Search for European Projects

Start date: Oct 1, 2011,

The objective of the partnership coordinated by Technische Universität Berlin is to create a network of Jordanian, Syrian and European universities promoting academic excellence through joint research, education, and exchange of experience by awarding individual mobility grants to contribute to a sus-tainable development of Jordan and Syria in the field of higher education and improve the career prospects of the scholars in their home countries. AVEMPACE will help develop human resources in Jordan and Syria and will strengthen the international institutional cooperation capacity of the universities involved. AVEMPACE will also contribute to the mu-tual enrichment of the European and Jordanian/Syrian societies by offering its participants a new win-dow to the world, creating an international network of open-minded, internationally experienced and responsible scholarship holders in the long run. AVEMPACE will allocate 82 individual scholarships to undergraduate and graduate students, doctorates, post-doctorates and staff members by means of a transparent selection system. Scholarships for Jor-danian and Syrian students/staff are available in a great variety of 104 out of 125 academic fields from the list of thematic fields of study from agricultural sciences to communication and information sciences in English, French, German, Italian, Polish or Spanish. The Jordanian and Syrian universities offer 113 different subjects to European scholars in Arabic, English, French or German. The great va-riety of subjects offered by this partnership will aid the mobility especially at the research levels. This mobility (PhD, PostDoc, Staff) will increase the quality of both partners involved, by introducing inno-vative ideas in labs, sharing good practices, and learning the skills and up-to-date knowledge in the field. We work towards the returning scholars to be the lecturers/assistant professors of the future and promote the ideas and experiences they have gained during their stay at the EU universities.

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  • Education and training\External Programmes and Policies\Erasmus Mundus\Partnerships: Institutions
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform

19 Partners Participants