project will have two basic activities, a survey of the organisation of doctoral training in Europe and in North America, and the development of a course template for doctoral candidates on transferability skills, combined with training-of-trainers ...
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The exchange programme developed by the consortium composed of the above mentioned partners offers a wide choice of thematic study fields and provides opportunities for undergraduates, masters, doctorates, post-doctorates and staff to obtain further qualifications in their specific academic fields.The consortium selects the scholars to be granted a scholarship in the context of the programme from ...
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Erasmus Mobility Quality Tools

Start date: Oct 1, 2009,

Mobility is at the heart of the Bologna Process. New numerical targets for Erasmus student mobility and new partnerships at local level are more and more felt as essential for individual personal growth, for shaping European identity and citizenship and for internationalization of HEIs.The relevance of student mobility in the Coimbra Group universities is witnessed by the fact that those universit ...
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L10 - Western Balkans

Start date: Jul 15, 2009,

The exchange programme developed by the consortium composed of the above mentioned partners offers a wide choice of the thematic fields of studies and opens up chances for undergraduates, masters, doctorates, post-doctorates and academic staff to get further qualifications into their specific academic field.The consortium selects the participants of the programme from the three target groups accor ...
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How can the link between academic research on LLL and professional practice on teaching and learning in ULLL be strengthened and the exchange be organised in such a way that reciprocal benefits and mutual learning are likely to take place? How can the European policy debate on LLL in Universities and beyond to the wider expert community in adult education be stimulated? The key purpose of the DIAL ...
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Responding to an identified lack of trained interpreters working in the health and medical sector and an increased reliance upon lay interpreters provided by patients, partners from 4 European countries exchanged knowledge and experience and worked together to develop a common curriculum and training materials aimed at professional medical interpreters. With an increasing number of in-migrants set ...
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The project aims to improve the teaching practice regarding entrepreneurship in higher education at large, as well as facilitating entrepreneurship fostering in practice. This will be achieved by the creation of the new e-course curricula in entrepreneurship at all levels of higher education in all the consortium members. Also, the quality of the curricula and its delivery will be standardized and ...
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As a response to the fact that performing artists are often faced with unemployment, the project sets out to develop and promote alternative employment opportunities for artists who often undertake supplementary work in the Third Sector (not-for-profit and non-governmental organisations, including voluntary work). The project will validate and accredit artists' experiential non-formal learning. Th ...
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Playwright training in Austria and neighbouring countries : Through cooperation with qualified writing guides and a new training concept, young authors will be able to produce professional scripts for film, theatre and television. This project started in 2002 and lasted 30 months.
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The proposal intends to develop and implement 4 joint Masters in order to encourage multi-country know-how-transfer in the field of curriculum development of future joint or double or multiple degree programmes. It makes thus an impact on governance reform and the interaction of higher education and society in the participating partner countries (8 universities from AL, BA, HR ,MK, RS). The EU par ...
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This project aims to build on the experience gained through past Tempus programme projects and utilising a well balanced consortia, to develop structured doctoral level programmes for the Western Balkans. These courses will be based on the principles of the Bologna third cycle and the project also aims to coordinate developments across the Western Balkans. The specific objectives are: "To develop ...
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STEPS TWO project brings together over 70 universities from Europe, members of former EUPEN (European Physics Education Network) consortium, to strengthen European links and dialogue within the discipline and stimulates the cooperation in emerging the EHEA. The networking capabilities of EUPEN partners, their expertise and capacity to innovate in the benefit of higher education institutions, asses ...
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The Project used the arts to enable offenders to develop job specific skills by transferring a new award into new contexts. Developed in the UK through and Equal project PEETA develops and assessed offenders' soft skills through a process of goal setting, participation in arts projects, observation, feedback and reflection. The project aimed to trial the SEPE Award in five EU countries. It saw the ...
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According to The Lisbon Strategy, Europe should become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world. The Lisbon conclusions stressed the central role of education and training as the main instrument to increase human capital. Most of the managers are only partially satisfied with the training of the employees. The main reason why employers consider training as not sufficie ...
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The VALUE (Volunteering & Lifelong Learning in Universities in Europe) Networkcomprises 20 organisations representing Universities (Unis), Volunteering Organisations(VOs) & networks/associations (from both sectors) from 13 European countries. Itsprincipal aim is to both facilitate & stimulate the development of cooperation betweenUnis & the volunteering sector in the delivery of University Lifelon ...
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Erasmus Mundus EU Israel

Start date: Jul 15, 2012,

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The Project addresses the process of internationalisation of Serbian HE as the one that requires immediate national and institutional response and joint action. Enabling national HE bodies and HEIs to strategically manage internationalisation in the provision of education, research, mobility and services are regarded to be the Project’s overall objective and the main underpinning of Serbia’s accou ...
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The project aims to improve access for students with disabilities into HEIs of Azerbaijan in line with the best EU practices and policies, supported by the Ministry of Education, through the development and implementation of the guidelines and polices and raised awareness of the students, staff and other stakeholders.
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EMAIL III is an Erasmus Mundus Action II project for the cooperation of higher education institutions from the EU and Israel. The consortium consists of 18 full partners and 4 associated partners, from Israel 8 HEIs and 1 NGO in the role of associated partner, from the EU, 10 HEIs and 3 associated partners (2 university networks and 1 NGO).The main activity of EMAIL III is the mobility exchange be ...
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JoinEU-SEE > PENTA is an international cooperation project which brings together 29 partners to jointly implement a large-scale academic scholarship scheme for fostering transnational exchange of know-how and expertise with the aim of internationalization in higher education. The project involves EU and Western Balkan partner institutions.The scholarship scheme offers opportunities for students at ...
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EUROSA+ (Europe & South Africa Partnership for Human Development) is a structured and institutionally embedded mobility project involving 9 European, 10 South African and 6 associated partners, aiming to promote mobility activities for South African and European individuals at master, PhD and staff level. The diverse, but complementary EUROSA+ partnership is dedicated to implement a well-functioni ...
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There are many problems facing the LOT 2 countries but there is consensus amongst all that the problems must be solved by the countries themselves and a major tool is education. Strong international experiences are therefore important so these countries to see and experience different systems and adapt the best to their own situations. The potential for meaningful international cooperation is in ...
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Euro-Asian Cooperation for Excellence and Advancement 2 is a continuation of an on-going project Euro-Asian CEA. The project follows the EM guidelines, balanced cover geographical area of regions in EU and Central Asia and answers to the regional needs in terms of thematic fields of study for lot 9. The proposal is based on the concentrated experience from initial project and will with advanced st ...
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SILKRoad Universities Towards EuropeII project intends to deepen the already existing cooperation among some partners of the consortium, creating a new multilateral cooperation among European and Central Asia universities, providing a window of opportunities to set up more comprehensive forms of Academic cooperation, both between EU and CA and within the CA region.The general objective of the proj ...
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The project will establish a renewed institution-based mobility and cooperation network among 19 North African and EU partner universities and 6 associate universities supported by 3 associate institutions and the Ministries of Higher Education in the region. It will allow 288 undergraduate, master and doctoral students, post-doctoral fellows and academic and administrative staff to gain valuable ...
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The main objective of IANUS II is to enhance higher education cooperation between EU and ENPI countries (student and staff mobility). The project aims at promoting intercultural cooperation and to helping to improve students’ career prospects, thus contributing to the improvement of human resources in the countries involved. IANUS II is coordinated by Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, Romani ...
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During the last two decades, due to well known transition reasons, maritime sector in Montenegro and Albania has been derogated. This situation affected the competencies in this area. Maritime education and training resources, with outdated curricula at all levels, as well as marine simulators and lab equipment, have become one of the obstacles in process of regaining maritime competencies in the ...
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The wider objective of the project "Migration and Higher Education: Developing Skills and Capacity" is to transfer skills and competences in the interdisciplinary field of migration studies in the ENPI East region, specifically in AM, AZ and GO. The specific objectives are: 1. To develop, accredit and implement a basic curriculum for a Master Program in Migration Studies with a regional dimens ...
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The implementation of the Bologna Process is well-advanced at most European universities. Yet the adjustments of degree formats in order to form a new European Higher Education Area with minimal educational boarders triggered new questions. The European call for knowledge transfer, competitiveness, and smart mobility calls for a systematic implementation of joint degree programmes. While double de ...
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Start date: Oct 1, 2011,

The objective of the partnership coordinated by Technische Universität Berlin is to create a network of Jordanian, Syrian and European universities promoting academic excellence through joint research, education, and exchange of experience by awarding individual mobility grants to contribute to a sus-tainable development of Jordan and Syria in the field of higher education and improve the career p ...
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