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17 European Projects Found

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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

The mobility project "Open doors towards Europe" intends to offer a significant opportunity for training and development for the entire educational institution, with a view to modernizing and extended lasting. Mobility activities planned concern participation in structured courses and Job Shadowing, "dressed" on the basis of the training needs of the entire Institute is that of the individual part ...
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Inovatyvus mokymas(is) - sėkmės įrankis ugdymo kokybei užtikrinti

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

The need to have a project “Innovative teaching and learning - a successful tool to ensure the quality of education“ appeared while creating the strategic plan of Šiauliai “Juventa“ progymnasium. We have found out that it is essential to develop managing competences to reach qualitative goals of (self-)education and tools in formal and informal education. The aims of the project are: to give oppor ...
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Youth Participation is a crucial element of democratic processes in any society. Young people become able to engage and oppose decision makers, enrich the media, political, economic and social landscape and make their voice heard. However, young people rarely have the chance to play an active role in civil society. Particularly in Southeast Europe, membership-based, participatory youth association ...
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Un Ponte verso l'Europa.

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

The Project “A bridge towards Europe” belongs to a wide and lasting international Program of development and modernization. It has promoted efficient and relevant activities of mobility and education for all the school staff. The foreseen Structured Courses and Job Shadowing activities have been organized not only on the formative needs of each participants but above all on the real necessities ...
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Macedonian Belgian Youth Scout Exchange

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2016,

The main activitity of this project is a youth exchange in which a Belgian scout group will visit a Macedonian scout group in Macedonia (FYROM). In total 27 16-19 years olds will particpate in this project toghether with 5 leaders. The participants are member of the oldest age groups of their scout organisation and next year they can choose whether or not they would like to become youth leader. Th ...
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Film for inclusion

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

The youth exchange "Film for inclusion" brought together 47 participants from partner organizations from 9 different countries (Austria, Serbia, Albania, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Kosovo, Latvia, Greece and Turkey). Youth exchange held place in Topola, Serbia, from 10-20 July 2015. Organization ?EUROPEAN YOUTH ORGANIZATIONS? from Serbia was the host and organisation ?OSSAW? from Vienna (Austria) is ...
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Connect The HUB! - Internet Tools for Youth Work

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Oct 1, 2015,

Project informed the youthworkers about the effective usage of internet tools in youthwork and also showed how to use internet tools during project development, preparation, implementation and follow-up phases with experiential learning methods. And also youthworkers have been informed about the effective usage of Internet tools and Social Media for youth work. Within this project, we also touche ...
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Easy Transitions - Work in Progress

Start date: Feb 1, 2015, End date: Sep 1, 2015,

“Easy Transitions – Work in Progress” is a Training Course directed to youth workers and youth leaders from EU and Western Balkans to empower the work of their NGOs in the field of youth employability. Often, for youngsters, to orientate in today’s European labour market, affected by a deep economic crisis, and with an increasing competition within it, has become extremely complicated. Following t ...
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Control + S

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2015,

The training course was developed as a need to open discussion about digital violence and to raise awareness among young people. Young people are present on social networks without knowing how to behave, what details about life they can share and with whom they can hang. With this training course we opened the topic, gave skills and knowledge to youth workers or leaders how to prevent young people ...
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Europe in good shape

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Feb 28, 2015,

This is a Seminar with the title “Europe in good shape” that will be hosted in Berkovitsa, Bulgaria, in October 2014, gathering together 36 youth workers, youth leaders, activists and volunteers from 14 partner organizations belonging to European Union and South East Europe: Bulgaria, FYR Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia, Kosovo, Turkey, Montenegro, Hungary, Poland, Albania. The Seminar will focus on ...
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Europe is ON!

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jan 1, 2015,

All societies are based on their citizens. If we want to build a Europe that considers its citizens the foundation of any progress and development, we need to create and nurture a culture of participation. It is our deep conviction that this society must create space for the ones that are coming, the ones that will inherit it and carry it on their shoulders one day, the European youth. Active part ...
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Following the TC on Human Rights Education in late spring 2010 and the Youth Exchange “Small steps, big impact! Youth multipliers for human rights education in action” in summer 2011 the TC “Social exclusion on the edge: Creating and managing local youth work activities for human rights education” is aimed fostering social cohesion in Europe through addressing the issue of social exclusion and enc ...
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The Seminar "Sharing & Learning & Improving: Youth peers for Human Rights Education in Action" is following the development of an 2009 started project line by our association “Mreža” which was dedicated to the promotion of peer education in different fields of youth work, especially in the field of Human Rights Education (HRE). Following this development the current project is dedicated to the dis ...
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TC "How to build functional Networks and Coalitions on Youth issues" will be organized from 16 until 23 October, in Budva, Montenegro, and gather 36 representatives from 16 organisations and institutions working with youth (half from Program countries EU: Italy, The Netherlands, Hungary, Estonia, Latvia, Romania, including Turkey and half from SEE: Albania, FYRO Macedonia, Serbia, Kosovo, under th ...
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"Active Participation, a Key to Inclusion" is a training course addressed to youth workers and leaders that want to improve their work with all the young people that are facing situations bringing to exclusion. The main aim of the course is to empower the role of youth associations in the involvement of such disadvantaged youth in the social life, making them active participants in their civil soc ...
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