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SERC Mobility
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

'SERC Mobility' proposes to offer invaluable two-industry traineeship programmes of two weeks’ duration to 20 level 2/3 catering and 24 level 3 construction learners with experienced partners in Spain and Malta over a two-year period. The project builds on SERC's previous mobility programmes in construction and sport. The catering learners will complete one week’s vocational training in specialist bakery, patisserie and confectionery with partner FEGREPPA and then accompany their learners on their pre-existing traineeships with local pastry and bakery businesses. The construction learners will complete their traineeship within two departments of the Maltese Ministry for Transport and Infrastructure, working in project teams on large scale development projects. The total budget requested for 44 learners and 16 accompanying staff is €117,184.00. The project objectives are based on the learners' needs and the College's strategic plans for European development and internationalisation which complement the partners' aims: 1. Develop and consolidate an increased number of strong and effective European partnerships with relevant organisations and enterprises in order to develop learning and teaching practices and lead to the development of a more effective and European/International curriculum. 2. Widen learner participation in European mobility opportunities with a view to further develop vocational and technical skills, Increase exposure to diverse cultural experiences, improve language competences, further develop personal and social competences, and enhance employability. 3. Widen staff participation in European mobility opportunities for professional development purposes - upskilling staff in technical areas, and education and industry developments to expand their teaching capabilities; gaining knowledge from learning and teaching pedagogies; and developing personal competences associated with collaborative projects such as organisational and communication skills. The key results expected for the learners include a meaningful industry experience with increased technical knowledge and professional skills in their chosen sector - working with professionals, applying and improving upon what they have learned on their course and learning new techniques and methods. For catering this will be particularly in technical patisserie and bakery, and in construction this will be in surveying and drawing practices and processes. Further to the skills relating to their qualifications and industry, the project aims to develop other personal, social and employability skills valued by employers that a traineeship, and particularly a work experience abroad, offers such as self-management, teamwork, leadership, communication, problem solving, decision making and organisational skills. It will provide the learners with a better understanding of the workplace skills needed and how to learn from the placement to set career-related goals. 'SERC Mobility' will also impact on the professional development of staff through the upskilling of staff in all partners. Each flow of 10 or more learners will be accompanied by two staff members per week. Staff members have identified training needs which will be supported through the project. As well as personal skills and enhanced cultural awareness, the staff will be able to access industry information which will help to update their knowledge in an EU context; and improve technical ability such as advanced patisserie and confectionery skills. This will all contribute to curriculum development in terms of content, delivery and introducing an EU dimension. In the longer term the project will allow the College to develop its capacity to deliver a quality curriculum and European opportunities for staff and students. It will contribute to the College's main objectives as set out in the College Development Plan - "To improve the quality and relevance of education and training by providing a curriculum that will inspire, transform and enrich", and "To tackle the skills barriers to employment and employability".

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