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Setting up the innovation support mechanisms and increasing awareness on the potential of Food Innovation and RTD in the South- East Europe area (Inno- Food SEE)
Start date: Mar 31, 2011, End date: Sep 29, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Food Industry, a major and financially important sector for the SEE area faces significant challenges from global commercial competition. Changing attitudes and emerging consumer trends necessitate constant update of food products, personalisation of nutrition and introduction of innovation in processes. The Inno- Food SEE objective is to set up the appropriate mechanisms that will facilitate the exchange and coordination of innovation approaches and policies for the food sector and to increase awareness on the importance of food innovation for the wider SEE area. The partnership from Greece, Italy, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Hungary, Ukraine and Moldova comprises key players of the RTD and Innovation Cycle (RTD entities, industry and SME support entities, regional authorities, etc.) which have the capacity to influence the development of support mechanisms and raise awareness on the potential of food innovation. The main activities of the project will be: mapping and benchmarking the food innovation environment; identifying key RTD players and food SMEs; preparing SWOT analyses and policy recommendations; developing a network of stakeholders and agreeing on Operation Plans; preparing for investments and setting up a monitoring mechanism; organizing workshops and trainings for research personnel; networking, organizing info- days and a European Conference; media releases and actions targeting researchers and students, etc. Inno- Food SEE aims to become a catalyst for innovation and to create a success story that other sectors will follow and to improve the attractiveness of the regions for investments. The project will develop Operational Plans, prepare for specific investments and facilitate RTD cooperation and adoption of food innovation from the industry. Significant focus is placed to the dissemination of the project results to Food SMEs, RTD entities, young students and researchers, authorities and the general public and food consumer. Achievements: • Funding opportunities for food research & innovation cooperation• Trends & innovation needs in European food sectorFor more information see:
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  • 85%   1 276 908,25
  • 2007 - 2013 South East Europe
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

12 Partners Participants