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Alpine space In Movement, targeted to water & energy capitalization (AIM)
Start date: Sep 30, 2013, End date: Dec 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project Alpine space In Movement (AIM) aims at becoming a “megaphone” of the Alpine Space Programme (ASP) projects active in the field of water & renewable energy. AIM will capitalise on the achievements of the numerous ASP projects dedicated to the promotion of energy production from renewables and on the optimization of water resource exploitation. The importance of the issue was highlighted by the EU directive on renewable energy sources (RES-E Directive) and by the EU Water Framework Directive. AIM will focus more specifically on the hydropower generation and the preservation of natural ecosystems. Indeed while hydropower is the most important renewable energy in the alpine areas, it can also negatively impact the environment. Specific dissemination actions (seminars involving key stakeholders of target groups, web communication, publications, etc.) are foreseen and will address in priority the relevant actors at EU, national and regional policy level. Achievements: The partnership focused on: - the establishment of the stakeholder panel made up of the observers and selected stakeholders. The panel will contribute to the communication and dissemination of the AIM results and to the elaboration of the “Guidelines for setting the scene for the project generation 2014+”; - the organization of the brainstorming seminar in Vienna held in November 2013. During the event, a round table with the direct involvement of stakeholders was organised to discuss the challenges in the Alpine space region in terms of renewable energy production, water resource management and ecosystem preservation & restoration. Feedbacks from the Stakeholders were also collected; - the preparation of the communication plan, brand identity and website in order to promote key messages.

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  • 76%   368 600,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Alpine Space
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

3 Partners Participants