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33 European Projects Found

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Description (EN): The AlpGovs’ main objective is to support effective and efficient EUSALP implementation in a systematic transnational approach through designing and testing appropriate governance structures and mechanisms mainly on the level of Action Groups (AGs), at the same time to create synergies with the other EUSALP implementing bodies General Assembly and Executive Board a ...
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Description (EN): The Alps are Europes WATER-TOWERS, providing MULTIPLE ECOSYSTEM SERVICES such as water for human consumption, agriculture, industry, energy and maintaining tourism, recreation & quality of life not only for the residents but also for surrounding lowlands & big metropolitan areas. Alpine rivers are the BLUE BACKBONES OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, but only healthy rive ...
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Conservation of root vole *Microtus oeconomus mehelyi (Microtus)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

Background The Mehely’s subspecies of root vole, Microtus oeconomus mehelyi, is restricted to the western (especially north-western) Hungary, eastern Austria and south-western Slovakia, occupying habitats formed by sediments of freshwater marshes, swamps, floodplains or watersides with dense vegetation. The current status of Hungarian Mehely’s root vo ...
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To meet the EU’s ambitious targets for carbon emission reduction, renewable energy production must strongly be upgraded and made more efficient and capable for grid energy storage. Alpine Foreland Basins feature a unique geological inventory which can contribute substantially to tackle these challenges. Deep ‘Molasse’ basins at the fringe of the Alpine mountain range offer an abundant geothermal p ...
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SedAlp contributes to integrated management of sediment transport in Alpine basins directed to an effective reduction of sediment-related risk while promoting the enhancement of riverine ecosystems and reducing the impacts of hydropower plants (balancing the implementation of EU Directives e.g. RES, Floods and WFD). The project includes piloting actions in various representative Alpine river basin ...
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Background In Slovenia, a lack of appropriate management over the last 50 years has led to wetland loss and degradation. During this period many wetland areas were modified and drainage systems were constructed, especially for agricultural land and forests. Between 1973 and 1991, more than 70 000 ha of lowlands were drained. In addition, flood control sch ...
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Alpine space In Movement, targeted to water & energy capitalization (AIM)

Start date: Sep 30, 2013, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

The project Alpine space In Movement (AIM) aims at becoming a “megaphone” of the Alpine Space Programme (ASP) projects active in the field of water & renewable energy. AIM will capitalise on the achievements of the numerous ASP projects dedicated to the promotion of energy production from renewables and on the optimization of water resource exploitation. The importance of the issue was highlighted ...
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The OrientGate project will foster concerted and coordinated climate adaptation actions across the SEE region. The project will explore climate risks faced by coastal, rural and urban communities; contribute to a better understanding of the impact of climate variability and change on water regimes, forests and agro-ecosystems; and analyse specific adaptation needs in the hydroelectricity, agro-ali ...
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Regional Sustainable Energy Policy (ReStEP)

Start date: Nov 29, 2011, End date: Oct 29, 2014,

The project aims to introduce in practice, test, evaluate and distribute within the framework of the public administration and the business sector a new comprehensive method for urban management and regional planning in the field of proposing and assessing energy projects. The main viewpoint is efficient utilisation of natural resources and the real environmental protection so that the number of w ...
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Rivers in SEE region are often threatened by unsustainable use, increasing human pressure, and problems of increased floods and droughts driven by climate change. Inhabitation of floodplain areas, hydropower utilization, navigation, gravel and sand extraction, unsustainable tourism etc. lead to changes in morphology, increased pollution, degradation of aquatic habitats, as well as land use conflic ...
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The growth of the maritime economy throughout Europe results in increasing demands for maritime space coupled with the need to ensure a viable marine environment. This phenomenon has led to the integrated maritime policy (IMP) approach throughout Europe with Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) being by now the widely acknowledged tool for co-ordinating spatial use and balancing of interests in the sea ...
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Joint Risk Monitoring during Emergencies in the Danube Area Border (JRM )

Start date: Jun 21, 2011, End date: Jun 20, 2014,

Improvement of the emergency preparedness and intervention, efficient prevention, monitoring and disaster consequences mitigation and fight for combating pollution of environmental factors in the eligible area. Creating of an integrated system to prevent disasters caused by hail in Dolj-Vidin border region and its extension over the all Romania-Bulgaria border region. The increasing of information ...
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The Alpine and the Carpathian Conventions state sustainable tourism mobility as a challenge and call for cooperation on this topic among the countries of these mountain regions. In particular sustainable tourist mobility is not well-developed in mountainous regions, especially in South-East Europe, as mountain regions are lacking sufficient sustainable transport facilities and facing major ecologi ...
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The Food Industry, a major and financially important sector for the SEE area faces significant challenges from global commercial competition. Changing attitudes and emerging consumer trends necessitate constant update of food products, personalisation of nutrition and introduction of innovation in processes. The Inno- Food SEE objective is to set up the appropriate mechanisms that will facilitate ...
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Weather and especially severe weather is responsible for many natural disasters causing damage and loss of life. Weather forecasts are an essential part of early warning systems and consecutive actions within civil protection schemes, road management and flood protection. In the last years nowcasting, which is the forecast for the next hours, has improved significantly. Disasters at small time and ...
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...d of other activities aiming at an increased participation of researchers from CA and SC in FP7; capacity building and support to the FP7 contact points in the target regions; mapping of key research institutes and analyses/studies on cooperation patterns, S&T Indicators, innovation policies, etc. All the aforementioned activities will feed the Regional Policy Dialogue Platform encompassing all th ...
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The overall aim of CEframe is to ensure sustainable integrated flood protection management in a region with densely used small-areas by different national authorities. The focus of CEframe lies in flood protection facility operation and maintenance and flood protection measures elaboration for CENTROPE, namely in the river catchments of Danube, Thaya-Morava, and Leitha. The catchments span over th ...
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Climate Change and Impacts on Water Supply (CC-WaterS)

Start date: Apr 30, 2009, End date: Apr 29, 2012,

Climate change (CC) affects fresh water resources and may have significant influence on public drinking water supply. Land use activities exert pressure on water resources and will change according to CC. It is crucial for safeguarding future water supply to anticipate these climate and land use changes and to assess their impacts on water resources. Transnational action is needed to prepare SEE f ...
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The Danube River is one of the most important natural axes in South-East-Europe. It links most of the countries in the SEE area. Thus the improvement and good examples of transnational cooperation of all countries at this river will be a brilliant signal for the whole region. This project has a far reaching strategic focus beyond risk management and could become a flagship project for the SEE prog ...
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Drought Management Centre for South East Europe (DMCSEE)

Start date: Mar 31, 2009, End date: Mar 30, 2012,

Droughts have dramatically increased in number and intensity in some parts of Europe. The vulnerability to drought impacts in South East Europe (SEE) is higher in comparison to neighbouring regions. Ineffective water management is seen as the fundamental problem and can induce additional problems when drought occurs. Droughts have become a strategic issue in SEE. National focal points of the UN Co ...
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Tisa Catchment Area Development (TICAD)

Start date: Apr 30, 2009, End date: Feb 27, 2012,

The extraordinary feature of the TICAD project is the broad and productive transnational cooperation of local, regional, national authorities, planning and research institutions from all the five countries sharing the territory of the Tisa basin. Owing to this comprehensive and integrated partnership the aims of the EU water management policies and territorial development perspectives will be purs ...
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Based on existing partnership among Protected Areas (PA) along the river Danube the "Danube River Network of Protected Areas" will be established in accordance with the appeal launched by the "Declaration of Tulcea" in April 2007 ( For the first step, the partnership includes 10 PAs from 6 Danube countries, additional partners (e.g. in Germa ...
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Adaptation to flood risk in the LABE-ELbe river basin (LABEL)

Start date: Aug 31, 2008, End date: Jan 27, 2012,

The Elbe River (Labe is the Czech name for the River) is characterised by different conditions which are representative for many rivers in Central Europe: near-natural river landscapes, economic development, its potential for various sectors such as tourism and transport and an attractive living environment and settlements. However all these developments at the river face a high potential of flood ...
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Climate Change Adaptation by Spatial Planning in the Alpine Space (CLISP)

Start date: Aug 31, 2008, End date: Aug 30, 2011,

Climate change impacts, esp. growing risks from natural hazards, increasingly threaten settlements, infrastructure, lives and future development in the Alpine Space. CLISP aims at preventing increasing climate change-related spatial conflicts, vulnerability, damages and costs by providing "climate proof" spatial planning solutions as a substantial basis for future sustainable territorial developme ...
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... The main objective of the project was to provide local administrations with a model on which to base the actions aimed at the conservation of habitats and species of EU interest.The beneficiary, the Institute for Nature Conservation of the Republic of Slovenia, foresaw the drawing up of official “Guidelines for preparation of management plans for Natura 2000 sites in Slovenia” and the product ...
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Future Approaches to Land Development (FARLAND)

Start date: Jun 30, 2005, End date: Dec 30, 2007,

FARLAND aims to encourage a more innovative approach to land development. By anticipating the current and future needs of local and regional authorities, FARLAND wants to place at their disposal an approach that allows them to achieve multiple objectives when tackling issues of land development in agricultural areas, environmentally-sensitive zones and metropolitan landscapes. ...
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Seagull-DevERB (Seagull )

Start date: Aug 19, 2002, End date: Nov 18, 2005,

The structure and living conditions differ considerably between the member regions of Euroregion Baltic (ERB), which are Kronoberg, Kalmar and Blekinge Counties in Sweden, the Regional Municipality of Bornholm in Denmark, The Kurzeme Planning Region in Latvia, Klaipeda County in Lithuania, Kaliningrad Region of The Russian Federation, and the Pomeranian and Warmia-Masurian Regions in Poland.The cr ...
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Assessment of the ecological state of the border area waters

Start date: Dec 31, 2001, End date: Dec 30, 2004,

The objective of the project was to promote the assessment of the ecological state of the border region water systems in accordance with the EU’s water policy framework directive, water biological research and authority cooperation, the opportunities of the local population to infl uence the water protection of Pyhäjärvi and to secure the recreational use of Pyhäjärvi, and to develop sustainable n ...
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The ELLA project is the transnational co-operation of nearly all regional spatial planning authorities in the Elbe basin. This partnership between national and regional partners that are responsible for spatial planning, water management and agriculture, realises almost full spatial coverage of the catchment area of the Elbe and even neighbouring regions. Flood prevention and common management app ...
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The project aims to provide training in forestry monitoring and auditing in order to support the implementation of EU policy on forest conservation and environmental protection. To achieve these goals, project partners will develop a multimedia training package which will include background information on European and country-specific frameworks in consideration of forestry development and protect ...
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This Action seeks to enhance human and institutional capacity in water resources management and strategies in Central Asia. Specifically, it will implement a Masters Programme in Water Resources Management and create national Resource Centres in Water Resources Management in each target country. Bringing together key universities in the region, this Action will enhance scientific cooperation in wa ...
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Main objectives of NETREL is to provide a methodology and well trained personnel to unravel the complexity of aquatic pollution and to support the water policies in Western Balkan countries. This will be achieved in the following partial steps:• Development of capacity to provide up-to-date training for the staff of University of Novi Sad, University of Belgrade, University of Sarajevo, University ...
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...versitat Gottingen (D), University Ljubliana (SI), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria University (ES) and Adam Mickiewicz University(PL)From Uzbekistan following 7 partner universities are involved: Tashkent Institute for Irrigation and Melioration (UZ) – Joint Coordinator, National University of Uzbekistan (UZ), Karakalpak State University (UZ), Namangan Engineering Pedagogical Institute (UZ), Kokand Sta ...
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