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28 European Projects Found

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The GoSAFE RAIL project will be transformative for asset safety in the rail sector. It will bring together inter-disciplinary experts from Risk based asset assessment of infrastructure, Artificial Intelligence (AI), object detection and data management sectors with leaders in network micro-simulation modelling to deliver a Decision Support Tool that will allow a step change for infrastructure safe ...
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European Crane Operator Licence

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

The European Crane Operator License: one European standard for craft proficiency for crane operators, established by the industry, the benefit the industry. It will enable every crane operator in Europe to demonstrate that he meets the minimum European requirements of the industry and enhances safe deployment of personnel in Europe, possibly in the rest of the world. The European Association of ab ...
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... Hairdressing and Health & Social Care, over a two year period. Our partners are comprised of 2 vocational organisations in Germany and Finland and 1 Enterprise and the Ministry for Transport and Infrastructure, both of which are in Malta. They are experienced host partners and we have collaborated on projects beforehand which were very successful with excellent feedback from the participants ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

The MFR (associations) has two unique features: a training system based on reality and experience through an alternation between company and MFR, allowing families to take their place in the education of their children. This organization promotes the mobilization of parents, tutors and learning, former students, elected from the territory, employees to work together on the development and success ...
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Development Project for Railway Signalling Engineering trainers

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Feb 28, 2018,

...Norway and United Kingdom. The target group selected by the EDP are Signalling Engineering trainers and developers, giving vocational training mainly to workers in the field of Signalling in Railway Infrastructure. From the five participating organisations eleven trainers are participant in the working group, completed with two facilitators from the coordinating organisation. The trainers themsel ...
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SERC Mobility

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

...their pre-existing traineeships with local pastry and bakery businesses. The construction learners will complete their traineeship within two departments of the Maltese Ministry for Transport and Infrastructure, working in project teams on large scale development projects. The total budget requested for 44 learners and 16 accompanying staff is €117,184.00. The project objectives are based on the l ...
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Combined Efficient Large Scale Integrated Urban Systems (CELSIUS)

Start date: Apr 1, 2013, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

The CELSIUS City Consortium is going to deploy 12 new technically and economically innovative demonstrators. Another up to 20 state-of-art demonstrators (already in operation) will proof the CELSIUS City Concept covering the full FP7 8.8.2 requirements.CELSIUS has a clear strategy and a pro-active approach to Market Outreach, which will strive to commit 50 new cities to the CELSIUS Roadmap by the ...
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Training Railway Agents on INclusion in Stations

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

...mplement and evaluate a first training session in each company. Seven entities from five European countries are members of this project. Five railway companies, Bulgaria (National Railway Infrastructure Company), France (Société Nationale des Chemin de fer Français), Italy (Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane) and Luxemburg (Société nationale des chemins de fer luxembourgeois) and two NGOs : the Italian ...
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...cient Intersection service. These services will be piloted over one year of real life driving.Each of the pilot sites contains all partners for successful after-project life, from public authority to infrastructure supplier and users. The user groups will include commercial users, such as bus, emergency vehicle, truck and taxi drivers, as well as private drivers. In total the consortium aims to pi ...
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Improving the gravelroad Kostomuksha-Kalevala

Start date: May 4, 2011, End date: May 3, 2014,

Objective of the projectThe objective of the project was to improve the gravel road Kostomuksha-Kalevala (150km) using Finnish-Swedish knowhow and experiences as a pilot project. Main activities• Transfer of knowhow, training, study trips for roadworkers.• Improving a gravel road with help of profing and the regular use of calcium chloride (dustbinding).• Making an educational video in order to t ...
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OBJECTIVOS: Contribuir para o desenvolvimento, especialmente turístico, da zona; Intensificar a Cooperação Transfronteiriça, visando melhorar o aproveitamento turístico do Grande Lago Alqueva; Contribuir para a valorização ambiental e turística das zonas ribeirinhas; Contribuir para a conservação da biodiversidade do Guadiana Internacional em ambos lados da fronteira e sua difusão; Fomentar a coop ...
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South East Transport Axis (SETA)

Start date: Dec 31, 2010, End date: Dec 30, 2013,

... Achievements: • Analysis of bottlenecks in railway connections• Analysis of financing sources for railway infrastructure• Analysis of organisational and technical constraints of SETA corridor and recommendations for improvement• Analysis of technical and financial feasibility of improving the rail connection ...
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Support Action for Evaluation and Monitoring of CIVITAS Plus (POINTER)

Start date: Sep 15, 2008, End date: Nov 14, 2013,

CIVITAS POINTER is the Support Action to support cities and the EC with the monitoring (1) evaluation (2) of the whole CIVITAS Plus action. Objectives of CIVITAS POINTER are: 1. Independent formal monitoring of the project deliverables and reports from the demonstration projects and provision of specialist and independent advice to the European Commission; 2. Independent overall cross-site eva ...
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OBJECTIVOS: Qualificar e promover o desenvolvimento dos territórios transfronteiriços abrangidos pelo projecto através da conservação e valorização dos seus espaços naturais, expressando essa qualificação e aumento de valor através da conservação do lince-ibérico. ACÇÕES: Controlo e Segurança do território (vigilância de incêndios; controlo da caça ilegal); Gestão do habitat (culturas para a fauna ...
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Euro-India SPIRIT aims to engage the EU and Indian ICT stakeholders at a level where policy formulation pertaining to research can be aligned and supported to identify the priorities of key research stakeholders and constituencies. The expected outcome is a mutually-beneficial research and innovation agenda that can be taken up through specific bilateral initiatives. The project will carry out spe ...
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OBJECTIVO: Garantir condições óptimas de habitat potencial para o lince-ibérico, de modo à sua posterior reintrodução/translocação e apoio ao funcionamento do centro de cria português, promovendo um efeito demonstrativo e multiplicador sobre outras áreas rurais adjacentes. Comunicação da sustentabilidade ambiental do projecto e impacto positivo no turismo.ACÇÕES: 1) Gestão dos habitats e das popul ...
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...ento e gestão coordenada dos sistemas de saneamento transfronteiriço.ACÇÕES: 1 - Boas Práticas para a Correcta Gestão dos Recursos Hídricos; 2 - Requalificação Ambiental e infraestruturas de Saneamento Básico na Margem Portuguesa do Rio Minho e sub-bacias hidrográficas; 3 - Requalificação Ambiental e infraestruturas de Saneamento Básico na Margem Espanhola do Rio Minho e sub-bacias hidrográficas. ...
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 FINISHED fusion methods and technological information platforms with high level of standardization are prerequisites for creation of innovative mobility services. These help developing better information infrastructure as well as public and private services providing Clean, Safe and Efficient mobility for people and goods. The hypothesis is a framework for technical development in the project, and ver ...
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Euro-India ICT Co-operation (EuroIndia)

Start date: Jan 1, 2008, End date: Dec 31, 2009,

The mission of the Euro-India ICT Co-operation Initiative, builds on the achievements and momentum created by EuroIndia2004 and MONSOON project, whose goals profiled and engaged the widespread Indian ICT research community by analysing its research capacities and priorities. EuroIndia seeks to:- Identify, exploit and sustain EU and Indian RTD potential through an exhaustive mapping of the Indian I ...
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Total Roof Recycling - New ways for old bitumen (ESHA-TRR)

Start date: May 1, 2005, End date: May 1, 2009,

Background Until recently, no technically satisfactory or commercially feasible method existed for recycling old roofing felts made of bitumen, an oil derivative. In the Netherlands alone, 70 000 tonnes of roofing felts is incinerated or disposed of in landfills each year. Recently, however, a breakthrough was achieved and new ways for treating bituminous ...
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Background Around 200 European registered vessels are scrapped each year but no facility for dismantling of scrapped ships and platforms exists in Europe. This results in an annual export to third countries of hazardous materials, including 17 280 tonnes of lubricants and 25 920 tonnes of used oil, not to mention asbestos and heavy metals. Recent regulati ...
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O projecto RURAQUA 21 tem como objectivo contribuir de forma efectiva ao desenvolvimento sustentável dos espaços rurais que possuem recursos hídricos dignos de protecção ambiental no SUDOE. Para o efeito, pretende-se promover o desenvolvimento sustentável dos territórios envolvidos através da integração de políticas ambientais, na tomada de decisão das instituições públicas, em especial as autorid ...
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...nnovative management guide for small and medium enterprises / SMEs / from the construction sector and has 24 months duration. CEED's project partners are the Bulgarian Construction Chamber (BCC), GOA Infra Groep - Netherlands, AINTEK A.E. Greece, the Flemish Federation Building (VCB) - Belgium, Vilniaus Gedimino Technikos Universitetas (VGTU) - Lithuania, I. FOR. PMI Prometeo Puglia Italy. The p ...
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In order to fulfill the needs for the construction professionals in the rehabilitation of buildings it is essential to executeproperly an identification of knowledge, skills and competences. The MATRIX developed during SQF-CON, which constitutesthe innovative product to be transferred, will be used to assess learners and professionals knowledge, skills andcompetence in the field of buildings rehab ...
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The project evolves from the necessity for contemporary training tools for the VET schools and continuing vocational training in construction and especially in energy retrofitting of buildings. The approach comes from Fainlab tool which is based on the German experience in active learning and ICT.
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Statistics show that many workers are looking forward to moving to other EU countries and employers are glad to receive this foreign workforce, but both groups experience problems in terms of insufficient harmonization of training and lack of knowledge regarding specific equivalences.The main aim of this project was to develop an innovative information tool specialised in the construction sector t ...
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In recent years a plenty of new technologies and materials concerning fire prevention and energy efficiency were put on the market. This project has further developed some of these products as web based pilot modules for qualification levels 3 (skilled worker), 3a (worker with advanced skills), 4 (foreman), 5 (site manager, non-academic) along SQF-CON standards (point of transfer) to show new or a ...
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The fight against global warming, the mobilization of renewable energy (RE) and energy efficiency are major issues for all countries. Developing countries are particularly affected because their economic growth leads to very high consumption of energy resources, even though the depletion of fossil resources is at the heart of international concerns. With a view to rapprochement with Europe, it mus ...
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