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TRANS-DOC - TRANS-Atlantic and TRANsferability aspects of DOCtoral training
Start date: Oct 1, 2010,

TRANS-DOC Project SummaryTRANS-DOC stands for the TRANS-Atlantic aspect of the project as well as the TRANSferability aspects of DOCtoral training. The project will have two basic activities, a survey of the organisation of doctoral training in Europe and in North America, and the development of a course template for doctoral candidates on transferability skills, combined with training-of-trainers courses. Both activities will contribute to increasing the attractiveness of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) for doctoral candidates and North American research universities.The doctoral level perhaps best illustrates the diversity in research-based training at universities on both sides of the North Atlantic, and it has been identified as the crucial level at which to intensify research collaboration towards innovation and entrepreneurship. It is one of the aims of the TRANS-DOC Project to support the efforts to develop researcher mobility and assist in the innovation processes by raising awareness of the multitude of opportunities open to young researchers to the benefit of the individual as well as society at large by combining traditional, solid research methodologies with entrepreneurial impact and ethics.By focusing on the transferable skills of young researchers in order to improve their employment prospects in and outside of academia, this project will benefit future research leaders, higher education institutions, the academic community, and society as a whole.
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