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Central European Flood Risk Assessment and Management in CENTROPE (CE-FRAME)
Start date: Mar 31, 2010, End date: Mar 30, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The overall aim of CEframe is to ensure sustainable integrated flood protection management in a region with densely used small-areas by different national authorities. The focus of CEframe lies in flood protection facility operation and maintenance and flood protection measures elaboration for CENTROPE, namely in the river catchments of Danube, Thaya-Morava, and Leitha. The catchments span over the territories of Austria, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic and Hungary. CEframe will support the three phases of prevention, contingency and reconstruction in the cycle of flood risk management.Flood protection facilities and management strategies will be jointly assessed. Methodology for flood protection will be harmonised, considering need to keep compliance to EU Flood Directive. The different national practices of mapping and risk assessment of the partner countries will be compared and evaluated. An innovative element of CEframe is the treatment of residual risk, which is unique and new for the programme area. The support of transnational sustainable flood risk management will be carried out by the community acting over a web-based communication site, which will provide substantial information and an integrated multilingual thesaurus for the partners and decision makers. It is a sustainable result of CEframe, which will interlink the national platforms, bilateral water commissions and stakeholder organisations and will pre prepared, implemented and tested during the project. Achievements: Transnational flood management on a strategic level in the cross border catchment areas of the rivers Danube, Morava, Thaya and Leitha is the aim of CEframe. From the start, the project partners cooperated very well, although it took some time to reach the same level of understanding all thematic issues. As a first step in the project, the current situation of flood protection in the project catchments has been identified. For the project area and the relevant rivers, maps were created displaying e.g. retention areas or flood endangered areas. Secondly, future flood protection has been elaborated together in form of management plans, e.g. outlining areas at risk. Concerning these damages and the risk to be considered in the management plans, project internal discussion led to the use of a common methodology for elaborating on common damage function for the project area and rivers. Finally, the joint and coordinated discussion of the partners on national flood management strategies led to the “Memorandum of Flood Protection”, which is agreed by all partners and has been signed in an official ceremony in January 2013. This agreement on cooperation is one of the most important outcomes of the project, developed on the basis of the project findings and serving as link to future joint activities and as a tool for the boundary commissions. The CEframe Emergency Handbook for Leitha and March/Thaya, all in three languages and the CEframe Thesaurus in five languages are a valuable tool for future needs of the partner countries in the field of flood protection. The Final Conference in March 2013 attracted many stakeholders from all levels, giving insight in scientific points of view on the issue as well as information on related projects and the EU commissions´ view and completed the project after three years runtime in a worthy manner.
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  • 82.1%   2 574 174,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Central Europe
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

8 Partners Participants